With the influx of distributed generation (DG) penetration, power utilities have adopted active anti-islanding protection methods to prevent an unintentional islanding condition. One commonly used protection scheme is implemented through the use of a transfer trip from the upline connected substation to the DG facility and is required when the capacity of connected DGs exceed a certain threshold of local minimum load. The threshold established by standard IEEE 1547.2-2009 states that a 3:1 minimum load to generation ratio is acceptable to ensure the DG will not sustain an unintentional island. However, the term “minimum load” is not precisely defined in any standard, and in practice, a light load value is chosen by engineers through manual methods that can be inconsistent, not representative and change drastically based on various cases. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a new light load calculation method creating consistency and better accuracy; the method has been implemented in. NET C# application and is used within Dominion Energy.

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