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In conclusion, the proper use of Danger Tags is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a safe work environment. Adhering to the outlined protocols and understanding the significance of these visual warnings can prevent accidents, injuries, and damage to equipment.
A Psychological Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) assesses an individuals’ capacity to perform cognitive tasks and measures fitness for work.
No stopping signfine NSW
Commercial vehicles may park on a verge provided that no obstruction is caused to the passage of any vehicles or person using a carriageway or path.
These parking bays are placed in the most convenient locations and as such are preferred parking spots. Regardless of how long you intend to park and whether other ACROD parking is available, non-ACROD permit holder are prohibited unconditionally from parking in these bays.
No stopping signdemerit points
A driver shall not stop on a length of carriageway or in an area to which a 'No Parking' sign applies, unless the driver:
Unless engaged in the picking up or setting down of goods a person must not park on a carriageway, for any period exceeding one hour, a vehicle or any combination of vehicles that is 7.5 metres or more in length or exceeds a GVM of 3 tonnes (including any projection or load).
One of the key tools in maintaining a safe work environment is the use of Danger Tags. These black, white, and red tags serve as visual warnings, signalling that a piece of equipment or machinery is faulty, damaged, or malfunctioning and needs repair. Understanding the importance of Danger Tags and following proper procedures can significantly contribute to workplace safety.
Parking against the flow of traffic is illegal in Western Australia and can be hazardous, particularly when exiting from the parking place.
No stopping signdistance
Once the initial reason for placing the Danger Tag no longer exists, the tag can be removed. This responsibility falls on the person who attached the tag, the manager or supervisor in charge of the operation, or the individual who performed the repairs. This structured approach ensures that equipment is only returned to service when it has been thoroughly inspected and deemed safe for operation.
Image below: Parallel parking - minimum distance from other vehicles and dividing strip. In this example, the vehicles marked with an 'X' are parked in contravention of legislation.
The commercial vehicle must also be actively engaged in loading or unloading goods to the premises adjacent to the verge on which the vehicle is parked.
To park on a street verge or nature strip, permission from the owner or occupier of the property immediately adjacent to the verge must be given. Signage may be installed by the City to restrict or prohibit verge parking and must be adhered to regardless of whether permission by the owner or occupier has been given. These signs apply to all drivers including those of the adjoining residence.
Danger Tags are not arbitrary warnings; they are a crucial communication tool that ensures everyone on the premises is aware of potential hazards. According to safety protocols, Danger Tags must be attached to any item of plant, equipment, or process that is taken out of service due to a fault, damage, malfunction, or if it is deemed unsafe.
Since 2004 Recovery Partners have delivered comprehensive services in Rehab, Wellbeing and Safety to thousands of Australian businesses and workers. Find out more
No stopping signNSW
No Stopping areas can be defined by signage or a continuous yellow line painted along the edge of a carriageway. A driver shall not stop on a length of carriageway, or in an area, to where no stopping restrictions apply.
Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/
A driver shall not stop a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is within one metre of a fire hydrant or fire plug, or of any sign or mark indicating the existence of a fire hydrant or fire plug unattended.
It is imperative to emphasize that any item tagged with a Danger Tag must not be used under any circumstances. This strict adherence to the protocol helps prevent accidents, injuries, and further damage to the equipment.
Vehicles advertised for sale in public places are generally parked in highly visible locations that can distract drivers and obscure the vision of other motorists.
A driver shall not stop a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is in front of a path and/or driveway crossover in a position that obstructs access by vehicles or pedestrians to or from that path.
Recovery Partners Safety Consultants are available nationwide with experience across all industries. We can guide you through this complex process, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these regulations.
If the carriageway has a continuous dividing line, dividing strip or median strip, the driver of a vehicle shall position the vehicle at least 3 metres from the continuous line, dividing strip or median strip (unless otherwise indicated by information on or with a parking control sign).
No stopping signwith times
If the equipment can’t be removed due to size or risks, the main power source needs to be locked out or isolated so the machine cannot be turned on.
When led by an experienced Recovery Partners consultant with our trademark biopsychosocial approach, rehabilitation can help you, your staff member or client move through an experience of illness or injury in a timely way, with less stress, more support, and more optimism. Read about our Rehab Services
Our Safety experts can assist you with your compliance by providing: onsite or remote consultancy, Safety DIY tools including a Safety Starter Kit, Diligence – an online platform for your safety system. Read about our Safety Services
Footpaths provide pedestrians with a safe alternative to walking on roads. Parked vehicles blocking any portion of the footpath, including the crossover (where your driveway and the footpath meet), pedestrians may be forced onto the road. This can be both frustrating and dangerous for pedestrians, especially those with prams, people with disabilities and young children.
Loading bays are sign posted and marked by yellow lines (either continuous or dashed) and are reserved for commercial vehicles that are engaged in the pick up or setting down of goods. Commercial vehicles must not remain in that loading zone for longer than a time indicated on the 'loading zone' sign or for longer than 30 minutes if no time is indicated on the 'loading zone' sign.
No stopping signrules
This area must be kept clear so other road users have a clear view when approaching and leaving. Vehicles that are parked too close to a corner pose a danger to other road users negotiating the corner. In particular trucks and buses that need this area to negotiate the turn safely.
Median strips are used to divide traffic flow and enhance safety on busy roads. Vehicles are not permitted to park or stop on any median strip regardless of whether signs have been installed.
A deliberate and considered approach to cultivating wellbeing in your workplace is one of the smartest investments you can make, and Recovery Partners is your greatest asset and ally in this process. Read about our Wellbeing Services
A person must not park a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is within 20 metres of the approach side, or within 10 metres of the departure side of a children or pedestrian crossing (this includes school crossings) regardless of whether there are any signs or lines.
Visual inspections play a pivotal role in identifying potential faults. If during an inspection, a suspected fault is discovered, employees should promptly report it to a supervisor or manager. The supervisor or manager, upon confirmation of the issue, should immediately attach a Danger Tag to the equipment and remove it from operation. The tagged equipment should be placed in a designated area, clearly indicating that it is not safe for use.
Vehicles may only stop in these zones to comply with other regulations (for example at traffic lights or to avoid an accident). Drivers are also not permitted to drop off passengers/goods in 'No Stopping' areas.
A driver must not stop a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is between any other stopped vehicle and the centre of the carriageway.
A driver must not stop a vehicle so that any portion of the vehicle is within 20 metres of the approach side, or 10 metres of the departure side of:
Parking a vehicle in a public place (includes verge, street, car park, any parking in a public area) in excess of 24 hours is considered to be causing an obstruction.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY The City of Wanneroo acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land we are working on, the Whadjuk people. We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Noongar nation, past, present and future, who have walked and cared for the land and we acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contributions made to the life of this City and this region.
Vehicles cannot be advertised for sale in public places including roadways, median strips and verges, regardless of whether they are parked legally.
You can download our FREE Testing and Tagging Table to ensure your workplace equipment or machinery has undergone testing and inspection, confirming its compliance with safety standards.