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This active ESS feature automatically turns on the hazard lights on the car, which will flash to warn drivers of cars behind that an emergency has occurred. So the car behind it will reduce its speed to avoid a collision.
Driving on the highway, of course, is very busy with other vehicles on the road. Likewise, toll roads are used by many car drivers at quite high speeds.
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This feature is one of the safety features that is now almost implemented in various types of the latest cars. Like the Wuling BinguoEV car, which has been equipped with the ESS feature. Armed with this feature, BinguoEV users who suddenly brake can feel safer because the Emergency Stop Signal feature will be active and provide a warning.
No TurnSign
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Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC), Blok BA No. 1, Deltamas, Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Jl. Tol Jakarta-Cikampek KM 37 Kode Pos: 17530
Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC), Blok BA No. 1, Deltamas, Cikarang, Bekasi,Jawa Barat, Indonesia Jl. Tol Jakarta-Cikampek KM 37. Kode Pos: 17530
If there is no warning from the Emergency Stop Signal feature, it could be that the driver behind the car braking suddenly will crash. What's worse is that if there are many vehicles behind it, then cases of consecutive collisions are inevitable. The function of the emergency stop signal feature is very important for a car to increase user safety.
Norightturn symbol
The symbol for the Emergency Stop Signal is usually marked with a red button with a triangle image. Many manual Emergency Stop Signal buttons are located on the front of the neck of the car's steering wheel or on the dashboard.
Wuling CenterJl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No.9, RW.1, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia. Kode Pos: 12310
If the driver suddenly presses the brake pedal hard when the car is traveling at a speed of 60 km/h or more, this safety feature will automatically turn on the hazard lights.
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If the driver is traveling at a speed of less than 60 km/hour, this feature can’t be activated automatically. But don't worry, because there is a manual button to turn on the emergency stop signal.
One of the safety features that is very important for a car to have is the Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) feature. This safety feature is, of course, to minimize the risk of an accident and damage that might occur while driving.
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Therefore, the Emergency Stop Signal safety feature has a very vital function to maintain driver safety, namely by warning other car drivers that sudden braking is occurring to avoid a collision.
Always be alert when driving by paying attention to the speed of the driver in front. Even if you already drive a car with the Emergency Stop Signal feature, it is still better to increase your self-vigilance when driving.
One of the important features of car safety is the Emergency Stop Signal feature, which provides a warning to other vehicle users after the car brakes suddenly. To activate this feature, there are several benchmarks that are applied to various types of cars.
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The Emergency Stop Signal button for the latest cars today is very easy to find because it is placed in a location that is easily visible with a fairly large button. Knowing that the button is used in an emergency is certainly made so that it is easy to reach in various circumstances.
Noturning right
In general, the working principle of this ESS feature is that it will be active when the vehicle user is traveling at a speed of around 60 km/hour and braking suddenly. When this happens, the ESS feature will be active and turn on the hazard lights automatically.
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However, if the car user is traveling at a speed below 60 km/hour, of course this feature will not be active. So the hazard lights will not flash to warn other drivers around.
When the Emergency Stop Signal button is pressed, the hazard lights on the car will automatically activate and continue to flash. A signal like this is widely known by car drivers as an emergency situation.
Wuling CenterJl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No.9, RW.1, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia. Kode Pos: 12310
One of the safety features that is very important for a car to have is the Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) feature. This safety feature is, of course, to minimize the risk of an accident and damage that might occur while driving.
Safety when driving is, of course, a priority. Therefore, many car manufacturers in the world provide various security and safety features so that car users are always safe and comfortable.