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Note that it did not dwell for a double-beat on the 1 and 8. So you actually have a sequence of 14 steps. Thus we arrange them like this.
Note also that the original KITT used incandescent bulbs which have a perceptable rise time and a notably slow fall time, possibly enhanced electronically (e.g. it might be an electromechanical action with capacitors added). Thus, KITT had a "trailing edge" behind the sweep. If you want to do this with LEDs, you'll need either a lot more logic, or something analog to simulate the attack-sustain-release behavior seen here. Watch this on desktop not mobile - then you can use the , and . keys on the main keyboard to single-frame through the sequence.
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I was thinking of using a flip-flop (76N) for the multiplexer selection, but I have to get a clock signal when either all bits are 0s or 1s.
Over the past 145 years, Blackwoods has grown from being a small marine supply business on the banks of Sydney Harbour, to where we are today, Australia’s largest provider of industrial and safety supplies. Today we support businesses, big and small, with our range of over 200,000 products from the world’s best brands. With unrivalled expertise and the ability to bring together the best of the best, we have earned our place as Australia’s first choice for industrial and safety products and services including PPE, welding and gas, power tools, hand tools, workwear and much more. Blackwoods is proud to provide products and services that are essential to the economic growth and prosperity of our country. Everyday we help more people to build a better Australia.
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As mentioned above, change to an up/down counter whose direction is controlled by the ff, driving the 138 decoder. This feels like the minimum-chip-count solution using discrete logic.
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I could use an AND gate for when all are 1 and a NAND for 0, but how then I would have to select from those two on some kind of condition. But they are not clock signals.
With inverters and multiplexers, I think you are heading down a relatively complex path. Search for knight rider schematic to see how others have solved this.
So nothing easier. Set up logic for a 14-light marquee, then merge 02 and 14 to drive lamp 2, 03 and 13 to drive lamp 3, etc.
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Now you know why everyone gets this wrong. They either double-beat at the ends, or they totally forget about attack/sustain/release and blink the lights on and off abruptly.
Electronics noob here. I made a simple follow-LED circuit in one direction using a 555 timer, a 93N counter, and a 138N decoder. Now I want to make it go back and forth.
You could use a counter with up/down capability like a 4029 and have the first and last decoded outputs toggle a flip-flop on the UP/DOWN pin. Or a microcontroller, which would allow you to have any pattern you want and e.g. cycle through them with a switch.
A CD4017 combines the count and decode functions into one chip. As mentioned above, add two quad XOR packages as gated inverters controlled by the ff.