The Queensland Government is now in caretaker mode until after the state election. Minimal updates will be made to this site until after the election results are declared.

do not entersign - bunnings

You may consider the following indicators when assessing if someone is unduly intoxicated, but this is not a definitive list.

If you note any of the above indicators in a patron’s conduct, assess if there could be causes other than intoxication. Speaking to a person about the possible causes for their signs of intoxication is important in meeting your obligations under the Liquor Act. It also ensures that you do not unlawfully discriminate against a person with mental or physical impairments.

Do not entermeaning

New Signs combines the latest in signage production technology, fantastic customer service, and the ease and convenience of an online store...

We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland.

Do not entersignage

In the situation where you observe a patron has consumed little or no liquor at your venue but they are showing signs of being unduly intoxicated, they may have consumed liquor (or other intoxicating substances) before entering your venue, or you may not have seen their previous consumption at the premises. If they display indicators of undue intoxication and you have spoken to them to ascertain there are no other causes, you still have grounds for reasonable belief that they are unduly intoxicated.

You are responsible for monitoring patrons for signs of undue intoxication. You are not required to count drinks or use a breathalyser but you should observe the patron's speech, coordination, balance and behaviour.

The amount of liquor that each person consumes before becoming unduly intoxicated varies. The signs of intoxication may be influenced by:

Your observations of the quantity, rate and type of liquor consumed by a patron on the premises can help inform your assessment of whether that person is unduly intoxicated.