Brisbane City Council installs signs to help people walking, people riding a bike and people using e-mobility devices or personal mobility devices) understand the rules when using Brisbane's bikeways and shared pathways. Unless otherwise signed, the following can use bikeways, shared paths and footpaths:

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.

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A bike box (or bicycle storage area) is a section of the road for riders to wait at a red light in front of motor vehicles. The main purpose of a bike box is to provide a space where people riding a bike or personal mobility device are clearly seen by all users at intersections.

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There are three different types of paths for people walking, riding a bike, using a personal mobility device or a wheeled recreational device.

Bicycle lanes are dedicated on-road bike riding facilities. The green surface improves bicycle awareness and traction for riders in wet conditions. The same road rules apply for on-road bike lanes without the green surface treatment.

Bikeway crosses a road ahead. People riding bikes, personal mobility devices or other devices must give way to vehicles.


From 1 November 2022, the Queensland Government has introduced new legislation that changes how different personal mobility devices can use different types of paths and roads. This change affects how people will use many of Council’s popular shared pathways and footpaths.

Footpaths can be used by everyone, however personal mobility devices and signed restrictions may apply in certain areas. People walking have right of way and other footpath users are required to give way to people walking at all times.

Personal mobility devices may also ride on roads in some circumstances and riders must behave in a manner similar to bicycles.

As part of the new laws, the Queensland Government has created the option for local councils to apply for increased speed limits on shared pathways of up to 25km/h in certain locations that meet key safety guidelines. Once Council has reviewed the guidelines, it will assess which shared pathways would be safe and suitable for increased speed limits.

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You cannot ride a bicycle, personal mobility device or other device beyond this point. You must dismount and walk with your bicycle or device.

Bicycles, wheeled recreational devices, e-bikes and personal mobility devices are not permitted to be ridden in public squares and malls where a prohibition sign, such as a “No Bicycles” sign, is in place. This includes such areas as Reddacliff Place and the Queen Street Mall. People must dismount and walk through these areas.

Under the road rules, bicycles are considered vehicles and have the right to use the road just as cars do. This means that people riding bikes must also obey the road rules. In addition, bike riders should always travel with the flow of traffic when in a bicycle lane, unless otherwise signed for travel in both directions.