Smoke Hazard Signs - hazard markers
Drip traykmart
Drip traybunnings
Our products and systems can help streamline the traditional processes of commercial apiarists, helping them benefit (as well as their bottom lines).
Drip traysizes
The 10 Frame Drip Tray is moulded to Langstroth standard dimensions, has no entrance, is interchangeable with your existing supers and is UV stable for 30+ years. The depth inside the base is 14mm deep allowing collection of dripping honey while robbing bees. The food grade plastic allows honey to be easily drained during extraction and cleaned with water. The perfect solution for transporting full supers back for extraction and storing stickies over winter, free from pests, ready to go for the next honey flow.
At Nuplas Apiarist Supplies, we have developed an innovative product that we believe will drive huge cost benefits and massive time savings for the apiarist industry.