DR Series LED Lightbar 6″ (150mm) - led light bar 6 inch
For more information on the proper use of this sign please refer to Chapter 3 of the TSRGD guidelines, this is available on our regulations page.
No through road signmeaning
This sign is supplied CE marked and is made from road grade materials, it has a long lifespan and will stand the test of time.
No through road signbunnings
If you have any questions about our range of permanent road signs, reach out to our helpful sales team on +44 (0)1905 794875.
Twin rear channels mean the sign face can be clamped in place and will not twist once secured. The clamps are available to supply separately and are not included with the sign face.
This sign informs drivers that a side street of their current route is a dead end and provides no through route for drivers of vehicles if they were to turn left. This sign comes in a number of sizes and can be chosen in a left or right configuration, as well as having the angle of the junction altered to represent the road at the installation site.
© Start Traffic Ltd trading as Start Safety 2009 - 2024Registered in England with company number 6896587 and VAT registration number GB 970779374.
No Through Road SignAustralia
This sign is often seen in use with diagram 816 "No through road". If you require a variation on this sign that you cannot find on our website please do not hesitate to call our sales team and ask for more information.
R2 (RA2) Reflectivity makes this sign suitable for use with vehicles and reflects around 32% of the light that hits the surface back to the driver. This material is also called HIP which stands for high intensity prismatic.
The backing of the sign is made from a rigid plastic sandwiched between two skins of aluminium making the sign strong and very durable. As there is no steel it will not rust giving a great lifespan.