Emergency stop signalHyundai

The manoeuvres you have to perform are chosen at random by the examiner, and you won’t be told at the beginning of the test which they’ll be. The examiner will inform you in good time though.


In a real-life emergency stop situation, it’s better to apply the clutch in time and not stall. This is because you might have to move away again quickly, and stalling will cost you time.

But if hazards present themselves unexpectedly, it may be necessary to brake hard, and not skid or lose control. If you're unsure about your stopping distances, read up on them in this article.


You might notice the examiner checking their mirror before doing this, as it’s their responsibility to ensure it’s safe to perform the stop. Although this means you won’t be expected to check your mirror before applying the brake, it’s good practice to regularly check your mirrors so you know what’s going on around you.

During everyday driving, you never know when you might have to stop suddenly. Doing so safely and retaining control of the car is vital, so it’s a good thing to practise. Plus you may have to perform an emergency stop on your driving test if the examiner requests it.

Emergency Stop signalrigging

After receiving your instructions, you’ll be asked to drive off again. Continue driving as normal until you’re given the signal to stop.

By and large, drivers who are aware of their surroundings and conditions should be able to anticipate potentially hazardous situations. This limits the need for hard braking.

Emergency Stop SignalHonda

Please note that stalling while performing the emergency stop is common and won’t necessarily cause you to be marked down. It’s losing control that you want to avoid. If you do stall, just restart the engine as normal before performing your checks.

An emergency stop is one of the manoeuvres which you might be asked to perform on your driving test. There’s a one in three chance that you’ll be asked to perform a controlled stop, otherwise known as an emergency stop.

You’ll be asked to pull over. When you’ve come to a stop, put the car in neutral and apply the handbrake. The examiner will then tell you that you’ll be expected to perform an emergency stop shortly. They’ll instruct you that they’ll raise their hand and say “STOP”, simulating a situation where this action would be required.

Despite sounding a little severe, you should get the hang of it pretty quickly, and be able to emergency stop safely and on-demand soon enough.

If you take your driving test in your instructor’s car, they will almost certainly have ABS. As such, the first method is what you’ll use on your test.