
A place name will not provide directional instructions if it is a location that is away from a known intersection or feature. In this case emergency markers may well be a stronger treatment. In many circumstances it is advisable to do both. The naming convention gives it a known reference point and emergency markers provide the critical information for ESOs to navigate to that location.

It is recommended that any symbols be at least 15mm per metre of viewing distance, and any upper-case text be at least 5mm per metre of viewing distance. This should be increased under poor lighting or viewing conditions. Where practical, EM’s should be mounted close to the observer’s line of sight in the vertical plane.

Numerical values can be divided into categories. The first number of the three-digit numeric code should represent the type of visitor setting:

Where emergency markers have been installed in areas with no mobile phone coverage the emergency marker still acts as a verifiable point of reference and will greatly assist in dispatching services more accurately. This Saves Time and may Save Lives.

In areas where there is no mobile coverage, triple zero callers will still be asked “Where is your emergency” and “what are the names of the nearest intersection” when they are able to dial out for assistance

Emergency markers are one treatment in being able to verify the location of a triple zero call. In addition to emergency markers Public Landowners and managers can also improve the naming conventions of roads, tracks, and trails in public land.

Identifying the location of the emergency triple zero call is the first and most critical element in the delivery of timely and accurate emergency response services to Victorians.

The numeric section of the emergency marker system can be used to identify the visitor setting and the specific location.

Determining caller location is the most critical piece of information used by emergency call takers to dispatch emergency personnel and resources. This is a fundamental requirement for the operation of any modern Emergency Call Service and apart from the actual call itself, is the next most vital piece of information, since without it, Emergency Service Organizations (ESOs) may be limited in the level assistance they can offer to the caller.

This data will then be incorporated into the VicMap data, which is used by Triple Zero Victoria and Emergency Service Organisations.

Like our industrial traffic cones, flag bunting rolls like our Orange Bunting 30m Roll are similarly produced with high-quality PVC material and are U.V. stabilised to minimise fading. Additionally, they are made with reusable high strength nylon rope and are all 30 metres in length. Apart from orange, we have flag bunting rolls in blue, green, lime, red/white and yellow.

Our witches hats, along with all our safety products, help provide all kinds of workplaces and public worksites with safe and effective equipment. This equipment allows employees to work at their best knowing that they are safe. Not only can our warning cones be used to alert pedestrians and workers of hazardous areas, but they can also help redirect traffic to a safe path/space. Through temporarily redirecting traffic in a reliable way, necessary work can be carried out without fear of any accidents.

Emergency markers enable Triple Zero Victoria's Call-takers to immediately and accurately verify the location of an emergency 000 call in public open space.

The two most important pieces of information required when calling Triple Zero are the location of the emergency (where is it?) and the nature of the emergency (what is it?). Emergency markers aim to improve response times in the event of an emergency triple zero call. They do not eliminate the risk nor will they mitigate the likelihood of event occurring.

Triple Zero Victoria has outsourced the data collection and processing of emergency markers to long term partners RapidMap. RapidMap team scopes the amount of work involved for the collection and processing of associated spatial data and charges a cost recovery fee to the landowner/manager. This fee is completely dependant on the type of environment and number of emergency markers to be installed.

To get the estimate on cost please contact Triple Zero Victoria at or RapidMap at

Emergency marker locations should be identified through the application of the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management. Elements of likelihood and consequence should constitute the basis on which emergency marker locations are prioritised.

Call signagetemplate

This document aims to ensure that emergency markers are manufactured, installed, and maintained in accordance with established and compatible Australian and International standards.

Callup Signs

Currently when a Triple Zero call is made on a fixed line the Emergency Call Person (ECP - Telstra) receives the subscribers billing address (CLI -Caller Line Information) which is generally the location of the Triple Zero caller. This information is presented to Triple Zero Victoria by Telstra when the call is transferred.

There are many instances in public open spaces where emergency markers are NOT required. Examples of these locations are,


The principles outlined are intended to provide assistance to landowners and managers in ensuring that emergency markers have been considered and applied using a consistent and standardised format.

To ensure consistency of indexing configurations of emergency markers a six-character alphanumeric identification system has been developed.

Call signageaustralia

The six-character unique alpha-numeric identifier is linked to Triple Zero Victoria’s computer aided dispatch system (CAD) and specifies relevant location, GPS coordinates, road access route or navigational data for the expedient dispatch of emergency services.


It is intended that these guidelines act as an enabling tool, allowing the responsible authority flexibility in designing, manufacturing, and installing emergency markers.

As there is no dedicated Australian or International Standard relating to emergency markers, the following compatible standards should be used to guide the manufacturing process for emergency markers.

Our traffic management products are designed to temporarily redirect traffic on roads and footpaths in a safe and efficient manner. As these areas can be dangerous, traffic cones and flag bunting rolls are useful tools to alert pedestrians and drivers of hazards and to prevent injuries and accidents. At Equip2Go, our range of traffic management equipment includes plain traffic cones, reflective traffic cones, flag bunting rolls and T-top bollard stems and bases. With our traffic control products, you can keep your work environment safe and secure.


The level of signage needs to be proportional to the level of risk, frequency, and type of activity use. Generally, the greater the visitation rate, the broader the activity range and the higher risk, the more frequent the location of emergency markers signage should be.

Callsign meaning in relationship

To do this, landowners and managers can act as the custodian of the data and provide the following to DEPI – Department of Environment and Primary Industries:

Emergency markers should be considered by landowners, land managers, Committees of Management as part of their overall risk assessment and treatment process. Emergency markers should be integrated into open space strategies and policies wherever deemed applicable.

Establishing design guidelines that will enable landowners and land managers to implement and install emergency markers.


Before buying one of our traffic warning cones, it is important to distinguish between plain traffic cones and reflective traffic cones. While both have a fluorescent colour, flexible PVC construction and are U.V. stabilised to minimise fading, reflective traffic cones like our 700mm Reflective Orange Traffic Cone have advanced visibility, ensuring the cone’s ability to be clearly identifiable in low or reduced vision environments. Besides orange, our reflective traffic pylons are also available in white and yellow.

Callsign generator

The ability of Triple Zero Victoria to direct an emergency response team to precise emergency caller locations is a critical and core component of the Call-taking and Dispatch management process for all triple zero emergency calls.

No two emergency marker environments are the same and therefore it is impractical to set prescriptive criteria for the placement of emergency markers. It is intended that emergency markers be installed using a performance-based approach.

The Victorian Government acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to Elders, past and present.

Our road cones offer the ideal solution to road traffic control in a variety of industrial environments. With warehousing operations located in Dandenong South (VIC), Campbellfield (VIC), Wetherill Park (NSW), Canning Vale (WA) and Yatala (QLD), Equip2Go is your trusted provider of plastic traffic cones Australia.

The alpha section of the identification system should be used to identify the emergency marker environment by name. This can be done in several ways to clearly identify the park.

However, when a Triple Zero call is made from a mobile phone Triple Zero Victoria receives the mobile billing address. In most cases this is not the actual location of the caller, or the location of the emergency event.

Numerical values can also be structured to increase incrementally e.g., MTM100, MTM101, MTM102 etc to ensure that there is an understandable and logical sequence. This method occurs more often on linear trails. Increments can occur in fives or tens to allow for the addition of future markers.

Used in many industries, our safety cones are perfect for a variety of work environments, both indoor and outdoor. These include roadwork sites, construction areas, hazardous footpath areas, car parks and schools. They can also function as highway cones, roadside cones, warehouse cones and construction cones. Additionally, our flag bunting rolls are particularly useful for clearly marking hazardous areas. Regardless of the environment, you’re in, we have road traffic management products to suit all your needs.

Effective placement and installation of emergency markers cannot be underestimated. Placement, height, orientation, and size are critical components in determining the effectiveness of the marker.