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Road signsNSW meaning
When you are driving, you cannot always anticipate what is ahead. A road hazard sign will alert drivers about conditions that may present a danger. Road signs not only tell drivers how to get where they are going, but they help avoid trouble on the road as well.
While not all these situations present an immediate danger, any unanticipated change in the road or driving pattern could be hazardous if not expected. Each type of sign has a general color and shape. The color and the shape of a sign lets the driver know instantly what type of information to expect
Australianroad signsPDF
When you are driving, you need to keep your eyes on the street. To make sure you get the information you need quickly and safely, there are standard shapes and colors used in the U.S. and developed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, or MUTCD.
QLDroad signs andmeanings
Worksafe Traffic Control Industries, Inc. can arrange rentals to fit whatever you need. Give us a call or view our signs available to rent to request more information.
The shape of the sign is also used to get a message across quickly. We are all familiar with the octagon shape of a stop sign. Some other common shapes used to relay information about the road are:
A road hazard sign does not always indicate immediate danger but rather a change in driving patterns such as reducing speed due to a busy area, a school crossing, or a construction area. Whether it is a>warning of potential danger or just a reminder to pay attention, a traffic sign lets you get the information you need to drive safely while keeping your eyes on the road.
Road signsAustralia meanings
Sometimes you just need signs temporarily. You do not need them frequently and storing them is not feasible. In this case, a traffic sign rental may be a good decision for you.
Now that you know what the top 10 road hazard signs are, let us look at their shapes and colors and the meanings behind them.
If you are interested in buying street hazard placards for repeated use, Worksafe Traffic Control Industries, Inc. can help. View our warning signs to see our large selection of placards and to request a consultation.