What Do the Different Hazardous & Safety Signs Mean? - symbol of explosive
Fire danger signs alert visitors when entering an area at risk of forest fire. Using one-sided and two-sided fire prevention signs can educate the public on the current fire danger today. Signs include features like fire level: low, moderate, high, very high and extreme. Or if the area is at constant risk of fire you can let people know they are entering a “High Fire Danger Area.”
**The use of coral for incident management signs was anticipated for inclusion in the 2003 edition of the MUTCD at the time of this printing.
Roadway signs in the United States increasingly use symbols rather than words to convey their message. Symbols provide instant communication with roadway users, overcome language barriers, and are becoming standard for traffic control devices throughout the world. Familiarity with symbols on traffic signs is important for every road user in order to maintain the safety and efficiency of our transportation facilities.
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Hard copies of the MUTCD can be purchased from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (http://www.aashto.org); the Institute of Transportation Engineers (http://www.ite.org); the American Traffic Safety Services Association (http://www.atssa.com); and the US Government Printing Office (http://www.gpo.gov). The Standard Highway Signs book can be purchase from the US Government Printing Office and the American Traffic Safety Services Association through the web sites listed above.
> Only You Can Prevent Wildfires > No Fireworks Fire Ban - No Burning> Fire Ban in Effect in Very High or Extreme Conditions > Be Firewise > Fire Restriction in Effect> Your Forest or Location Name (custom text)
Sign shape can also alert roadway users to the type of information displayed on a sign. Traffic regulations are conveyed in signs that are rectangular with the longer direction vertical or square. Additional regulatory signs are octagons for stop and inverted triangles for yield. Diamond-shaped signs signify warnings. Rectangular signs with the longer direction horizontal provide guidance information. Pentagons indicate school zones. A circular sign warns of a railroad crossing.
Dangeroussigns list
Prepared in 2002 by the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Transportation Operations
US Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Military Bases, Fire Departments, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and private landowners are among the list of people who have purchased our products to promote the message of fire prevention in their areas.
Danger signs and symbols
Standards for the sign design and application of the signs shown here as well as for other traffic control devices are contained in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Dimension drawings for signs can be found in the Standard Highway Signs book. Both of these books are available in electronic format online at https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov. This web site also contains information on standard lettering used on highway signs and pavement markings and on highway sign color specifications.
For More Information: https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ Contact Information: Kevin Sylvester at Kevin.Sylvester@dot.gov
Test your Sign IQ by taking the interactive shape and color quiz available on the web at https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov. On the navigation bar under Knowledge, select Sign Shape/Color.
Fire Prevention Signs can be hung on a wall or secured to the ground. Each powder coated aluminum sign is built for indoor or outdoor use with reflective graphics and text.
The color of roadway signs is an important indicator of the information they contain. The use of red on signs is limited to stop, yield, and prohibition signs. A white background indicates a regulatory sign; yellow conveys a general warning message; green shows permitted traffic movements or directional guidance; fluorescent yellow/green indicates pedestrian crossings and school zones; orange is used for warning and guidance in roadway work zones; coral is used for incident management signs;** blue indicates road user services, tourist information, and evacuation routes; and brown is for guidance to sites of public recreation or cultural interest.