Biohazard sharps receptacle signname

Biological and regulated medical solid waste shall be disposed of through the Biological Solid Waste Stream established by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. You play an important role in UConn’s biological waste program if you generate biological waste in a research, teaching, clinical laboratory or clinical area. This guide will help you dispose of your biological waste in an easy and legal manner. Our program is designed to protect the people who handle, transport and dispose of your waste, to protect the environment and minimize UConn's regulatory liability. Some waste generators may attempt to work around this program. These attempts are counter productive because they place other people and the University at risk. The cost associated with one injury or violation can easily exceed annual operational costs. If you have complaints, concerns or suggestions for program improvement, we would rather have you tell us than have you implement unauthorized procedures. Environmental Health and Safety will continually work to improve this program and to control its costs.

Keywords: bus, truck, lorry, bus driver, truck driver, lorry driver

Biohazard sharps Receptacle signlocation

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Steam treatment units shall subject loads of biological waste to sufficient temperature, pressure, and time to demonstrate a minimum Log 4 kill of Bacillus stearothermophilus spores placed at the center of the waste load, and shall be operated in accordance with the following:

Do not autoclave containers or other receptacles containing bleach. The combination of bleach and residual cotton and oil (improperly cleaned autoclaves) may result in an explosive combustion within the autoclave.

Biohazard sign meaning

Biohazard sharps receptacle sign meaningaustralia

Materials that are put into the supplied box-bag units must be labeled with a University of Connecticut address label. Each individual bag or sharps container must have a separate label. The box-bag unit must be labeled with the generator’s building and room number. It must indicate whether or not the waste in the box is treated or untreated.

Poisonsign meaning

Transport and Storage of Biological WasteThe transport of biological waste outside of the laboratory, for decontamination purposes or storage until pick-up, must be in a closed leakproof container that is labeled "biohazard". Labeling may be accomplished by the use of red or orange autoclave bags or biohazard box-bag units. Biological Safety must authorize the transport or transfer of regulated medical waste or biohazardous biological waste through public streets or roadways in order to comply with DOT regulations. Biological waste must not be allowed to accumulate. Material should be decontaminated and disposed of daily or on a regular basis, as needed. If the storage of contaminated material is necessary, it must be done in a rigid container away from general traffic and preferably in a secured area. Treated biological waste, excluding used sharps, may be stored at room temperature until the storage container or box-bag unit is full, but no longer than 48 hours from the date the storage container is first put into service. It may be refrigerated for up to 1 week from the date of generation. Biological waste must be dated when refrigerated for storage. If biological waste becomes putrescent during storage it must be moved offsite within 24 hours for processing and disposal. Sharps containers may be used until 2/3-3/4 full at which time they should be decontaminated, preferably by autoclaving, and disposed of as regulated medical waste. Biological waste generated at regional campuses is picked up directly by University contracted biological waste vendors. Coordinate all biological waste pick-ups at regional campuses by calling Environmental Health and Safety at 860-486-3613.

"Look - a - Like" infectious waste is defined as: laboratory materials that can be used to contain, transfer or mix infectious agents but has been used with non-infectious agents. For example: disposable micropipette tips may have transferred sterile water or broth, but an identical tip in the same laboratory may have transferred an infectious agent. In the trash you could not distinguish between them. These "look- a -like" materials will be handled as infectious waste if the facility routinely generates infectious or potentially infectious biological waste or is engaged in a temporary project that generates infectious or potentially infectious biological waste.


At The University of Connecticut, biological waste is defined as infectious waste, pathological waste, chemotherapy waste and the receptacles and supplies generated during its handling and/or storage. This definition is in accordance with the definition of biological waste as defined by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). It is further defined as waste that, because of its quantity, character or composition, has been determined to require special handling.

When a biological waste pick-up is desired, submit a biowaste pickup/supply delivery form on our web site. A waste inspection and removal approval may be required for some waste. The inspector will seal approved waste and affix an approval label. Normally, the waste will be picked up within 48 hours after the request has been submitted. Non-biohazardous/non-infectious waste (validated decontamination method) will be tagged with labels provided by Biological Safety. Autoclave indicator tape should be used as evidence of decontamination.