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Every hazard class has a unique hazard statement and code that is standardised under the GHS. These hazard statements describe the nature of a hazard in a short phrase or sentence. Hazard statements must be included on chemical labels in bold type. Examples include:

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IMPORTANT: Controlling the risks associated with hazardous chemicals requires more than following the precautionary statements on the product label or SDS. You must carefully assess the risk associated with every chemical hazard and implement suitable (and compliant) control measures.

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Frequency range - from rumble to wispy Resonance/Feedback range - from tame to insane Individual Filter levels - silent to beyond 11, for serious saturation-clipped sonic destruction

Precautionary statements are not necessarily linked to hazard classes and should be given a prominent position on chemical labels. You’ll also use them in assessing the overall risks to your workers in conjunction with your risk management plan.


FEATURES: Four filter blocks, with multiple models , including: 6db BPF [ pingable ] 12db BPF [ pingable ] 12db variable width BPF Comb Filter for Karplus Strom [ pluckable & flanger vibes ] All Pass filter [ crazy Phaser vibes ]

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Joining the team as a Dangerous Goods Storage Consultant, Melissa Hampton became Storemasta's Marketing Manager in late 2021. With extensive knowledge and experience in chemical compliance, Melissa is responsible for leading the Marketing team and helping shape their marketing strategy. In her spare time, you can find Melissa hiking, swimming and enjoying the great outdoors in beautiful north-west Tasmania.

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Four multi model filters with stereo capability, combined with a six-stage four-channel modulation sequencer Finally a filter bank that unifies the control of multiple parameters, enabling a spaghetti-free approach to formant animation fun

Under the GHS, each hazardous chemical is assigned one ‘Signal Word’ of either DANGER or WARNING according to its hazard class. Because these signal words are used to quickly indicate the severity of a hazard, a chemical is assigned only ONE signal word. Signal words are required on labels.

Disposing of the chemical safely (eg, P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national regulations)

The word DANGER is used for more severe and significant hazards, while the word WARNING is used for the less severe hazards. Signal words are always represented in bold and UPPERCASE text and many placards display the DANGER signal word in white text over a red — on a black background.

Dual Input and Stereo output, with Pan control for each filter in the stereo field. Input can be Mono [ CH1 - 1,2,3,4 ] or Dual [ CH1-1,2 CH2 - 3,4 ] Modulation Sequencer capable of being clocked, scanned, and interpolated CV inputs for sequencer Interpolated scanning, 1V/Oct frequency offset, Slew amount, Resonance amount, Clock or MIDI clock input for sequence animation, MIDI CC Memory slots for storing and retrieving Filter and animation setups, and retrieving preset formant, and chord based Filter setups

Chemical pictograms are internationally understood symbols and icons that describe a substance’s primary hazard class — ie, the physical, health, and environmental hazards. The GHS specifies nine different hazard pictograms in a standardised format and they are used all over the world. The nine pictograms are a black symbol on a white background and diamond shaped (square and set at an angle of 45º). They have either a red or black border.

-Two mini clamps -Clean high quality 2/3mm tip solder iron [ chisel type recommended ] - Mini Phillips screwdriver for M3 & M2 pan head screws

The ADG pictograms may be used on labels and placards instead of the GHS symbols when they both represent the same hazard. For example a flammable gas like LPG could carry the GHS pictogram GHS02: Flammable (FLAMES) or the ADG Code pictogram 2: Flammable Gas (Flames on a red background).

1xPCB (All SMD parts come already pre-soldered), a high quality screenprinted 2mm aluminium panel, encoders, knobs, switches, LED displays PCB, jack sockets, and all sundry components. Includes USB data cable for firmware install, sexy black Eurorack power cable, RYK stereo splitter cable

If the hazardous chemicals kept at your workplace exceed certain quantities (also known as placard quantities) you are required by the WHS Regulations to display the HAZCHEM placard (and others) at the entrance to your worksite. The Regulations set out the design of the placard which must have:

Create dreamy swooshing 70’s phaser filter sweeps Phenomenal for phoneme vocal formant rasps and wheezes Plucking great for strumming Karplus Strong twangs, and pinging filter pings ! Or, turn your silk into shredded cabbage, with the built in bad-ass clipping-saturator

IMPORTANT: A placard is a notice or sign displayed in a prominent place: at the entrance to a workplace; next to a container; or in a hazardous chemical storage area. It contains information about the hazardous chemicals inside the containers or stored nearby.

IMPORTANT: A label is required for any substance, mixture or article classified as a hazardous chemical under Australian WHS Regulations. There is a small range of substances exempted from labelling — these are usually products manufactured for human consumption in a domestic situation (eg, 700ml bottles of alcohol and therapeutic medicines).

Individual storage areas where hazardous chemicals are kept should display an information placard with the appropriate pictogram. If the worksite carries larger quantities of chemicals (ie above placard quantities), the placards are  mandatory.

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Having the correct chemical labels and signage at your worksite is only one aspect of WHS compliance. To learn more about your responsibilities and how to control chemical hazards, we recommend downloading our free eBook How to manage the risk of Hazardous Chemicals in the workplace. Read it today.

In Australia, hazardous chemicals in the workplace must be labeled according to the GHS (Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals). These internationally recognised symbols and statements enable anyone using the chemicals to quickly identify the hazards and take steps to minimise (or completely eliminate) any risks to work health and safety. This blog helps you understand the full meaning of the pictograms (eg, flame, bomb, dead fish), signal words (DANGER, WARNING) and hazard codes/statements (eg, H240 Heating may cause an explosion) found on chemical labels and placards.

In Australia we have our own pictograms which are used when transporting dangerous goods (specified by the Australian Dangerous Goods Code). The ADG Code pictograms are based on the GHS symbols but add colours and design variations to identify the chemicals within their ADG sub-class.