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(a) its muzzle end is held against a surface using a force at least 22 newtons greater than the force equivalent of the weight of the tool measured in newtons; and
195.3 (1) Defective electrical equipment and tools that may pose a hazard shall be immediately disconnected, removed from service and tagged as being defective. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(d) ten times the maximum load to which it is likely to be subjected if the crane or other hoisting device is used for supporting persons. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 169; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 23.
(b) shall have a connection for the use of the local fire department outside the shaft or tunnel to which there is clear and ready access at all times. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 252 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 29.
(b) is an apprentice who is working pursuant to a training agreement registered under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1, or hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 2. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 885/21, s. 1, 2.
(i) the frequency of inspections of the supporting surface and the path of travel of the drill rig, and the type of inspection required, to ensure they remain stable, do not deteriorate and continue to function as designed by the engineer, and any specific weather or other conditions that could affect the supporting surface or path of travel that would require additional inspections to be conducted; and
(2) No crane or similar hoisting device shall include sections that are not designed for it or that are damaged. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 154 (2).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to an inspector or with respect to a worker accompanying an inspector at the inspector’s request. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (2).
(f) the structural, environmental and ergonomic design of the cabin is equal to or greater than that of the crane’s manufacturer’s standard cabin design; and
“longitudinal buffer area” means the area of a project between the end of a lane closure taper and the start of a work area; (“zone tampon longitudinale”)
(2) If a service may pose a hazard and it cannot be shut off or disconnected, the owner of the service shall be requested to supervise the uncovering of the service during the excavation. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 6.
(6) Despite section 26.3, a guardrail system on a work platform shall meet the requirements of clause 6.4 (Guardrail System) of CSA Standard Z271-10, with the exception of clause 6.4.1 (b). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(9) The project physician conducting the physical examination or clinical tests or under whose supervision the examination or tests are made shall advise the employer whether the worker is fit or is fit with limitations or unfit for work in compressed air, without giving or disclosing to the employer the records or results of the examination or tests. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (9).
(2) The diameter of a circular or elliptical tunnel and the width and height of a square or rectangular tunnel shall be at least 760 millimetres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 306 (2).
(3) A misfired explosive load removed from an explosive actuated fastening tool shall be placed in a water-filled container on the project until the misfired explosive load is removed from the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 121 (3).
(5) If any damage to a cable is identified, the cable shall be evaluated by a competent person to determine whether it meets the requirements of subsection (4), and be taken out of service if the evaluation determines that the cable does not meet the requirements. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
38. Blocking, support chains, metal bands, wire rope and rigging components shall be removed from material or equipment in a manner that does not endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 38.
(4) If a person could fall into an excavation that is more than 2.4 metres deep, a barrier at least 1.1 metres high shall be provided at the top of every wall of the excavation that is not sloped as described in clauses 234 (2) (e), (f) and (g). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 233 (4).
(b) include a record of the inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance performed on the components. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) constructed, installed and dismantled in accordance with the design drawings, subject to any deviations approved in writing by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
iii. an adequate number of barricades or delineators shall be adequately positioned between vehicular traffic and the work area. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 7.
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a portable electrical generator in which the electrical equipment or tools are not exposed to an external electric power source if the casing of portable electrical equipment or tools connected to the generator is bonded to a non-current-carrying part of the generator. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(b) is capable of holding the conveyance stationary when it contains the maximum number of passengers it is permitted to carry. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 301 (1).
(d) state the name, mailing address, address for service and telephone number of the constructor, of the owner and of the employer in charge of the work;
298. No worker shall be transported in a conveyance or a hoist while it is being used to carry materials or equipment other than hand tools or similar small objects. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 298.
(3) An engineer or a competent person under the engineer’s supervision shall inspect and test the installation of the safety net before it is put in service. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(4) If a component of the travel restraint system is found to be defective on inspection, the defective component shall immediately be taken out of service. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(1.1) In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), an employer shall ensure that a worker who may use a fall protection system meets the working at heights training requirements of Ontario Regulation 297/13 (Occupational Health and Safety Awareness and Training). O. Reg. 252/14, s. 1.
328. When a blasting operation is completed, the blasting switch shall be locked in the open position, the lead wires short-circuited and the blasting box locked. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 328.
(4) A fixed support shall not have any sharp edges that could cut, chafe or abrade the connection between it and another component of the system. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
142.05 (1) An employer shall ensure that a competent worker performs a functional test of a work platform or powered boatswain’s chair to ensure that it is operating in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions,
(i) if the installation at the new location was in accordance with the site-specific drawing, by either an engineer or by a designated competent worker who has successfully completed the training program under section 138.1, or
(a) shall be in a box made of wood or be separated from every metal part of the vehicle or conveyance in which they are being transported by a lining made of wood; and
(6) Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) do not apply to a multi-point suspended work platform whose platform area is six square metres or less. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
201. Blasting mats shall be used to prevent flying objects caused by blasting operations from endangering persons and property located on or adjacent to a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 201.
(11) The facilities shall be serviced, cleaned and sanitized as frequently as necessary to maintain them in a clean and sanitary condition. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(a) establish and implement written measures and procedures for complying with this section to ensure that workers are adequately protected from electrical shock and burn; and
(4) If a project is being carried out in a remote unpopulated area and it is not reasonably possible to provide toilet facilities required under subsection (3), other types of toilet facilities shall be provided. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 3 (3).
(5) If the permanent lining of a tunnel consists only of a concrete cast-in-place lining, the tunnel shall not be excavated beyond the leading edge of the permanent lining unless adequate temporary shoring is installed as soon as is practicable. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 307 (5).
(2) The worker performing an inspection shall record the condition of the cable inspected and a record of the inspection shall be kept at the project while the crane or other hoisting device is in use at the project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
(b) post the location of the facilities in a conspicuous place at the project if it is practical to do so. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
170. (1) All cables used by a crane or other hoisting device shall be visually inspected by a competent worker at least once a week when the crane or other hoisting device is being used, or more frequently, if recommended by the cable manufacturer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
(b) by testing the principal components to their ultimate strength in a manner that simulates the actual loading conditions to which the formwork, falsework or re-shoring is likely to be subjected and by applying a reduction factor, in accordance with good engineering practice, to the values of ultimate strength. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 87 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) No drill hole shall be charged with explosives unless a properly prepared detonation agent is placed in the charge. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 205 (2).
(8) A temporary standpipe shall have at least one hose outlet per floor, with a valve and a hose attached to each hose outlet and a nozzle attached to each hose. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 18 (2).
(b) if the fixed support is not adequate, indicates the defects and hazardous conditions of the fixed support. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
346. Electrical wiring passing through an air lock or the bulkheads adjacent to an air lock, other than telephone and signal system wiring, shall be installed in a rigid metal conduit. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 346.
(6) For use in an underground work place that is less than 100 metres long, the minimum rated duration of use for a self-contained breathing apparatus shall be one-half hour. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (6).
(2) Temporary steam-piping shall be insulated or otherwise protected if a worker is likely to come into contact with it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 51 (2).
(g) the communications system to be used among the drill rig operator, the drill rig front-end worker and other workers in the restricted access zone, or a system of prearranged visual signals to be used among them if those signals are clearly visible and understood by them. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(3) A worker shall not direct vehicular traffic if the normal posted speed limit of the public way is more than 90 kilometres per hour. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 23.
1. Before the competent worker installs or inspects the installation of a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair for the first time.
159.1 (1) An engineer shall ensure that a tower crane’s structural elements, its electrical, mechanical and hydraulic components and its control systems that may affect the structural integrity, stability or motion of a tower crane or its load are inspected in accordance with subsection (2),
43. (1) A flammable liquid or gas shall be stored in a building or storage tank that is suitable for the purpose and, if practicable, not less than 100 metres from a magazine for explosives. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 43 (1).
(12) The records of medical examinations, tests, medical treatment and worker exposure to compressed air made or obtained by the project physician under section 351 and this section shall be kept in a secure place by the project physician who has conducted the examinations and tests or under whose supervision the examinations and tests have been made, for at least six years. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (12); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 38 (2).
(2) A bucket or similar conveyance may be used to transport a worker in a shaft for the purpose of inspecting the hoistway if no other method of access to the parts of the hoistway is available. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 303 (2).
(3) If an inspection under subsection (1) is of a cable used by a crane or similar hoisting device, the record of inspection shall be made in the operator’s crane log. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
262. (1) A first aid kit shall be kept in the immediate vicinity of the above-ground entrance to every shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 262 (1).
319. (1) A vehicle or conveyance, including trackless equipment, that is transporting explosives or blasting agents in a tunnel by mechanical haulage,
(4) Subject to subsection (9), the power supply to the electrical equipment, installation or conductor shall be disconnected, locked out of service and tagged in accordance with subsection (6) before the work begins, and kept disconnected, locked out of service and tagged while the work continues. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
ii. measurements of the consistency of wall thickness within the closed section of the structural components to confirm the sections are compliant with the original design requirements.
26.9 (1) This section applies to a lanyard or lifeline that is part of a travel restraint system or a fall arrest system. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(3) The owner shall provide a copy of the roof plan to the constructor for a project at the building or structure. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(a) the cabin and its attachments have been specifically designed and fabricated for that purpose by the original manufacturer of the crane in accordance with good engineering practice;
(a) extends the full width of the hoistway from 50 millimetres or less from the floor level to a height of at least 1.8 metres;
(d) if an engineer, an employer, a supervisor or a worker advises the owner that there are reasonable grounds to believe the fixed support is defective or not adequate to support the suspended work platform, boatswain’s chair or lifeline. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(b) work for more than one working period in any consecutive twenty-four hour period where the maximum air pressure is more than 100 kilopascals. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 386 (1).
(2) When a tower crane boom is not permitted to slew freely because of the circumstances in clauses (1) (a) or (1) (b), it shall be secured in accordance with the written procedures of the crane’s manufacturer or written procedures prepared by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 19.
(a) shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice to withstand all loads likely to be applied to them; and
(12) The constructor shall give a copy of the floor plan to the fire department located nearest to the project. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 18 (2).
(b) has cross cleats made from thirty-eight millimetres by thirty-eight millimetres boards that are securely nailed to the ramp and spaced at regular intervals not exceeding 300 millimetres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 74 (2).
(2) The employer shall ensure that the person who provides the training and instruction referred to in subsection (1) prepares a written training and instruction record for each worker and signs the record. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 13.
(iv) has a revised load rating chart prepared by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice that is affixed to the crane or otherwise available to the operator at the controls of the crane while in use,
(c) hoisting engineer — tower crane operator, if the worker is operating a tower crane. O. Reg. 88/13, s. 1; O. Reg. 885/21, s. 1; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 6 (1).
(i) list all designated substances that may be used, handled or disturbed by the work. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 245 (2); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 33 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
4. The top rail and the intermediate rail shall each be at least 38 millimetres by 89 millimetres. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 443/09, s. 2 (3).
139. (1) An employer shall ensure that, prior to the first use of a suspended work platform system at a project, the entire system, including its suspension lines, has been inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with this Regulation, the manufacturer’s instructions, and clause 11 (Inspection and Testing) and Clause 12 (Maintenance) of CSA Standard Z271-10. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(8) If the electrical equipment, installation or conductor is rated at a nominal voltage of 300 volts or more, an adequately equipped competent worker who can perform rescue operations, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, shall be stationed so that he or she can see the worker who is performing the work. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(b) shall obtain an acknowledgement signed by the worker who is receiving the instruction stating that the worker has been so instructed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 336 (2).
(6) A work platform or boatswain’s chair shall not be suspended or used at any time the wind speed exceeds 40 kilometres per hour. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
93. (1) All vehicles, machinery, tools and equipment shall be maintained in a condition that does not endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 93 (1).
(ii) do not endanger a person using any building, structure, property or public way adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, the drilling operation;
(c) bears the seal and signature of an engineer confirming that a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair installed in accordance with the drawing would be in compliance with the requirements of this Regulation; (“dessin d’installation générique”)
(c) is equipped with a light readily visible to the hoist operator indicating when the gate is closed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 288 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 30.
(b) provide specifications and drawings showing profiles, transverse sections and plans for the tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam signed and sealed by the engineer who designed the support system for the tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam;
141.8 (1) This section applies if a site-specific installation drawing is used under clause 141.6 (2) (b). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) a weight distribution plan to ensure loading across the work platform or suspended work platform module surface does not exceed the design capacity;
(3) The constructor shall ensure that every employer whose workers are to use the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and lifelines, if any, at the building or structure has received a copy of the design drawings and written procedures. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) At a project of fourteen or fewer days duration, before work is begun, a public telephone or a radio telephone shall be installed or shall be arranged for nearby if,
(4) The means of air supply, air pressure gauges and controls, lock equipment and other devices necessary for the safe operation of an air lock and the protection of workers shall be in working order. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 390 (4).
360. (1) At least two air compressors shall be provided for every work chamber and air lock at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 360 (1).
28. (1) A reasonable supply of potable drinking water shall be kept readily accessible at a project for the use of workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 28 (1).
(2) Clauses (1) (b), (c) and (d) do not apply to any access ladder on a tower, water tank, chimney or similar structure that has a safety device that will provide protection should a worker using the ladder fall. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 14 (3).
(c) shall be capable of supporting any load likely to be applied to it and capable of supporting a load of at least 2.4 kilonewtons per square metre;
(b) confirm that the foundation or support surface complies with the foundation design drawings, subject to any deviations from the design drawings approved in writing by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(9) A tower crane may not be erected until the concrete foundation reaches the strength specified in the design drawings for the foundation. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(3) Despite subsection (2), rubbish, debris and other materials from demolition on a project may be permitted to fall or may be dropped into an enclosed designated area to which people do not have access. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 35 (3).
(4) The constructor shall keep on the project a copy of every opinion given by an engineer for the purpose of clause (2) (h) while the project is in progress. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 234 (4); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(14) Before a multi-point suspended work platform is erected, the constructor shall ensure that the engineer responsible for the structural integrity of the permanent building or structure from which the multi-point suspended work platform is suspended provides a written report approving the design loads imposed on the building or structure by the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 12 (5); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(5) Hazardous stored electrical energy shall be adequately discharged or contained before the work begins and shall be kept discharged or contained while the work continues. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(4) A shaft in sound rock may be excavated to a depth of not more than thirty metres before the headframe and guides are installed on the hoist. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 300 (4).
(2) While a worker is working in compressed air and for twenty-four hours afterwards, at least one worker experienced in the decompression of persons suffering from decompression sickness,
142.1 Sections 142.2 to 142.8 apply to every multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
(b) hoisting engineer — mobile crane operator 1 or hoisting engineer — mobile crane operator 2, if the worker is operating a mobile crane or similar hoisting device capable of raising, lowering or moving only material that weighs more than 16,000 pounds but no more than 30,000 pounds; or
(2) A competent worker shall regularly test the air and the mechanical ventilation for an underground work place to ensure that the mechanical ventilation is adequate. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 330 (2).
(4) A wooden handrail shall measure thirty-eight millimetres by eighty-nine millimetres and shall be free of loose knots, sharp edges, splinters and shakes. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 77 (4).
(c) shall be driven into the soil and firmly secured in place if the excavation is made in Type 3 or 4 soil. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 238 (3).
(5) A horizontal or vertical lifeline shall be kept free from splices or knots, except knots used to connect it to a fixed support. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(b) shall determine the maximum number of persons and the maximum weight of material that may be carried safely on a conveyance in a hoistway. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 294 (1).
25. A worker shall use protection appropriate in the circumstances when there is a risk of injury on a project from contact between the worker’s skin and,
(2) Copies of the rescue procedures signed by the employer and supervisor of the underground workers shall be posted in conspicuous places on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 264 (2).
“sheathing” means the members of shoring that are placed up against the walls of an excavation to directly resist the pressure exerted from the walls of the excavation; (“blindage”)
1. Subject to paragraph 2, a support used in a fall arrest system shall be capable of supporting a static force of at least 8 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used.
(5) An internal combustion engine under this section shall be maintained and used in accordance with section 93. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 9.
(a) the multi-point suspended work platform complies with the design drawings, or the design drawings subject to any deviations approved under subsection 142.2 (17), as the case may be; and
30. Workers who handle or use corrosive, poisonous or other substances likely to endanger their health shall be provided with washing facilities with clean water, soap and individual towels. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 30.
390. (1) A lock tender shall ensure that the requirements of this section are met before a worker enters an air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 390 (1).
229. (1) If an excavation may affect the stability of an adjacent building or structure, the constructor shall take precautions to prevent damage to the adjacent building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 229 (1).
(5) A lock tender shall acknowledge every signal received on an electric buzzer or bell system by returning the same signal. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 341 (5).
(i) the power supply is less than 300 volts, the equipment or installation was not manufactured with provision for a locking device for the circuit breakers or fuses, and a written procedure has been implemented that is adequate to ensure that the circuit is not inadvertently energized, or
133. (1) This section applies with respect to a worker who is installing reinforcing steel on a vertical surface consisting of horizontal reinforcing steel bars. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 133 (1).
287. (1) Every conveyance located in a service shaft that is more than six metres deep shall be separated from a stairway, ladder or ladderway in the shaft by a lining described in subsection (3). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 287 (1).
(n) information about methods of fall protection, including installation, that may be used for the protection of workers using a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair; and
(b) an excavation, including a waterwell but not a well within the meaning of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, drilled by an auger and into which a person may enter; (“caisson”)
(2) Within forty-eight hours after a health and safety representative or joint health and safety committee members are selected for a project, a constructor shall add to the notice the name, trade and employer of the health and safety representative or of each of the committee members. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 13 (2).
151. (1) No crane or similar hoisting device shall be subjected to a load greater than its rated load-carrying capacity, other than during load tests required by the manufacturer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 7 (1).
(e) where there is a potential hazard from an energized overhead electrical conductor at more than 750 volts. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 44 (3); O. Reg. 242/16, s. 6; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 9.
(3) Clause (2) (a) does not apply to a hole being drilled adjacent to another hole that is being loaded with explosives,
(b) shall be supported by either cleats secured to the sheathing or posts set on the wale next below it or, if it is the lowest wale, on the bottom of the excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 238 (5).
(3) A signal to a hoist operator to move a conveyance shall be given only from the landing from which the conveyance is being moved. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 273 (3).
(2) A switch and panel board shall be securely mounted on a soundly constructed vertical surface and shall have a cover over uninsulated parts carrying current. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
99. A cab or screen shall be provided to protect a worker who is exposed to an overhead hazard while operating a vehicle. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 99.
(11) An engineer shall prepare a written report of the inspection required under subsection (10), which shall include confirmation of whether the shoring, bracing and tie-ins have been installed in accordance with the design drawings, subject to any deviations approved in writing by an engineer and, where a building or structure is supporting the tower crane, whether the building or structure has reached sufficient strength to resist the crane reactions. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
ii. the lane on which work is being done shall be adequately identified with lane closure signs and a lane closure taper, and
44. (1) Signs meeting the requirements of subsection (2) shall be posted in prominent locations and in sufficient numbers to warn workers of a hazard on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 44 (1).
“step-ladder” means a self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length, having flat steps and a hinged back, and whose back section is either a single ladder or other supporting device, but does not include a step stool or platform ladder; (“escabeau”)
19. If, under this Regulation, a record is required to be kept available for inspection at a project, the constructor or employer, as the case may be, shall keep the record for at least one year after the project is finished. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 19.
This Magnetic LED Towing Light Kit mounts instantly to any vehicle you are towing. The water resistant design helps prevent moisture build up and corrosion while the transmitter delivers up to 100 ft. of operating distance from the 4-way connector. Charges easily from any vehicle or shop. Includes rugged storage case.
(f) members so connected to one another that a load applied to one member may alter or induce stress in another member; or
(b) shall rest on blocking able to support the crane or other hoisting device and its maximum load without failure and without deformation or settlement which affects its stability; and
1. It shall be octagonal in shape, measure 450 millimetres between opposite sides, and be mounted on a pole that is 1.2 metres long.
4. On the other side it shall be high-intensity retro-reflective micro-prismatic fluorescent chartreuse in colour, with a black diamond-shaped border that is at least 317 millimetres by 317 millimetres, and with the word “SLOW” written in legible black letters 120 millimetres high in a central position on the sign.
(4) Leather protectors shall be visually inspected for damage and adequacy immediately before each use. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
3. The employer has determined from the maintenance record that the work on the equipment, installation or conductor can be performed safely without disconnecting it.
(5) The constructor shall keep the design drawings and the statements on the project while the formwork or the falsework is in use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 89 (5).
Legislative History: 631/94, 143/99, 571/99, 145/00, 527/00, 85/04, 627/05, 628/05, 443/09, 96/11, 88/13, 252/14, 345/15, 242/16, 471/16, 142/17, 64/18, 190/19, 327/19, 426/21, 885/21, 375/22, 61/23, 241/23, 190/24.
(2) A hoist operator shall report immediately to the supervisor in charge of the project any defects in the hoisting machinery and safety devices. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 290 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 31.
(2) Where the excavation is a trench and the depth exceeds six metres or the width exceeds 3.6 metres, the support system shall consist of an engineered support system designed for the specific location and project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 235 (2); O. Reg. 631/94, s. 7.
6. There will be a work platform that has any shielding, tarpaulin, enclosure, sign or banner on it that may increase the wind loads on the components of the suspended work platform system.
(4) A boatswain’s chair shall have a seat or seating area that is at least 600 millimetres long and 250 millimetres wide. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) The supervisor in charge of a project shall ensure that all hoist operators, shaft attendants and other attendants working at a hoist know and understand the signals. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 296 (2).
(2) Safeguards shall be installed progressively from a safe area towards the hazard so that the workers installing the safeguards are not endangered. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 212 (2).
106. (1) A signaller shall be a competent worker and shall not perform other work while acting as a signaller. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 106 (1).
(3) At least one shaft attendant shall be on duty at the top of a shaft if a hoist, crane or similar hoisting device is being used or if a worker is present in the shaft or in a tunnel connected to the shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 295 (3).
(3) The training and instruction record shall include the worker’s name and the dates on which training and instruction took place. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 13.
26.8 (1) A safety net shall be designed, tested and installed in accordance with ANSI/ASSE Standard A10.11-2010, Safety Requirements for Personnel and Debris Nets. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 7.
(5) When water flush toilets or non-recirculating chemical flush toilets are provided, the minimum number of toilets required at the project is as follows:
(5) The supervisor in charge of a project may establish signals in addition to those set out in subsection (4) if required for the operation of a hoist on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 273 (5).
(e) the measures and procedures to be implemented during the drilling operation to ensure that unremoved hazards do not endanger workers; and
(2) No worker shall work or be permitted to work more than eight hours in a period of twenty-four hours. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 386 (2).
83. (1) When a step-ladder is being used, its legs shall be fully spread open and its spreaders shall be locked. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
“rated platform capacity” means the combined weight of occupants, tools, equipment and other material that the manufacturer has indicated can be safely carried by a suspended work platform, work platform module or boatswain’s chair; (“capacité nominale de la plateforme”)
Besttrailer lights bluetooth
(4) Every portable or removable counterweight, test block and ballast used on a crane must be accurately weighed and have their weight clearly marked on them. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 10 (2).
3. The system shall have posts that are at least 38 millimetres by 89 millimetres, are securely fastened to the surface and are spaced at intervals of not more than 2.4 metres.
(c) shall be located so that an adequate landing surface that is clear of obstructions is available at the top and bottom of the ladder for access and egress; and
391. (1) A lock tender shall increase the air pressure on a worker in an air lock in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 391 (1).
(2) The site-specific installation drawing shall be prepared by an engineer. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) Any modifications or repairs to the boom of the crane shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the crane manufacturer or an engineer. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(b) the pressure maintained in the work chamber shall be the least possible pressure required to meet the emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 383 (2).
(2) As the construction of a building or structure progresses, permanent or temporary stairs shall be installed from the lowest level, including the basement, up to,
(i) do not damage or affect the stability of any building, structure, property or public way adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, the drilling operation, and
293. (1) A hoist operator and all shaft attendants shall understand the signal code established for the hoist. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 293 (1).
(4) The live side of a device used for firing a charge shall be installed in a fixed locked box which is accessible only to the worker doing the blasting. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 325 (4).
225. Work shall not be performed in a trench unless another worker is working above ground in close proximity to the trench or to the means of access to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 225.
(a) timbering and shoring that meets the requirements of subsection 238 (2), if no hydrostatic pressure is present in the soil, and if the width and depth of the excavation are equal to or less than the width and depth indicated in the Table to section 238;
(2) An engineer shall prepare design drawings and specifications for the attachment of a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device to a building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(5) Any defects identified in the inspection that may affect the structural integrity, non-structural components, stability or motion of the tower crane or its load shall be corrected or repaired in accordance with the instructions of the tower crane or component manufacturer or an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 15.
(13) After six years, the project physician may forward the records to the Chief Physician of the Ministry, or a physician designated by the Chief Physician, and, in any event, the records shall not be destroyed for a period the greater of forty years from the time such records were first made or twenty years from the time the last of such records were made. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (13); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 38 (3).
(3) The following information shall be included in the operator’s crane log in respect of any wire ropes installed on a tower crane:
(3) No explosive actuated fastening tool shall be loaded unless it is being prepared for immediate use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 120 (3).
(b) shall be positioned in such a way that the hoist cable is vertical at all times while a load is being hoisted. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 209 (1).
3. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 15 metres but not more than 20 metres, the minimum live load shall be 680 kilograms.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to cord-connected electrical equipment or tools that are adequately double-insulated and whose insulated casing shows no evidence of cracks or defects. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(3) Before a crane or similar hoisting device is put into service at a project, the owner of the crane or similar hoisting device shall provide to the operator,
(6) The engineer shall prepare a written report of the results of the inspection under subsection (5). O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) The air compressors for a work chamber or an air lock shall have capacity enough to ensure that, if one compressor is not operating, the remaining compressors are capable of supplying the air required for the work chamber or air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 360 (2).
(b) shall not be permitted to come in contact with power, lighting or communication cables, or pipes, rails or other continuous metal grounded surfaces. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 324 (6).
(c) that are stacked in a pile whose height is less than the distance from the face of the pile to the edge of the floor, roof or opening in a floor or roof. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 40 (3); O. Reg. 241/23, s. 2 (2, 3).
(3) A hoisting hook shall have its load rating legibly cast or stamped on it in a location where the person using the hook can readily see it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 173 (3).
(2) The pilot shall be in charge of the hoisting operation and shall determine the size and weight of loads to be hoisted and the method by which they are attached to the helicopter. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 167 (2).
365. (1) An air lock, including the bulkheads and doors, shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice to withstand the pressures to be used in the work chamber and in the air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 365 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A runway, ramp or platform shall be designed, constructed and maintained to support or resist, without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for the materials of which it is made,
176. (1) Only an alloy steel chain or a chain manufactured for the purpose shall be used for hoisting. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 176.
3. On one side it shall be high-intensity retro-reflective grade red in colour, with the word “STOP” written in legible high-intensity retro-reflective grade white letters 150 millimetres high in a central position on the sign.
(iv) identifying and using fixed supports for a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and for the worker’s fall arrest system,
(3) The designated competent worker shall provide a written report of the inspection indicating whether the installed suspended work platform system or installed powered boatswain’s chair complies with the drawing. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(e) shall be capable of supporting at least ten times the load to which it may be subjected if it is to be used to support a person. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 172 (1).
1. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is 12 metres or less, the minimum live load shall be 340 kilograms.
(3) An unattended vehicle, machine or equipment shall have its brakes applied and its wheels blocked to prevent movement when the vehicle, machine or equipment is on sloping ground or is adjacent to an excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 101 (3).
325. (1) Every device, other than a portable hand-operated device, used for firing a charge shall meet the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 325 (1).
(d) shall watch the part of the vehicle, machine or equipment or crane or similar hoisting device, shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine or its load whose path of travel the operator cannot see. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 106 (2); O. Reg. 241/23, s. 4 (1).
276. (1) An area of a tunnel or shaft that is not adequately lit by natural light shall be electrically illuminated. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 276 (1).
321. A flashlight shall be provided to every worker who is engaged in blasting operations in a tunnel or is in an area from which the means of egress passes a place where blasting is to be done. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 321.
(3) A protective cover referred to in clause (1) (e) shall have a trap door for emergency access which measures not less than 600 millimetres by 600 millimetres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 302 (3).
333. This Part applies with respect to work done in compressed air, other than work done in diving bells or work done by divers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 333.
(4) An elevating work platform shall only be used if an engineer has certified in writing that it complies with the National Standards of Canada standard set out in the Table to subsection (6). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 144 (4); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) the employer excavating shall ensure that all gas, electrical and other services in and near the area to be excavated are located and marked;
(5) Subsections (1) to (4) do not apply to fall restricting systems designed for use in wood pole climbing. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 8.
(9) Subsections (1) to (8) do not apply to fall restricting systems designed for use in wood pole climbing. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 7.
(2) No temporary stair or landing shall be loaded in excess of the load it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 76 (2).
(3) The surface of an outrigger bracket platform used by a masonry worker shall be not more than one metre below the associated material storage platform. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 136 (3).
(a) design a supporting surface for the drill rig in accordance with good engineering practice to adequately support the drill rig during all drilling and drill rig set-up activities;
71. Adequate means of egress shall be provided from a work area to permit the evacuation of workers during an emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 71.
(9) The employer responsible for a multi-tiered load hoisting operation shall keep a copy of the following available for inspection at the project until the operation is completed:
(4) A hoisting hook shall not be used if it is cracked, has a throat opening that is greater than as manufactured or is twisted from the plane of the unbent hook. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 173 (4).
(b) if it is 2.4 metres or more above a floor, roof or other surface, consist of planks laid tightly side by side for the full width of the scaffold;
1. The wood shall be spruce, pine or fir (S-P-F) timber of construction grade quality or better and shall not have any visible defect affecting its load-carrying capacity.
(9) Despite subsections (7) and (8), a multi-point suspended work platform and its components may be designed by working stress design if the safety factors for the multi-point suspended work platform and the structural members are at least equal to what would otherwise be provided under those subsections. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 12 (3).
(3) No hoist operator shall turn over the controls of a hoist to another person while a conveyance is in motion. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 293 (3).
(b) thereafter at intervals not greater than 12 months while the tower crane is erected at a project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
(7) The notice shall be on a board or a metal plate that is not less than 450 millimetres by 450 millimetres and shall be written in letters that are at least thirteen millimetres high. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 273 (7).
(e) identify all factors that could affect the safety of the multi-tiered load hoisting operation, such as wind speed, weather conditions, potential overlapping of cranes and other restrictions;
185. (1) Electrical equipment, installations, conductors and insulating materials shall be suitable for their intended use and shall be installed, maintained, modified and operated so as not to pose a hazard to a worker. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(11) If work on a shoulder of a freeway is expected to take less than 30 minutes to complete, a vehicle with four-way flashers and a 360-degree beacon light shall be provided. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21.
(2) The door shall be closed while a worker is entering or leaving a bucket over the opening at the top of the shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 304 (2).
(g) an identification of the hazards related to material hoisting, cutting, grinding and sandblasting associated with the work;
(i) potential hazards, including utilities, services, obstructions, structures and soil conditions that may endanger a worker engaged in, or in the vicinity of, the drilling operation, and
180. (1) Piles and sheet-piling shall be adequately supported to prevent their uncontrolled movement while they are being hoisted, placed, removed or withdrawn. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 180 (1).
(2) If a tunnel is to be cut in sound rock, the constructor shall obtain a written opinion from an engineer as to whether the sides and roof of the tunnel need to be supported by rock bolts or wire mesh to prevent the spalling of loose rock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 307 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a landing at the bottom of a hoistway if the landing has one or more red lights that,
(3) The engineer who prepares the foundation design drawings shall consider the tower crane ground bearing pressure in preparing the drawings. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(3) The rate of decompression required by subsection (2) may be doubled with respect to a worker if, while performing the work in compressed air, the worker,
24. A worker shall use protection appropriate in the circumstances when there is a risk of eye injury to the worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 24.
(c) the worker is inside the steel liner and is wearing a fall arrest system with a full body harness secured to a fixed support. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 247 (1); O. Reg. 628/05, s. 4; O. Reg. 96/11, s. 2; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 27 (1).
(b) the boom of the crane cannot affect or be affected by the operation of another crane or make contact with a structure or equipment;
(2) Despite subsection (1), the skeleton structural frame in a skeleton structural frame building may be left in place during the demolition or dismantling of the masonry if the masonry and any loose material are removed from the frame systematically and continuously from the highest to the lowest point. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 216 (2).
(8) The location of the facilities under subsection (7) may be varied if the arrangement affords reasonable accessibility for workers. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(b) shall be left unattended where it may be available to a worker who is not qualified to operate an explosive actuated fastening tool. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 121 (2).
(5) An explosive actuated fastening tool shall have a firing mechanism that prevents the tool from being fired if it is dropped or while it is being loaded or prepared for firing. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 119 (5); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 15.
“service”, when used as a verb, means to have waste pumped out and to have the facilities replenished where necessary. (“entretenir”) O. Reg. 527/00, s. 1.
(13) The design of a multi-point suspended work platform shall include adequate movement-limiting devices to be used when traversing or otherwise moving it. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
“critical weld” means, in relation to a suspended work platform, a weld the failure of which could result in the complete or partial collapse of the suspended work platform; (“soudure essentielle”)
5. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 25 metres but not more than 30 metres, the minimum live load shall be 1,130 kilograms. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
296. (1) The supervisor in charge of a project shall, before a hoist is used on the project, establish a communication system of signals to be used between a hoist operator, shaft attendants and any other attendants working at a hoist. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 296 (1).
380. (1) An air lock in which people are decompressed shall have a means of radiant heat if the air pressure in the lock exceeds 100 kilopascals. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 380 (1).
(2) If a worker in an air lock appears to be injured or to be unwell from a cause unrelated to air pressure, a lock tender shall notify, and follow the instructions of, a project physician. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 393 (2).
(c) shall be given adequate written and oral instructions, in a language that he or she understands, with respect to setting up or removing the measures. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21.
(2) The valves shall be arranged so that a person can enter or leave the air lock or work chamber if no lock tender is attending the air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 371 (2).
(b) if no allowable unit stress is assigned under clause (a), the allowable unit stress for the material as determined by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice; (“taux de contrainte admissible”)
112. (1) Every chain-saw shall have a chain that minimizes kickback and a device to stop the chain in the event of a kickback. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 112 (1).
(2) The suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair shall not be used until the defects or hazardous conditions have been corrected or removed. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) A notice setting out the maximums referred to in subsection (1) shall be conspicuously posted near each hoistway entrance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 294 (2).
(b) include the signature, name and business address of each person who performs an inspection, test, repair, modification or maintenance; and
(5) The fall arrest system shall not subject a worker who falls to a peak fall arrest force greater than 8 kilonewtons. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
304. (1) A hinged door that opens upward shall be provided over the opening at the top of a shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 304 (1).
(5) The engineer shall prepare a written report of the review and determination made under subsection (4). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
246. Work shall not be performed in a shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam unless another worker is working above ground in close proximity to the shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam or to the means of access to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 246.
192. All tools, devices and equipment, including personal protective equipment, that are used for working on or near energized exposed parts of electrical equipment, installations or conductors shall be designed, tested, maintained and used so as to provide adequate protection to workers. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a portable single ladder that is custom-built for use at a project may be used at the project if the ladder has,
(i) if practicable, they shall be disconnected or inactivated so as not to endanger workers engaged in, or in the vicinity of, the drilling operation, and
(c) shall be stored on a rack in such a way as to protect it from damage and keep it available for immediate use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 57 (5).
(2) If it is not practicable to comply with subsection (1), the masonry units shall be placed on the scaffold platform in a manner that conforms with the load capability provisions of the scaffold platform as set out in section 134. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 136 (2).
(a) shall be clear of the intended path of travel of the vehicle, machine or equipment, crane or similar hoisting device, shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine or its load;
1. Adequate warning devices, visible to the operator and warning of the electrical hazard, shall be positioned in the vicinity of the hazard.
(4) The short circuit shall not be removed until immediately before blasting and until all workers have left the area affected by the blasting operations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 202 (4).
213. (1) Only a worker who is directly engaged in the demolition, dismantling or moving of a building or structure shall be in, on or near it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 213 (1).
(3) The employer shall ensure that the person who provides the training program referred to in subsection (1) prepares and signs a written record for every worker who successfully completes the program and shall provide such written proof to the worker. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
385. (1) Water on the floor of a work chamber or an air lock shall be drained by a pipe or mop line and, if necessary, a pump. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 385 (1).
(2) A suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, including all components and connections of the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, shall be erected, installed, used and dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and,
5. If the guardrail system is located at the perimeter of a work surface, the distance between the edge of the surface and the guardrail system shall not be greater than 300 millimetres. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 443/09, s. 2 (1).
“suitable”, in relation to a procedure, material, device, object or thing, means sufficient to protect a worker from damage to the worker’s body or health; (“convenable”)
(c) three times the maximum load to which it is likely to be subjected if it is a pendant or is not subject to winding or bending; and
70. (1) Access to and egress from a work area located above or below ground level shall be by stairs, runway, ramp or ladder. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 70 (1).
v. ensure all limit devices (except the line pull limit switch), signal lights, audio and visual indicators and brakes are operating correctly,
(4) A worker shall have the written proof described in subsection (3) readily available at a project. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
33. (1) Subject to subsection (2), work on a building shall not be carried out at a distance higher than the higher of two storeys or the first column splice above the temporary or permanent flooring. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 33 (1).
1. Subject to subsection (3), the facility shall have a wash basin with running water. Both hot and cold running water shall be available if reasonably possible.
230. Every excavation that a worker may be required to enter shall be kept reasonably free of water. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 230.
(5) The lock on the box referred to in subsection (4) shall be able to be closed only when the contacts of the device are open and a short-circuiting device is in place. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 325 (5).
272. A completed service shaft more than six metres deep shall have a means, other than a telephone, of exchanging distinct and definite signals between the top and bottom of the shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 272.
(b) to support a minimum of 1.3 kilonewtons rated working load as determined in accordance with the applicable National Standards of Canada standard set out in the Table to subsection (6). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 144 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A scaffold mounted on castors or wheels shall be equipped with guy wires or outriggers to prevent its overturning if the height of the scaffold platform exceeds three times the least lateral dimension of the scaffold,
250. (1) A fire suppression system for equipment that contains flammable hydraulic fluids shall be provided while the equipment is underground. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 250 (1).
(2) At least 48 hours before a suspended work platform system is used for the first time at a project, the constructor shall complete an approved notification form and provide it to the Ministry by faxing it or delivering it in person to the Ministry office located nearest to the project or submitting it electronically on a website of the government of Ontario. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 4.
245. (1) An employer who will be constructing a tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam shall file a notice with a Director before beginning work on a tunnel, shaft, caisson or cofferdam. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 245 (1); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 33 (1).
244. A tunnel or shaft shall be commenced or started only where sufficient land space is available to permit compliance with Parts IV and V. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 244.
(3) No worker shall operate a rotary foundation drill rig with an effective torque equal to or greater than 50 kilonewton metres but less than or equal to 190 kilonewton metres unless the worker,
2. If a shock absorber is also used in the fall arrest system, the support shall be capable of supporting a static force of at least 6 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used.
(3) Every opening and ladderway shall be wide enough to permit the passage of a worker wearing rescue equipment and shall be at least 750 mm by 750 mm. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 12; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 28.
(a) 1.1 kilonewtons concentrated on an area measuring 0.3 metres by 0.3 metres that is located on the platform at the position having the most adverse effect on the component under consideration;
(g) specify any circumstances that would require additional work, including inspections, to be performed by an engineer to ensure the safety of any worker engaged in the multi-tiered load hoisting operation; and
(g) made in Type 4 soil and whose walls are sloped from its bottom with a slope having a minimum gradient of one vertical to three horizontal; or
viii. the locations in the structure where accumulation of water could result in damage, to ensure that such water is drained,
(b) have a copy of the drilling procedure provided to, and reviewed with, the workers engaged in the drilling operation. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
1. The requirement in paragraph 2 of subsection (4) that the replacement material can withstand a point load of 450 newtons.
26.4 (1) A travel restraint system shall consist of a full body harness with adequate attachment points or a safety belt. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(b) the crane configuration and operating restrictions resulting from the effect of the cabin location and attachment method; and
240. If a support system is used for the walls of an excavation, a ladder for access to or egress from the excavation shall be placed within the area protected by the support system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 240.
(2) Air pressure shall be decreased uniformly in each of the stages of decompression referred to in section 395. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 392 (2).
(3) No scaffold shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 126 (3).
(a) be tied back and securely fastened to the building or structure, or a component of the building or structure, by a secondary cable or wire rope capable of supporting the allowable suspended load;
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a work platform within the meaning of section 136.1 that is able to be moved to give access to a floor, roof or platform or to ground level. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 70 (2); O. Reg. 242/16, s. 8.
(2) The superintendent shall promptly make a report by telephone, two-way radio or other direct means to a Director concerning a case of decompression sickness that does not respond to first-aid treatment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 397 (2); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 41 (2).
(2) Timbering and shoring referred to in clause 235 (1) (a) for the walls of an excavation with a depth described in Column 1 of the Table to this section and located in a soil type described in Column 2 of the Table shall meet the corresponding specifications set out in Columns 3 to 8 of the Table. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 25 (1).
(d) extend to the ground or have a positive stop that prevents the suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair from running off the end of the suspension line or lines;
(3) A worker who suspects a misfire of an explosive or a blasting agent shall report it to the supervisor in charge of the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 327 (3).
(4) An observation window shall be installed in each door and in the rear wall of a medical lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 357 (4).
(2) Pressure gauges for decompression equipment and decompression procedures established for a project shall be calibrated using the unit of pressure for the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 376 (2).
297. (1) The supervisor in charge of a project shall appoint workers to control the movement of materials to and from a conveyance on a hoist at every landing and at the bottom of a shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 297 (1).
“non-sewered flush toilet facilities” means water flush toilets or chemical flush toilets that have the features listed in subsection (0.2); (“installations de toilettes à chasse non raccordées à un réseau d’égouts”)
2. The outward deflection of the top rail and intermediate rail resulting from the loads specified in subsection (5) shall not extend beyond the edge of a work surface.
“flammable liquid” means a liquid with a flash point below 37.8 degrees celsius and a vapour pressure not exceeding 275 kilopascals absolute at 37.8 degrees celsius; (“liquide inflammable”)
“CSA Standard Z271-10” means Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard Z271-10, Safety Code for Suspended Platforms; (“norme CSA Z271-10”)
(1.0.1) One readily accessible clean-up facility may be provided for every two single-toilet facilities if those single-toilet facilities are located together in the same area at the project. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 4 (1).
(a) by binding and fastening the cable around an oval thimble in a way that is strong enough to prevent the cable thimble from separating;
(a) shall be connected to the electrical supply so that it automatically turns on in the event of the failure of the electrical supply; and
336. (1) The employer shall appoint a competent person as superintendent of all work in compressed air at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 336 (1).
(3) The employer responsible for constructing the silo shall keep with a scaffold every written opinion by an engineer concerning the scaffold while it is in use on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 132 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(10) If it is not practical to install barriers as subsection (7) requires, or if the project is expected to require five days or less to complete, crash trucks shall be adequately positioned to protect workers. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 11 (3).
(iii) at least 254 millimetres by 254 millimetres, for a shaft that is more than 4.3 metres but not more than six metres deep;
(10) The shoring and bracing that support a tower crane or tie it in place must be inspected by an engineer after the shoring and bracing or the tie-ins have been installed and before the crane is put into service for the first time at a project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(3) Drill holes charged with explosives in one loading operation shall be fired in one operation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 205 (3).
(7) For a suspended work platform system with a span between adjacent points of suspension of greater than 12 metres and up to 30 metres, the anchorage connectors for supporting the suspended work platform system shall be designed in accordance with good engineering practice to support the allowable suspended load and the minimum live loads for the length of the suspended work platform to be used, as set out in subsection 137.1 (3). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
194. (1) A switch and panel board controlling a service entrance, service feeder or branch circuit shall meet the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(iv) properly setting up a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair in accordance with roof plans, work plans and the manufacturer’s instructions, including,
(b) the workers involved in the work use protective devices and equipment, including personal protective equipment, and follow written measures and procedures that are adequate to protect workers from electrical shock and burn. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
214. (1) No building or structure shall be demolished, dismantled or moved until this section is complied with. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 214 (1).
(b) one located between the air lock closest to the work chamber and the work chamber and less than two metres from the air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 381 (3); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 41 (2, 3).
(ii) at least 203 millimetres by 203 millimetres, for a shaft that is more than 2.7 metres but not more than 4.3 metres deep, and
219. No worker shall stand on top of a wall, pier or chimney to remove material from it unless flooring, scaffolding or staging is provided on all sides of it not more than 2.4 metres below the place where the worker is working. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 219.
(6) The clinical tests referred to in clause (5) (c) shall include x-rays of the chest and shoulders, and hip and knee joints taken at least once every five years. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (6).
(3) Temporary flooring shall not be subjected to a load in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 32 (3).
(c) shall extend over the whole area of the surface on or above which work is being carried out. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 32 (2).
2. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 12 metres but not more than 15 metres, the minimum live load shall be 450 kilograms.
(13) Facilities that are not under the constructor’s control satisfy the requirements of this section only if the constructor has received permission from the facilities’ owner for workers to use the facilities. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(3) A lining shall consist of solid planks at least fifty-one millimetres thick and spaced not more than ten millimetres apart. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 287 (3).
(b) before a worker begins installing or using a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair at the project, provide the worker with a copy of the site-specific work plan and review it with the worker. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
3. The system shall have vertical separators at intervals of not more than 2.4 metres and horizontal supports at intervals of not more than 9 metres.
(6) Workers shall be trained in the proper use, care and storage of rubber gloves and leather protectors. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(c) an alarm system capable of warning a worker of the necessity of carrying out a rescue operation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 27 (3); O. Reg. 443/09, s. 3 (2).
224. No person shall enter or be permitted to enter an excavation that does not comply with this Part. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 224.
290. (1) A hoist operator shall operate and watch over a hoist and all machinery associated with the hoist to detect any hazardous conditions. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 290 (1).
(2) While the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair is at the project and the termination remains in service, an employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, a record of the tests described in subsection (1). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
v. is capable of supporting a live load of at least 2.4 kilonewtons per square metre without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for the material used. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(3) Subsections (4) to (9) apply if a crane, similar hoisting device, backhoe, power shovel or other vehicle or equipment is operated near an energized overhead electrical conductor and it is possible for a part of the vehicle or equipment or its load to encroach on the minimum distance permitted under subsection (2). O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(f) made in Type 3 soil and whose walls are sloped from its bottom with a slope having a minimum gradient of one vertical to one horizontal;
(1.3) A nylon vest to which this section applies shall also have a side and front tear-away feature. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 28; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 16.
45. (1) The areas in which a worker is present and the means of access to and egress from those areas shall be adequately lit. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 45 (1).
(b) the worker is otherwise permitted to connect, maintain or modify electrical equipment or installations under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 or the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 4; O. Reg. 88/13, s. 2; O. Reg. 885/21, s. 1, 2.
(11) No worker shall use stilts at a project unless he or she has successfully completed a program described in subsection (10) and carries proof of completing the program at all times when using the stilts. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(4) Each smoke line shall be at least 100 millimetres in diameter and shall have a readily-accessible outlet above ground,
292. A hoist operator shall inspect the hoisting machinery and safety devices connected to it at least once a day and shall make a record of the inspection in a log book. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 292; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 32.
(d) shall not be moved unless all workers on it are protected from ejection by being attached to an adequate anchorage point on the elevating work platform by a method of fall protection; and
(4) In addition, a worker who may be endangered by vehicular traffic during night-time hours shall wear retro-reflective silver stripes encircling each arm and leg, or equivalent side visibility-enhancing stripes with a minimum area of 50 square centimetres per side. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 23.
(b) for twenty-four hours after a person has been in compressed air with a pressure exceeding 100 kilopascals in the work chamber or air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 359 (3).
110. (1) Safety chains, cages or other protection against blown-off side or lock rings shall be used when inflating a tire mounted on a rim. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 110 (1).
(5) The source of energy for a blasting operation shall be disconnected from the firing circuit immediately after firing. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 202 (5).
(11) A sufficient number, four as a minimum, of self-contained breathing apparatuses shall be available on the project to provide for all rescue work that may be required. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (11).
(b) four times the maximum load or force to which it is likely to be subjected without overturning. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 126 (1).
(d) that is protected from a source of ignition by a barrier, wall or other means of separation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 42 (5).
1. For each type of Group 1 structural component, the representative sample shall be composed of the number set out in Column 2 of the Table to this subsection opposite the total number of that type of component, set out in Column 1, in the supplier’s or employer’s entire inventory or fleet of suspended work platforms.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a basement or cellar that is enclosed by a roof, floor or other solid covering if all openings in the roof, floor or covering are covered with securely fastened planks. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 221 (2).
“guardrail system” means an assembly of components joined together to provide a barrier to prevent a worker from falling from the edge of a surface; (“garde-corps”)
(d) where the ladder extends over five metres above grade, floor or landing, shall have a safety cage commencing not more than 2.2 metres above grade, floor or landing and continuing at least 90 centimetres above the top landing with openings to permit access by a worker to rest platforms or to the top landing;
(5) Rescue workers shall be trained within thirty days before tunnelling operations begin and retrained at least every thirty days after the initial training. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 265 (5).
(2) However, a worker being trained in the operation of a vehicle or powered machine, tool or equipment may operate it while being instructed and supervised by a competent person. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 26; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 15 (2).
(2) The supervisor shall supervise the work at all times either personally or by having an assistant, who is a competent person, do so personally. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 14 (2).
(c) a fire extinguisher with an Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada rating of at least 4A40BC shall be provided with the roadtanker or kettle. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 211 (2).
“fall arrest system” means an assembly of components joined together so that when the assembly is connected to a fixed support, it is capable of arresting a worker’s fall; (“dispositif antichute”)
(b) not be painted or coated with an opaque material that obscures the wood grain or interferes with inspections of the ladder. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(4) The connecting ends of a lanyard shall be wrapped around a protective thimble and adequately fastened with a swaged fitting or eye splice supplied by the manufacturer of the lanyard. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 5.
100. (1) No vehicle, machine or equipment shall be drawn or towed by another vehicle on a project unless there are two separate means of attachment to the vehicle drawing or towing it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 100 (1).
(14) Stilts shall be stored, serviced and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
220. No truss, girder or other structural member of a building or structure being demolished or dismantled shall be disconnected until,
(2) If the ties interfere with the use of the bottom of the tunnel as a walkway, a solid walkway that is at least 300 millimetres wide shall be provided. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 313 (2).
28.1 (1) Where twenty or more workers are regularly employed at a project, the constructor shall ensure that menstrual products are provided. O. Reg. 190/24, s. 1.
2. On the front and the back, there shall be two yellow stripes that are 5 centimetres wide. The yellow area shall total at least 500 square centimetres on the front and at least 570 square centimetres on the back.
113. No object or material shall be placed, left or stored in a location or manner that may endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 113.
(d) at a means of access to a place where there may be a noxious gas, vapour, dust or fume, noxious substance or a lack of oxygen; and
“barrier” means a device that provides a physical limitation through which a vehicle would not normally pass, and includes a concrete barrier; (“barrière”)
(3) A device used for firing a charge shall have a switch mechanism that automatically returns by gravity to the open position. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 325 (3).
“excavation width” means the least horizontal dimension between the two opposite walls of the excavation; (“largeur d’excavation”)
(8) If the toilets are located in a portable single-unit toilet facility intended for use by male workers, there shall be at least one urinal for each toilet. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(3) Design drawings by an engineer for the shoring and bracing shall show the size and specifications of the shoring and bracing including the type and grade of all materials to be used in their construction. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 280 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(4) The suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair shall not be put into service unless the designated competent worker’s report indicates that the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair has been installed in accordance with the drawing. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to blasting done with a portable hand-operated device. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 326 (2).
(3) The wire rope termination of a suspension line shall be protected from contact with the line’s hoisting device. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
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(3) In addition to the elements described in subsection (2), a site-specific plan for a suspended work platform system shall include, at a minimum,
(b) a report prepared under subsection (7) or (8) indicates that the suspended work platform system has been installed in accordance with the drawing and approved deviations, if any. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) In the circumstances described in subsection (2), a lock tender shall decompress the worker unless otherwise instructed by the project physician. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 393 (3).
(2) For greater certainty, the regulations made under section 113 of the Electricity Act, 1998 apply to electrical equipment, installations, conductors and insulating materials and to temporary wiring installations on projects. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(3) No runway, ramp or platform shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 73 (3).
95. (1) Every replacement part for a vehicle, machine, tool or equipment shall have at least the same safety factor as the part it is replacing. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 95 (1).
(2.1) A signaller shall, where practicable, be in full view of the operator of the vehicle, machine or equipment, crane or similar hoisting device, shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine and, where not practicable, the employer shall provide another means of ensuring clear and direct communication from any signallers to the operator. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 4 (2).
141.4 (1) The owner of a building or structure shall ensure that all fixed supports identified in the roof plan are inspected, maintained and tested in accordance with clause 11 (Inspection and Testing) of CSA Standard Z271-10 and the manufacturer’s instructions. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
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(12) The written report prepared shall indicate any circumstances that would require additional inspections of the shoring, bracing and tie-ins by an engineer after the initial inspection required under subsection (10). O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(b) is an apprentice who is working pursuant to a training agreement registered under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1, or hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 2; or
(5) If a suspended work platform system is relocated at a project, a deviation from the site-specific drawing is permitted if the deviation is approved by an engineer. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(d) shall be given adequate written and oral instructions, in a language that he or she understands, with respect to directing vehicular traffic, and those instructions shall include a description of the signals that are to be used. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 23.
(6) Before a multi-tiered load hoisting operation is begun at a project, written procedures to ensure the safety of workers engaged in the operation shall be developed and implemented. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3.
(2) The supervisor shall supervise the work at all times either personally or by having an assistant, who is a competent person, do so personally. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 10.
(d) ensure that any deviations from the procedures are approved by an engineer, in writing, before any multi-tiered load is moved; and
(b) the employer and worker locating and marking the services described in clause (a) shall ensure that they are accurately located and marked; and
2. On the front and the back, there shall be two yellow stripes that are 5 centimetres wide. The yellow area shall total at least 500 square centimetres on the front and at least 570 square centimetres on the back.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the owner shall ensure that a fixed support identified in the roof plan is inspected by an engineer,
(3) An engineer shall inspect a suspended work platform system after it has been installed for the first time at a project and before it is put into service and shall prepare a written report indicating whether the suspended work platform system complies with the drawing. O. Reg. 64/18, s. 1; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
55. Every fire extinguisher shall be inspected for defects or deterioration at least once a month by a competent worker who shall record the date of the inspection on a tag attached to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 55.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to work carried out in a building which is not required by the Building Code to have a permanent standpipe. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 57 (2).
(5) Subject to clause (2) (c) and subsections (3) and (4), the engineer who designs the multi-point suspended work platform shall determine the minimum specified loads for erecting, dismantling, traversing or otherwise moving the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 12 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.¶
(2) If the conditions set out in subsection (1) are not met, a temporary fixed support shall be used that meets the following requirements:
(4) A charge of an explosive or a blasting agent that has misfired shall be left in place and blasted as soon as it is discovered. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 327 (4).
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in respect of a multi-tiered load as defined in section 103.1 if written procedures have been developed and implemented for the particular project in accordance with that section. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 2.
*Note: For excavations to 3 m deep in soil types 1 and 2, the wales can be omitted if the struts are used at 1.2 m horizontal spacings.
134. (1) Every scaffold platform and other work platform shall be designed, constructed and maintained to support or resist, without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for the materials of which it is constructed,
(3) If electric lighting is used in a tunnel or shaft, an emergency lighting system shall be installed in the tunnel or shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 276 (3).
(ii) if suspended a vertical distance of more than 100 metres below the fixed support, be restrained at or near the midpoint. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
227. (1) The type of soil in which an excavation is made shall be determined by visual and physical examination of the soil,
(7) A competent worker shall inspect a multi-point suspended work platform each day before it is used. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
(a) hoisting engineer — mobile crane operator 1, if the worker is operating a mobile crane or similar hoisting device capable of raising, lowering or moving any material that weighs more than 30,000 pounds;
167. (1) The pilot of a helicopter that is hoisting materials shall be competent to fly an externally-loaded helicopter. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 167 (1).
217. No exterior wall of a building or structure shall be demolished until all glass is removed from windows, doors, interior partitions and components containing glass or is protected to prevent the glass from breaking during the demolition. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 217.
(l) a copy of the written procedures for the emergency rescue of workers from a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair in an emergency established under clause (1) (a);
(2) A worker shall hold a chain-saw firmly when starting it and firmly in both hands when using it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 112 (2).
(4) The employer responsible for constructing the silo shall record information about the frequency of use of the scaffold in a log book which shall be kept with the scaffold while it is in use on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 132 (4).
(2) Despite subsection (1), if it is not practicable to install a guardrail system as that subsection requires, a worker shall be adequately protected by the highest ranked method that is practicable from the following ranking of fall protection methods:
3. An employer, owner or constructor may vary a procedure required by this Regulation or the composition, design, size or arrangement of a material, object, device or thing as required by this Regulation,
(c) the location of a medical lock for the project and of every other readily-available medical lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 335 (2).
226. (1) For the purposes of this Part, soil shall be classified as Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 in accordance with the descriptions set out in this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 226 (1).
166. (1) No derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device shall be attached to a building or structure unless this section is complied with. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (1).
(7) In the case of an inspection under subclause 6 (a) (i), the engineer or designated competent worker shall provide a written report of the inspection indicating whether the installed suspended work platform system complies with the drawing. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(6) The firing movement for an explosive actuated fastening tool shall be a separate action from the operation of bringing the tool into firing position. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 31.
(d) an assessment as to whether a device may be used to transfer material to and from the work platform and, if it may, directions on how it is to be used. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(e) unless the engineer who prepared the procedures specifies otherwise, appoint a competent worker to ensure that the procedures, including the inspections described in clause (7) (h), are followed before any multi-tiered load is moved. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) the application of 22.2 kilonewtons in any direction without fracture of any component or pullout from the fixed support; and
(3) The employer shall give notice of the completion of work in compressed air at the project to those who were given notice under clause (1) (a). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 335 (3).
(e) shall have the side adjacent to the project covered with a partition that has a smooth surface on the public way side;
(a) develop a drilling procedure for the drill rig in accordance with subsection (2) and have it approved by an engineer; and
376. (1) Only one unit of measuring pressure (either kilopascals or pounds per square inch) shall be used on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 376 (1).
(3) An excavation or a building or other enclosed structure in which an internal combustion engine is being operated shall be tested for airborne concentrations of carbon monoxide to ensure that the concentrations do not exceed the applicable limits as determined in accordance with section 4 of Regulation 833 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents), made under the Act. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 9.
(2) A scaffold shall be provided for a worker who is working more than 3.7 metres above the ground or a floor. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 133 (2).
(7) When toilets other than water flush toilets or non-recirculating chemical flush toilets are provided, the minimum number of toilets required at the project is as follows:
(a) shall be fully sheathed with Number 1 Grade spruce planks that are at least fifty-one millimetres thick by 152 millimetres wide and are placed side by side; and
(3) If it is not reasonably possible to have a wash basin with running water at a clean-up facility, both of the following shall be provided:
(c) that a warning that is clearly audible within a radius of one kilometre of the blast is given by siren. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 203 (2).
(2) No worker shall operate a rotary foundation drill rig with an effective torque greater than 190 kilonewton metres but less than or equal to 270 kilonewton metres unless the worker,
(4) Every employer shall develop in writing and implement a traffic protection plan for the employers’ workers at a project if any of them may be exposed to a hazard from vehicular traffic. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21.
(b) shall have, at intervals of not more than forty-five metres along it, an outlet with a valve. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 253 (1).
273. (1) If a person is about to be conveyed by a hoist in a shaft, the pit bottom worker shall notify the hoist operator before the person enters the conveyance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 273 (1).
3. A point load of 450 newtons applied in a lateral or vertical downward direction to the intermediate rail, or midway between the top rail and the toe board.
(b) if the multi-point suspended work platform is moved to another anchorage position, before it is used there. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1; or
(5) The work platform shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) there is adequate natural or mechanical ventilation to ensure that exhaust gases and fumes from the engine will not accumulate in the excavation, building or other enclosed structure. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 9.
(2) Formwork and falsework shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and be installed or erected in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 89 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
“medical lock” means a chamber in which workers may be subjected to changes in air pressure for medical purposes; (“caisson de décompression”)
279. (1) The walls of a shaft shall be supported by shoring and bracing adequate to prevent their collapse. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 279 (1).
(2) The manufacturer of a crane or similar hoisting device or an engineer shall determine its rated load-carrying capacity in accordance with,
(10) Despite subsections (7) and (8), if the failure load of a component has been determined by testing, the minimum safety factors shall be,
(3) Before a support system is used as described in subsection (2), the constructor shall submit two copies of its design drawings and specifications to the office of the Ministry of Labour nearest to the project. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 8.
(2.3) If the facility is intended for use by female workers, there shall be a disposal receptacle for sanitary napkins. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 3 (2).
(2) Each smoke line shall extend to a point less than 15 metres from a work face. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 381 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 41 (1).
(3) No lock tender shall work or be permitted to work more than nine hours in a period of twenty-four hours. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 386 (3).
(2) No person shall smoke or be permitted to smoke in an air lock or work chamber, other than in an area designated as a smoking area by the superintendent. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 342 (2).
(2) A certificate of inspection issued under Ontario Regulation 220/01 (Boilers and Pressure Vessels) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000 for a working pressure of at least 520 kilopascals is required for every medical lock on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 356 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 39.
344. As far as practicable, no combustible material shall be installed in or stored in an air lock or work chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 344.
1.2 In this Regulation, a requirement that a design, drawing, instruction, report, specification, opinion or other document be prepared by an engineer includes a requirement that he or she sign and seal it. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 2; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(7) The constructor shall keep the design drawings and specifications for a prefabricated, hydraulic or an engineered support system at a project while the system is on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (7).
(a) shall consist of material that, without exceeding the allowable unit stress for the material used, is capable of supporting,
142.5 (1) A multi-point suspended work platform shall be erected, dismantled, traversed or otherwise moved only by a competent worker under the supervision of a competent person and in accordance with the design drawings, or the design drawings subject to any deviations approved under subsection 142.2 (17), as the case may be. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
(e) a legible copy of the procedures governing maximum work periods and minimum decompression times for the air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 370.
(b) if its slope exceeds a gradient of 1 in 8, cross cleats made from nineteen millimetres by thirty-eight millimetres boards that are securely nailed to the ramp and spaced at regular intervals not exceeding 500 millimetres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 74 (1).
(a) shall consist of an assembly of components that is designed and arranged in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; and
(a) holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1, or hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 2;
(8) Before the crane is first used to lift persons, and at least once every 12 months after the first test, an engineer shall ensure that the crane be subjected to non-destructive testing to ensure the structural integrity of the crane. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 15; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(b) shall be readily available, if the work in compressed air was done at a pressure of 100 kilopascals or less. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 358 (2).
(9) All self-contained breathing apparatuses intended for rescue work on a project shall be the same model and made by the same manufacturer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (9).
(3) Unattended or out of service cranes shall be secured in accordance with clauses 8.7.1 to 8.7.5 of CSA Standard Z248-17. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 19.
(9) If the location of the facilities is varied under subsection (8), the constructor shall document in writing the location and the reasons for the variance, and shall provide the document to,
153. (1) No worker shall use as a workplace a platform, bucket, basket, load, hook, sling or similar device that is capable of moving and is suspended from or supported by a direct attachment to the boom of a crane or similar hoisting device, or supported by a cable attached to a crane or similar hoisting device, except in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 9 (1).
(2) A sign shall contain the word “DANGER” written in legible letters that are at least 150 millimetres in height and shall state that entry by any unauthorized person to the area where the hazard exists is forbidden. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 44 (2).
(c) an assessment as to whether the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair can be installed according to a generic installation drawing or whether it must be installed according to a site-specific installation drawing;
(5) A bucket that is not controlled by a cross head running in vertical guides shall not be hoisted or lowered at a speed greater than 0.5 metres per second when it is transporting a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 303 (5).
382. (1) No bulkhead in a work chamber shall interfere with the free passage from the work face to an air lock of people in a tunnel or shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 382 (1).
(b) to a Director, together with the names and addresses of those to whom notice is given under clause (a). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 335 (1); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 38.
(b) the procedures to be implemented for removing excavated soil and material from an auger or drilling tool and away from the supporting surface of the drill rig;
(4) The undercarriage of a tower crane mounted on a travelling base shall be fitted with rail clamps that can be firmly attached to the rails to lock the crane in position. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(3) Ground personnel including signallers for a helicopter being used to hoist materials shall be competent workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 167 (3).
165. (1) The track foundation and track, including rails and ties, of a tower crane mounted on a travelling base using a travelling undercarriage shall be capable of carrying all loads to which it is likely to be subjected without deformation or settlement that affects the stability of the crane. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(2) An elevating work platform shall be manufactured in accordance with the design referred to in subsection (1). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 144 (2).
104. (1) Every project shall be planned and organized so that vehicles, machines and equipment are not operated in reverse or are operated in reverse as little as possible. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 27.
163. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the operator’s cabin of a tower crane shall be located on and attached to or positioned on the crane in accordance with the instructions of the crane’s manufacturer for the specific model and configuration of the crane and in such a manner that in the event of a failure of the boom, the cabin will not be crushed against the mast. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 163 (1).
(3) Each compartment of a medical lock shall have air valves that are arranged so that the compartment can be pressurized and depressurized from inside and outside the lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 357 (3).
(5) A lock tender shall observe a worker in an air lock while increasing the air pressure on the worker and, if the worker shows signs of discomfort and the discomfort does not quickly disappear, the lock tender shall gradually decrease the air pressure until the worker reports that the discomfort has ceased or until the air pressure reaches atmospheric pressure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 391 (5).
52. (1) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided at readily accessible and adequately marked locations at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 52 (1).
190. (1) This section applies if work is to be done on or near energized exposed parts of electrical equipment or of an electrical installation or conductor. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
64. (1) No work shall be carried out on a building or structure located 4.5 metres or less from a public way unless a covered way is constructed over the part of the public way that is adjacent to the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 64 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 11.
(b) if the CSA Standard Z271-10 requires the inspection or test be performed by a person with specific qualifications, such person. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
152. (1) The owner of a crane or similar hoisting device shall keep an owner’s crane log consisting of a record of all inspections of, tests of, repairs to, modifications to and maintenance of the crane or similar hoisting device. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
2. As often as is necessary, but at least every three years, after the worker uses a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair for the first time. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(c) that is not a trench and with respect to which no worker is required to be closer to a wall than the height of the wall;
145. (1) The owner of an elevating work platform shall maintain it such that the safety factors of the original design are maintained. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 145 (1).
(j) overhead protection for workers on a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair from any work being conducted above the suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair;
107. No worker shall use as a work place a platform, bucket, basket, load, hook or sling that is capable of moving and that is supported by a fork-lift truck, front-end loader or similar machine. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 107.
(3) Air pressure shall not be increased to more than thirty-five kilopascals until the lock tender ensures that every worker in the air lock is free from discomfort due to air pressure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 391 (3).
142. The employer shall ensure that the rated platform capacity of a suspended work platform, work platform module or boatswain’s chair is posted conspicuously on the suspended work platform, work platform module or boatswain’s chair, as the case may be. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(6) The employer responsible for blasting shall keep a copy of the specification at the project until the blasting to which the specification refers is completed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 204 (6).
(4) If the permanent lining of a tunnel will, when completed, consist of a primary lining and a secondary lining, the primary lining shall be strong enough to support the sides and roof of the tunnel until the secondary lining is installed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 307 (4).
198. (1) A magazine containing an explosive shall be securely locked at all times when the competent worker described in section 197 is not present. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 198 (1).
(3) No short-circuit of a firing cable or wire shall be removed until all workers have retreated from the face and are so located that, should a premature explosion occur, the workers are not endangered. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 324 (3).
(3) Sufficient spare pumping equipment and an alternative source of energy for it shall be readily available at the project in case of emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 315 (3).
(b) if stairs would interfere with work on the uppermost work level, no more than two storeys or nine metres below the uppermost work level, whichever distance is shorter. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 75 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 13; O. Reg. 327/19, s. 1 (2).
(2) The inspections shall be performed before the vehicles, machines, tools or equipment are first used at the project and thereafter at least once a year or more frequently as recommended by the manufacturer. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 26.
(b) at one-week intervals after the test under clause (a) while the crane is erected on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 161 (2).
196. (1) If explosives are to be used on a project, the employer responsible for blasting shall designate a competent worker to be in charge of blasting operations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 196 (1).
(6) If the soil conditions on a project differ from those assumed by the engineer in designing a prefabricated, hydraulic or an engineered support system, an engineer shall modify the design drawings and specifications for the actual soil conditions or shall approve the support system for use in the actual soil conditions. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (6); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(4) The walls of a shaft cut in sound rock shall be supported by rock bolts or wire mesh where necessary in the opinion of the engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 279 (4); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A scaffold shall be constructed of suitable structural materials and, if lumber is used, it shall be construction grade or Number 1 Grade spruce. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 128 (2).
72. A work area, a route to and from a work area and a scaffold platform on which work is being performed shall be maintained at all times in a condition that does not endanger workers and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
264. (1) Before a project begins, an employer shall establish in writing emergency procedures for the rescue of underground workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 264 (1).
281. (1) If a square or rectangular shaft is not more than six metres deep and has walls that are not more than 3.6 metres wide, the walls,
97. (1) Every vehicle other than a trailer shall be equipped with brakes and a seat or other place for the vehicle operator. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 97 (1).
(5) Rubber gloves or leather protectors that are damaged or not adequate to protect workers from electrical shock and burn shall not be used. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(4) A crane shall not be used for a multi-tiered load if it is contrary to the crane manufacturer’s specifications or limitations to do so. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3.
381. (1) A smoke line shall be provided from each work face of a work chamber if an air lock or bulkhead is located between the chamber and the surface. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 381 (1).
(4) The constructor shall ensure that every employer whose workers are to use the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair at the building or structure has received a copy of the roof plan. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(4) A circular or elliptical tunnel shall have safety platforms at sixty metre intervals along it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 306 (4).
(b) the structural stability of a scaffold or of a floor or other support of the building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 218 (2).
(2) The employer shall post the name of the worker in charge of blasting operations for a project in a conspicuous place on the project and in every magazine. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 196 (2).
(2) Design drawings for the track foundation and track, including rails and ties, shall be prepared by an engineer in accordance with the crane manufacturer’s specifications. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(4) A copy of the signal code shall be posted near every switch of an electric buzzer or bell system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 341 (4).
(5) The hoist operator shall keep available for inspection at the project the record of tests performed under subsection (3). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 290 (5).
(c) 10.0 for wire ropes, cables or chains used for hoisting, traversing or otherwise moving the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
39. Material and equipment at a project shall be piled or stacked in a manner that prevents it from tipping, collapsing or rolling. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 39.
(5) A guardrail system shall be capable of resisting anywhere along the length of the system the following loads when applied separately, without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used:
(iii) an indication that the maintenance has been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 146.
356. (1) A constructor shall supply at least one medical lock at a project where work in compressed air is done and shall maintain it ready for operation while work in compressed air is being done. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 356 (1).
(b) is intended to be used at any location where all of the requirements in the drawing and documentation are satisfied, and
(4) The testing under subsection (3) shall be carried out by a competent worker in accordance with a written testing strategy, which shall be developed by the employer in consultation with the joint health and safety committee or a health and safety representative, if any. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 9.
(c) all records required under section 394 to be kept by a lock tender. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 338 (1); O. Reg. 64/18, s. 2 (1).
255. (1) No flammable liquid or gas shall be brought underground except as permitted by this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 255 (1).
(c) a fitting and valve similar to that described in clause (b) installed at the end of the standpipe nearest to the work face; and
(7) Rotation-resistant wire rope shall not be used for a cable for boom hoist reeving unless specified by the crane manufacturer or as pendants. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
(a) with a box toe that is adequate to protect the wearer’s toes against injury due to impact and is capable of resisting at least 125 joules impact; and
(c) after being repaired or reconditioned, be proof tested in accordance with the specifications of its manufacturer; and
(2) No worker shall work or be permitted to work in a work chamber in which the temperature exceeds 38 degrees celsius. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 384 (2).
258. (1) No combustible equipment, including welding cable and air-hoses, shall be stored underground unless the equipment is required for immediate use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 258 (1).
289. (1) All parts of a hoisting apparatus used in a hoistway or shaft shall be able to be conveniently inspected. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 289 (1).
(e) the minimum load-bearing capacity of the supporting surface required for each activity to be undertaken by the drill rig;
(5) The constructor shall keep a copy of the completed notification form in a conspicuous location at the project. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 4.
(b) shall have smoothly-contoured outer surfaces to prevent it from tipping or becoming snagged by an obstacle during hoisting or lowering; and
269. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a telephone connected to a public telephone system shall be installed at a project that is to be over fourteen days duration. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 269 (1).
(7) If a component of the fall arrest system is found to be defective on inspection, the defective component shall immediately be taken out of service. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
3. Subject to subsection 116 (8), the top of the guardrail system shall be located at least 0.9 metres but not more than 1.1 metres above the surface on which the system is installed.
(e) shall not be used, in the case of a self-propelled or vehicle-mounted boom-type elevating work platform or a vehicle-mounted aerial device, unless all workers on it are attached to an adequate anchorage point on the elevating work platform by a method of fall protection. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 18; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 14 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 21.
(g) shall have an adequate landing surface that is clear of obstructions at the top and bottom of the ladder for access and egress;
(2) The employer shall ensure that the competent worker successfully completes a training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection (3) at the following times:
(7) A medical lock shall be maintained at a temperature of at least 18 degrees celsius, well-lit and well-ventilated and kept clean and sanitary. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 357 (7).
(a) a seaworthy boat equipped with a lifebuoy attached to a buoyant heaving line not less than 15 metres in length and a boat hook; and
(c) shall be located in a sheathed compartment that is constructed in such a way that a worker who falls while on the stairway, ladder or ladderway will land on the landing or rest platform below. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 286 (1).
259. (1) No combustible rubbish, used or decayed timber, scrap wood or paper shall be accumulated underground. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 259 (1).
(2) The inspection of structural components must include non-destructive testing to ensure the structural integrity of the crane. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
(5) If the pressure in a work chamber at a project may exceed 350 kilopascals for a period of more than five minutes, a project physician shall establish procedures to control decompression sickness including,
142.6 (1) A multi-point suspended work platform shall not be loaded in excess of the specified loads indicated on the design drawings for the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13.
(4) Subsection (3) also applies to shovels, backhoes and similar excavating machines and to cranes and similar hoisting devices. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 27.
199. An explosive shall remain in its original wrapper unless it is manufactured and intended for use other than in its original wrapper. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 199.
(4) The engineer conducting the inspection or under whose direction an inspection is done shall prepare a written report of the inspection including test results, observations, measurements and records. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 15.
69.1 (1) A worker who may be endangered by vehicular traffic shall wear a garment that covers at least his or her upper body and has the following features:
111. (1) A lifting jack shall have its rated capacity legibly cast or stamped on it in a place where it can be readily seen. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 111 (1).
(c) shall show the design loads for the structure and shall detail the bracing and external ties required to adequately support the design loads;
(6) If a temporary standpipe has been installed, it shall not be disconnected until the permanent standpipe is connected, so that there is always a standpipe in service. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 18 (2).
(b) shall be cut to the proper length and held in place by at least two wedges driven between the strut and the wales; and
(c) has demonstrated to the employer that the worker has adequate knowledge and proficiency in operating the drill rig to be used at the project; and
(4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the facilities shall be located not more than 90 metres, where reasonably possible, and otherwise not more than 180 metres, measured horizontally, from the project work area. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 2 (1).
178. A friction-type clamp used in hoisting materials shall be constructed so that an accidental slackening of the hoisting cable does not release the clamp. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 178.
(a) is soft to very soft and very loose in consistency, very sensitive and upon disturbance is significantly reduced in natural strength;
(3) Before work is begun in compressed air, the employer shall obtain written permission from a Director. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 334 (3); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 37 (2).
94. (1) All mechanically-powered vehicles, machines, tools and equipment rated at greater than 10 horsepower shall be inspected by a competent worker to determine whether they can handle their rated capacity and to identify any defects or hazardous conditions. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 26.
(e) the restricted access zone that has been designated around the drilling operation to restrict or prevent access by persons or equipment;
(2) Vehicles, machines and equipment at a project shall not be operated in reverse unless there is no practical alternative to doing so. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 27.
57. (1) As construction proceeds in a building with two or more storeys, a permanent or temporary standpipe shall be installed such that the distance between the standpipe and the uppermost work level is no more than two storeys at any given time. O. Reg. 142/17, s. 10.
(e) the procedures for erection, dismantling, traversing and otherwise moving. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 12 (5); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
76. (1) Temporary stairs and landings shall be designed, constructed and maintained to support a live load of 4.8 kilonewtons per square metre without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for each material used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 76 (1).
(4) An inspection shall be made at least once a week or more frequently as the supervisor determines is necessary in order to ensure that the machinery and equipment referred to in subsection (3) do not endanger any worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 14 (4).
(a) two times the maximum load or force to which it is likely to be subjected, without exceeding the allowable unit stresses for the materials of which it is made; and
374. (1) An air lock shall have a pressure gauge that can be read from the work chamber and that shows the air pressure in the lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 374 (1).
125. (1) Where work cannot be done on or from the ground or from a building or other permanent structure without hazard to workers, a worker shall be provided with a scaffold, a suspended work platform, a boatswain’s chair or a multi-point suspended work platform that meets the requirements of this Regulation. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 9.
1. It is necessary to use the suspended work platform system immediately to prevent injury to people or damage to property.
141. (1) The supplier of or employer who owns a suspended work platform system shall ensure that all of its components are marked or labelled in accordance with clause 10.2 (Markings) of CSA Standard Z271-10. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(4) Despite subsection (2) and clause (3) (b), the gauge for an air lock at a work chamber whose air pressure exceeds 100 kilopascals shall be the strip-chart rectilinear type and shall indicate the change in air pressure at intervals of not more than one minute. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 373 (4).
103. (1) No worker shall operate a shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine in such a way that it or part of its load passes over a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 103 (1).
(6) The constructor shall keep the completed notification form posted in a conspicuous place at the project or available at the project for review by an inspector. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 4.
(d) at intervals not exceeding thirty metres in every area of the tunnel where work is being performed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 270 (3).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a ramp installed in the stairwell of a building not exceeding two storeys in height if the ramp,
(b) for a work chamber, seventy kilopascals more than the maximum air pressure to be used in the chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 369 (2).
(4) In addition to the requirements of subsection (3), the design drawings and specifications for a hydraulic support system,
(5) After a hoist has been stopped for repairs, a hoist operator shall run an empty conveyance up and down the shaft at least once and shall determine that the hoist is in good working order before carrying a load in it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 293 (5).
(11) The failure load of a component referred to in subsection (10) shall be verified in writing by an engineer. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) If a tower crane manufactured before January 1, 2025 does not meet the standards set out in the Table to this section, or equivalent standards as determined by an engineer, the crane shall not be used until an engineer verifies that the crane has been modified to meet those standards. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 13.
(b) if non-manufactured system components are used, shall show the size, grade and specifications of the non-manufactured system components;
“o/c” means the maximum distance measured from the centre of one member of sheathing, wale or strut to the centre of the adjacent member of sheathing, wale or strut; (“c. à c.”)
(ii) includes the results of non-destructive tests described in clause (a) and the examination described in clause (b). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A non-self-supporting portable ladder shall be situated so that its base is not less than one-quarter, and not more than one-third, of the length of the ladder from a point directly below the top of the ladder and at the same level as the base of the ladder, if the ladder is not securely fastened to prevent its movement. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(3) If a swinging weight is used to demolish a building or structure, the supporting cable of the weight shall be short enough or shall be so restrained that the weight does not swing against another building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 215 (3).
50. All fuel supply lines shall be constructed, guarded or placed in such a way as to be protected from damage. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 50.
(5) Before a worker begins work to which this section applies, the employer shall provide a copy of the written measures and procedures to the worker and explain them to him or her. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(3) No part of a project, including a temporary structure, shall be subjected to a load in excess of the load it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 31 (3).
(10) Before the first multi-tiered load hoisting operation is started at a project, the constructor shall give notice to the Ministry office located nearest the project, in person, by telephone, by fax or by electronic means. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3.
105. A dump truck shall be equipped with an automatic audible alarm that signals when the truck is being operated in reverse. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 27.
(4) Despite subsection (1), the fall arrest system shall not include a shock absorber if wearing or using one could cause a worker to hit the ground or an object or level below the work. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(4) No deviation from the written report is permitted unless the deviation is approved, in advance and in a written report, by an engineer. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
120. (1) Every explosive actuated fastening tool shall be stored in a locked container when not in use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 120 (1).
(4) The employer shall make the training and instruction record for each worker available to an inspector on request. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 13.
140. (1) An employer who uses a suspended work platform system shall ensure that there are permanent equipment logs respecting components of the suspended work platform system and that the logs,
320. If explosives or blasting agents are to be transported in a shaft, the worker in charge of blasting operations shall notify the hoist operator and shaft attendants before the explosives or blasting agents are put in the conveyance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 320.
(3) An auxiliary source of energy shall be inspected and tested by being operated at regular intervals of not more than seven days to ensure that it works. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 361 (3).
73. (1) Runways, ramps and platforms other than scaffold platforms shall meet the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 73 (1).
2. Inspection of the rotating shafts, gears, hook blocks and mechanical linkages for signs of cracks, damage or wear using non-destructive testing.
351. (1) An employer who is constructing a tunnel or caisson in which a worker works or will work in compressed air shall employ as project physician at least one legally qualified medical practitioner. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 351 (1).
(3) All wire rope terminations used on a tower crane shall be proof tested after installation onto the wire rope in accordance with the recommendations of the wire rope or termination manufacturer, but in no case to more than 50 per cent of the wire rope’s nominal or minimum rated breaking strength, and permanent records of the proof testing shall be kept for the life of the terminations. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
(3) At least one fire extinguisher shall be provided in a workshop for each 300 or fewer square metres of floor area. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 52 (3).
(15) On request, the constructor shall provide an inspector with copies of any document described in subsection (14). O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(5) A safety platform shall be long enough for a crew of workers to stand on, shall be constructed above the tunnel invert and shall be clear of passing equipment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 306 (5).
(c) a cot mattress, mattress cover and blankets all of which are made of material that is not readily flammable. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 357 (5).
(a) shall be constructed without any gaps that would permit the entry of a ball no more than thirty-eight millimetres in diameter;
(m) the maximum number of workers allowed on a suspended work platform, suspended work platform module or boatswain’s chair;
(4) A luffing boom crane shall have a boom angle indicator that the operator can read while at the controls. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 7 (4).
267. Every worker who is in, or may be required to enter, a tunnel or a shaft leading to it shall be provided with a self-rescue respirator for the worker’s exclusive use which is suitable for protection against hazardous gases. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 10.
270. (1) A telephone system shall be provided at a tunnel if the work at the face of the tunnel is or will be done twenty-three metres or more from,
MagneticTrailer lightsWireless
75. (1) No work shall be performed in a building or structure unless stairs are installed in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 75 (1); O. Reg. 327/19, s. 1 (1).
(b) shall be large enough to accommodate the maximum number of people expected to be in the work chamber without them being in cramped positions;
174. A hook block shall have its load rating and weight legibly cast or stamped on it in a conspicuous location. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 174.
383. (1) Except when it is necessary to protect people during an emergency, the pressure in a work chamber shall not exceed 350 kilopascals for more than five minutes. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 383 (1).
3. Paper towels or a hand dryer shall be provided. If paper towels are provided, there shall be a waste disposal receptacle nearby. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
“multi-point suspended work platform” means a suspended work platform more than 750 millimetres in width or a system of suspended work platforms in which any one platform is more than 750 millimetres in width that is supported from an overhead fixed support system by at least three primary load-carrying means of suspension to maintain the stability of the work platform or system of work platforms; (“plateforme de travail suspendue multipoint”)
149. An operator’s manual for an elevating work platform shall be kept with it while it is on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 149.
(b) is an apprentice who is working pursuant to a training agreement registered under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 885/21, s. 1, 2.
(3) A competent person referred to in subsection 265 (3) shall train rescue workers in the proper operation of the self-contained breathing apparatus. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (3).
(4) The maximum amount of fuel that may be brought underground in a container referred to in clause (3) (b) is the amount required for eight hours use of the engine or heating device. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 255 (4).
200. (1) No fire or other naked flame shall be located in a magazine or eight metres or less from any explosive. O. Reg. 142/17, s. 22.
(2) A work platform shall not have a span of greater than 30 metres between adjacent points of suspension. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) At least annually, a representative sample of each type of structural component shall be randomly selected and subjected to non-destructive testing in accordance with the following:
37. (1) Material or equipment at a project shall be stored and moved in a manner that does not endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 37 (1).
(b) ten metres in height above its base support if the scaffold is constructed of a tube and clamp system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 130 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) Each means of attachment referred to in subsection (1) shall be constructed and attached in such a way that the failure of one means of attachment does not permit the vehicle, machine or equipment being drawn or towed to become detached from the other vehicle. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 100 (3).
(c) tested by a recognized testing laboratory two years after the date on which it was first put into use and then once every 12 months thereafter to assess whether,
(3) The driver of a haulage locomotive shall sound the bell when the locomotive is set in motion or is approaching someone. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 310 (3).
17. (1) A constructor shall establish for a project written procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency and shall ensure that the procedures are followed at the project. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 11.
(3) The track foundation and track, including rails and ties, shall be inspected by an engineer in accordance with the performance standards for inspecting a tower crane as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 260/08 (Performance Standards) made under the Professional Engineers Act before a crane is placed on the track to confirm that the track foundation and track have been installed in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(11) Where a project physician advises the employer that a worker, because of a condition resulting from work in compressed air, is fit with limitations or is unfit, the project physician shall forthwith communicate such advice to the Chief Physician of the Ministry. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (11); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 38 (1).
(7) While a rotary foundation drill rig is in service at a drilling operation described in section 156.3, the employer responsible for the drilling operation shall ensure that,
(3) The constructor shall make available to an inspector upon request a copy of the certification by the engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 127 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
188. (1) This section applies unless the conditions set out in clauses 189 (a) and (b) are satisfied. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(4) No person shall use a multi-point suspended work platform until the design drawings described in subsection 142.2 (15) have been given to the constructor and the following documents have been prepared and given to the constructor:
(b) shall have a connection for the use of the local fire department located on the street side of the building not more than 900 millimetres and not less than 300 millimetres above ground level and to which there is clear access at all times; and
159. (1) An engineer shall ensure that the climbing system for a tower crane is inspected in accordance with the performance standards for inspecting a tower crane as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 260/08 (Performance Standards) made under the Professional Engineers Act,
137. (1) Every suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair, including all components and connections of the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with,
(f) the surface preparation required for the supporting surface and path of travel to safely support the drill rig during its operation and travel;
(d) the work is the erection, structural alteration or structural repair of a bridge, an earth-retaining structure or a water-retaining structure more than three metres high or of a silo, chimney or a similar structure more than 7.5 metres high;
(a) set out the size and specifications of all the components of the work platform, including the type and grade of all materials to be used;
66. Machinery, equipment and material that is being used, left or stored where it may be a hazard to traffic on a public way shall be marked by flashing devices. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 66; O. Reg. 145/00, s. 20.
(1.1) Every worker who may be required to use fire extinguishing equipment shall be trained in its use. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 16.
(c) a part of a building or structure in which formwork or falsework is erected to a suspended slab. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 75 (3); O. Reg. 327/19, s. 1 (3).
(5) Before a variation from the design drawings and specifications for a prefabricated, hydraulic or an engineered support system is permitted, the variation shall be approved in writing by an engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (5); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A separate record shall be kept for each air lock and each compression and decompression of a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 394 (2).
(a) prepares written procedures for the rescue of workers from a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair in an emergency;
(5) The design of a work platform or boatswain’s chair shall use the factored load combination calculated in accordance with subsection (6). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(c) other than an ancillary air lock that complies with section 367, shall contain a functional and accurate electric time piece, thermometer and pressure gauge. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 365 (3).
2. If the operation involves intermittent stops averaging 30 minutes or less, an adequate number of barricades or delineators shall be adequately positioned between vehicular traffic and the worker.
79. A ladder shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as not to endanger a worker and shall be capable of withstanding all loads to which it may be subjected. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
231. An excavation in which a worker may work shall have a clear work space of at least 450 millimetres between the wall of the excavation and any formwork or masonry or similar wall. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 231.
(5) The ground adjacent to a barrier around the top of a shaft shall be sloped away from the barrier. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 282 (5).
(d) Subject to section 164 a crane or other similar hoisting device with its load raised. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 102; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 3.
(4) If a constructor uses a suspended work platform system under subsection (3), the constructor shall, within 24 hours of beginning to use the suspended work platform system, provide a completed approved notification form to the Ministry in a manner described in subsection (2). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 4.
(4) Where a building or structure is supporting the tower crane, the engineer responsible for the structural integrity of the building or structure shall review the design drawings for the foundation, shoring and bracing for the tower crane before the crane is erected on a project to ensure the structural integrity of the building or structure. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(a) if the allowable working load of the trench-jack or trench-brace is equal to or greater than that of the timber strut; and
(3) Flashlights shall be readily available at the entrance to an air lock, on the atmospheric side in an air lock and at every telephone required by section 340. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 347 (3).
(3) A vertical air lock in a shaft or pneumatic caisson shall not be used to decompress workers unless a separate worker-lock with its own controls for compression and decompression is provided. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 367 (3).
(d) instruction in the limitations on the kinds of surfaces on which it is designed to be used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 147 (2).
(a) it has an armoured casing or jacket made of a material that is not readily flammable and that does not readily support combustion; and
(10) All self-contained breathing apparatuses shall be kept in close proximity to the means of access to an underground work place and shall be readily available. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (10).
(2) No material or equipment to be moved by a crane or similar hoisting device shall be stored under or in close proximity to an energized outdoor overhead electrical conductor. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 37 (2).
139.1 (1) Every supplier of and every employer who owns or uses a work platform shall ensure that the testing requirements in this section are met. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(a) who has been certified by Natural Resources Canada to the appropriate level in accordance with the version of the CAN/CGSB Standard 48.9712-2014, Non-destructive Testing — Qualification and Certification of Personnel, as it may be amended from time to time, that was in effect at the time of certification; and
(a) set out the size and specifications of all components of the platform, including the type and grade of materials used for it;
(10) In the case of equipment or of an installation or conductor described in subsection (2), a worker shall not perform the work unless the following additional conditions are satisfied:
343. Before a flame-cutting, gas-welding or similar source of ignition is introduced into a work chamber that is in the vicinity of a combustible material,
iii. thereafter at intervals not greater than 12 months or as often as is recommended by the crane manufacturer, whichever is more frequent, while the tower crane is erected at a project.
274. All electrical circuits of 100 volts or more shall be in an insulated cable that consists of at least two conductors and a grounding conductor. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 8.
“mobile operation” means work, including a paving operation, that is done on a highway or the shoulder of a highway and moves along at speeds of less than 30 kilometres per hour. (“ travaux mobiles”) O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21.
12. The name of the person or organization issuing the wire rope written record and the date it was issued. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
“fixed support” means a permanent or temporary structure or a component of such a structure that can withstand all loads and forces the structure or component is intended to support or resist and is sufficient to protect a worker’s health and safety, and includes equipment or devices that are securely fastened to the structure or component; (“support fixe”)
77. (1) No work shall be performed in a building or structure with stairs unless the stairs meet the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 77 (1).
(b) a copy of the employer’s completed form is kept at the project while the employer is working there. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 3.
(2) Clauses (1) (a) and (b) do not apply with respect to a pipeline if hot-tapping and boxing-in are carried out by a competent worker under controlled conditions that provide for the protection of all persons. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 48 (2).
(8) If a worker who is using the fall arrest system falls, the system shall be immediately removed from service and shall not be used again by a worker unless all components of the system have been certified by the manufacturer as being safe for re-use. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(4) The design of a suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair shall take into account the potential increased loads due to wind on all components of the suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair if shielding, tarpaulins, enclosures, signs, banners or other similar items were used or attached. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
369. (1) Each work chamber and each air lock, including an ancillary air lock, shall have a means of controlling and of automatically limiting the maximum air pressure in it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 369 (1).
2. The intermediate rail may be replaced by material that can withstand a point load of 450 newtons applied in a lateral or vertical downward direction.
“CSA Standard Z150.3-17” means CSA Standard Z150.3-17, Safety Code on Articulating Boom Cranes. (“norme CSA Z150.3-17”) O. Reg. 241/23, s. 5.
3. A legible sign, visible to the operator and warning of the potential electrical hazard, shall be posted at the operator’s station. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
“safety belt” means a belt worn around the waist of a worker and all the fittings for the belt appropriate for the use being made of it; (“ceinture de sécurité”)
(2) If it is not practicable to install at a project a telephone connected to a public telephone system, a radio telephone shall be available that permits communication with an office of the constructor that has a telephone connected to a public telephone system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 269 (2).
(2) Rubber gloves rated for use with voltages above 5,000 volts AC shall be tested and certified to ensure that they can withstand the voltages for which they are rated,
(h) identify all critical parts of the rigging and of the rigged structural steel pieces that are to be inspected before each lift, and set out the inspection criteria to be followed. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 14; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
“10 millimetres gap” means that the space between two adjacent members of sheathing is a maximum of ten millimetres. (“écart de 10 millimètres”) O. Reg. 213/91, s. 238 (1).
18. The constructor shall ensure that every worker at the project has ready access to a telephone, two-way radio or other system of two-way communication in the event of an emergency. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 11.
(2) The outrigger beams of an outrigger scaffold shall be secured against horizontal and vertical movement. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 10.
(3) Subsection (1) and clause (2) (b) do not apply with respect to an explosive actuated fastening tool if the velocity of a fastener fired from it does not exceed 90 metres per second measured at a distance of two metres from its muzzle end when propelled by the maximum commercially-available explosive load it is chambered to accept. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 119 (3).
(4) The engineer who conducts the inspection under subsection (2) shall prepare a written report of the inspection. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
101. (1) No worker shall remain on or in a vehicle, machine or equipment while it is being loaded or unloaded if the worker might be endangered by remaining there. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 101 (1).
53. (1) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be of a suitable type and size to permit the evacuation of workers during a fire. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 53 (1).
(c) shall be cleated with cleats that extend over the top of the strut and rest on the wales or that are attached securely to the wales by spikes or bolts. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 238 (4).
(8) Rotation-resistant wire rope shall not be used where an inner wire or strand for a cable is damaged or broken. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
(5) The supporting surface and path of travel for the drill rig shall be inspected by an engineer after they are prepared or constructed and before the drill rig is assembled and erected on the supporting surface or uses the path of travel to confirm that they were prepared or constructed in accordance with the engineer’s report. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 3.
(2) If an excavation is located where there is vehicular or pedestrian traffic and if the excavation will be covered when work on or in it is not in progress, the support system for the walls of the excavation shall extend at least to the top of the excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 241 (2).
(b) examine all components of the work platform to ensure they are manufactured in accordance with the design drawings referred to in section 137.2;
(2) The constructor shall review the emergency procedures with the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative for the project, if any. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 11.
(b) a written report of the inspections and results are kept at the project and made available to an inspector upon request. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(2) Sections 182, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 and 193 do not apply to electrical work that is performed on or near electrical transmission or distribution systems if the work is performed in accordance with the document referred to in subsection (1). O. Reg. 627/05, s. 4.
(11) If a temporary standpipe is installed in a building under construction, the constructor shall post at the project, or have available for review, a floor plan of the building indicating,
(b) indicates whether the fixed supports are adequate for the purposes of attaching work platforms, boatswain’s chairs and lifelines;
“falsework”, in relation to a form or structure, means the structural supports and bracing used to support all or part of the form or structure; (“ouvrage provisoire”)
(i) is equipped with fail-safe mechanisms that will prevent the boom and the suspended platform from free falling in the event of a power source or system failure or the inadvertent release of any operating controls,
353. (1) A worker who is about to work in compressed air and who does not feel well for any reason shall report the fact as soon as is practicable to the superintendent or a project physician before working in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 353 (1).
“superintendent” means the person appointed by a constructor to be supervisor over and in charge of work done in compressed air; (“surintendant”)
(a) shall be present on the project, if the work in compressed air was done at a pressure greater than 100 kilopascals; or
4. Measurements to confirm that components that routinely wear due to use including clutch plates, brake pads, sheaves, wire ropes, bushings and pins, are within tolerances specified by their manufacturers.
(d) the existing soil conditions, all associated hazards to workers’ health and safety and the precautions to be taken to protect workers from the hazards associated with the soil conditions;
(2) The allowable working load of a metal trench-jack or trench-brace shall be determined by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and shall be legibly cast or stamped on the trench-jack or trench-brace. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 242 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(ii) electrician — domestic and rural, if the worker is performing work that is limited to the scope of practice for that trade; or
(5) The constructor shall keep at a project the design drawings and the written statement for a scaffold while the scaffold is erected. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 130 (5).
(vi) is equipped with an automatic limit switch that prevents the platform and load from reaching beyond the highest permissible position specified by the crane manufacturer. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4; O. Reg. 527/00, s. 5; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 9 (2, 3).
156.8 (1) No worker shall operate a rotary foundation drill rig with an effective torque greater than 270 kilonewton metres unless the worker,
157.2 A tower crane shall be erected, dismantled and climbed in accordance with the following clauses of CSA Standard Z248-17:
(5) An engineer shall inspect a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device before it is first used on a building or structure to ensure that it is installed in accordance with the design drawings and specifications. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (5); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) shall have sound and rigid footings capable of carrying the maximum load to which the footings may be subjected without settlement or deformation of the soil or structure below the footings; and
(2) Precautions shall be taken to prevent injury to a person on or near the project or the adjoining property that may result from the demolition, dismantling or moving of a building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 214 (2).
“pressure”, in relation to a wall of an excavation, means the lateral pressure of the earth on the wall calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and includes hydrostatic pressure and pressure due to surcharge. (“pression”) O. Reg. 213/91, s. 222; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 25.
(b) shall have an Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada rating of at least 4A40BC. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 53 (2); O. Reg. 345/15, s. 10.
(2) If a pipe discharges hot tar or bitumen two metres or less from the edge of a roof, a guardrail shall be provided at the edge of the roof. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 208 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 24.
314. (1) The air inlet to an air compressor shall be located in such a position that fumes or noxious contaminants are not drawn in with the air to be compressed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 314 (1).
Column 1 Total number of the type of structural component in a supplier or employer’s entire inventory or fleet of suspended work platforms
(a) include design drawings that illustrate the arrangement and dimensions of the structural steel pieces, the assembly of rigging components and devices, and all attachment points;
(6) Before a project begins, the supervisor of the construction of a tunnel shall designate a rescue worker who shall inspect and test all rescue equipment every thirty days. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 265 (6).
(2) Every prefabricated, hydraulic or engineered support system shall be constructed, installed, used and maintained in accordance with its design drawings and specifications. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (2).
(5) Despite subsection (2), the constructor may begin work at a project before complying with subsection (3) or (4) if the following conditions are met:
(3) While a rotary foundation drill rig is in service at a drilling operation described in section 156.3, the employer responsible for the drilling operation shall ensure that,
(b) the wind load determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Building Code, based on a one in ten probability of being exceeded in any one year; and
(b) is constructed without any gaps that would permit the entry of a ball no more than thirty-eight millimetres in diameter; and
(3) The constructor shall ensure that the emergency procedures are posted in a conspicuous place at the project. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 11.
123. Precautions to prevent a fire shall be taken when using a blow torch or welding or cutting equipment or a similar piece of equipment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 123.
(2) No explosive shall be outside a magazine unless the explosive is required for immediate use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 198 (2).
(3) Despite subsection (2), if a work platform module is manufactured as a single unit, it may be marked with a single unique identifier. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) No person, other than a worker required to do so as a part of the worker’s job, shall enter or attend the machine room of a hoist. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 291 (2).
(2) For the purposes of this section, the types of structural components of a work platform are categorized in the following groups:
(2) If a worker at a project on a highway may be endangered by vehicular traffic unrelated to the project, the project shall make use of as many of the following measures as is necessary to adequately protect the worker:
158. (1) An engineer shall ensure that a tower crane’s structural elements, its electrical, mechanical and hydraulic components, and its control systems, are inspected in accordance with the performance standards for inspecting a tower crane as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 260/08 (Performance Standards) made under the Professional Engineers Act, and that any defects are identified, at the following times:
(2) For the purposes of clause (1) (b), every reference to the National Building Code of Canada in CSA Standard Z271-10 shall be deemed to be a reference to the Building Code. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(9) While the suspended work platform system is at the project, the employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, the site-specific installation drawing, any approved deviations and every report prepared under this section. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
“work platform” means a built or manufactured work surface that, as the context requires, is intended to be used as or is in use as the work area of a suspended work platform system, but does not include a boatswain’s chair. (“plateforme de travail”) O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
375. A work chamber shall contain, in a protective container less than 15 metres from the work face, a portable pressure gauge and a thermometer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 375; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 40.
(4) The following values of load factors, as described in the provisions of the Building Code that address Limit States Design, shall be applied to calculate the factored loads for an outrigger and supporting structure, excluding anchorage connectors:
(c) prepares a written, site-specific work plan that complies with subsection (2) and, if it is a work plan respecting a suspended work platform system, also complies with subsection (3). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) A lifting jack shall be equipped with a positive stop to prevent overtravel or, if a positive stop is not practicable, with an overtravel indicator. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 111 (2).
(3) The inspection under subsection (2) shall include a determination of whether all components are in adequate condition. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15.
162.1 When there are multiple cranes at a project, hoisting operations shall meet the clearance requirements set out in clause 8.10 of CSA Standard Z248-17. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 20.
6. The constructor shall keep the design at the project while the system is in use. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 4, 5.
(b) if the defect does affect the structural integrity of the structural component, whether the defective component is to be rejected from further use permanently or pending its repair. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 17 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) The engineer conducting the inspection or under whose direction an inspection is done shall prepare a written report of the inspection and test results in accordance with the performance standards for inspecting a tower crane as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 260/08, including confirmation that all components are in adequate condition. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
(b) when a protective guard is centred on the muzzle end of the tool, the bearing surface of the guard is not tilted more than eight degrees from the work surface. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 31.
(a) shall have sufficient hose outlets to permit every part of the building to be protected by a hose not longer than twenty-three metres;
(1.1) After the erection of a tower crane but before the tower crane is put into service, load tests shall be performed on the tower crane in accordance with clause 6.3.3 of CSA Standard Z248-17. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 17.
(2) A multi-point suspended work platform shall be inspected by an engineer to determine whether it complies with the design drawings, or the design drawings subject to any deviations approved under subsection 142.2 (17), as the case may be,
208. (1) A pipe that supplies hot tar or bitumen to a roof shall be securely fixed and supported to prevent its deflection. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 208 (1).
vi. visually inspect all wire rope cable that winds on a drum or passes over a sheave that may reasonably be expected to be in use during the day’s operation of the tower crane for damage or possible evidence of rope failure,
(3) If the crane manufacturer specifies the location of the operator’s cabin to be on the boom of a tower crane, the crane manufacturer shall provide to the owner of the crane a report for the specific model and specific configuration of crane on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 163 (3).
(2) The owner shall post a legible copy of the roof plan near every entrance to the roof or top level of the building or structure where the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair is to be used. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
334. (1) No constructor or employer shall begin work at a project where a worker may be subjected to compressed air until the requirements of this section are met. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 334 (1).
1.1 In this Regulation, a requirement that something be done in accordance with good engineering practice includes a requirement that it be done in a manner that protects the health and safety of all workers. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 2.
(6) The leads to the face shall be short-circuited when the contacts of the device are in the open position. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 325 (6).
(c) at intervals of not more than thirty metres along the length of the work chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 385 (3); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 42.
(4) The wind load referred to in clause (3) (b) may be reduced by 30 per cent if the engineer who designs the multi-point suspended work platform determines that it is appropriate to do so and indicates in writing that he or she has made the determination. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 12 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(4) A runway, ramp or platform shall be at least 460 millimetres wide and shall be securely fastened in place. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 73 (4).
(c) shall have a clear view of the intended path of travel of the vehicle, machine or equipment, crane or similar hoisting device, shovel, backhoe or similar excavating machine or its load; and
(2) When work in compressed air at the project is finished, the superintendent shall promptly send to a Director a copy of each form described in clause 352 (1) (b) prepared by the project physician. O. Reg. 64/18, s. 2 (2).
“tunnel” means a subterranean passage into which a person may enter that is made by excavating beneath the overburden; (“tunnel”)
(6) The constructor shall keep at the project a copy of the signed design drawings for the foundation, shoring and bracing for a tower crane and any written opinion about the drawings by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(2) In this Regulation, a short form listed in Column 1 of the Table to this subsection has the same meaning as the term set out opposite to it in Column 2.
(2) Such action as may be necessary to prevent an unattended vehicle, machine or equipment from being started or set in motion by an unauthorized person shall be taken. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 101 (2).
326. (1) A circuit used for blasting shall originate from an isolated ungrounded power source and shall be used only for blasting. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 326 (1).
49. (1) A fuel-fired heating device shall be located, protected and used in such a way that there is no risk of igniting a tarpaulin or similar temporary enclosure or combustible materials adjacent to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 49 (1).
(7) The constructor shall keep available for inspection at a project the design drawings for the primary supports. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 307 (7); O. Reg. 85/04, s. 23.
(2) An air lock shall be constructed in accordance with the engineer’s design drawings for it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 365 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 4.
(d) have rungs braced by filler blocks that are at least 19 millimetres thick and located between the rungs. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(3) A lock tender shall constantly observe a worker in an air lock while decreasing the air pressure on the worker and, if the worker shows signs of discomfort and the discomfort does not quickly disappear, the lock tender shall gradually increase the air pressure until the worker reports that the discomfort has ceased or until the air pressure equals the pressure in the work chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 392 (3).
26.7 (1) A permanent anchor system shall be used as the fixed support in a fall arrest system, fall restricting system or travel restraint system if the following conditions are met:
(d) the working area and designated path of travel to be used for any machinery or equipment used in the vicinity of the drilling operation so that the machinery or equipment does not affect the stability and integrity of the supporting surface of the drill rig;
(a) any defects identified in the inspection have been corrected or repaired in accordance with the instructions of the tower crane manufacturer or an engineer; and
339. (1) A worker who works in compressed air shall wear for at least twenty-four hours after working in compressed air a sturdy metal or plastic badge that meets the requirements of subsection (2). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 339 (1).
(b) in a compartment of a shaft in which work is being done unless the hoist is being operated for the purpose of work in the compartment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 293 (4).
127. (1) The failure load of a scaffold which consists of structural components whose capacity cannot be determined by testing shall be established by testing the components in a manner that simulates the actual loading conditions for which each of the components is fabricated. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 127 (1).
197. Only a competent worker or a worker who is working under the direct personal supervision of a competent worker shall handle, transport, prepare and use explosives on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 197.
(6) If a multi-point suspended work platform is to be used for abrasive blasting operations, there shall be an additional load allowance for the accumulation of grit on the platform to a depth of at least 25 millimetres. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
“excavation depth” means the vertical dimension from the highest point of the excavation wall to a point level with the lowest point of the excavation; (“profondeur d’excavation”)
(c) shall not be used in an elevator shaft or a similar hoisting area when the shaft or area is being used for hoisting. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
310. (1) A haulage locomotive shall have suitable brakes, an audible bell and controls that can be operated only by a worker at the driver’s station. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 310 (1).
(c) shall have footings, sills or supports that are sound, rigid and capable of supporting at least two times the maximum load to which the scaffold may be subjected without settlement or deformation that may affect the stability of the scaffold;
(3) All gas, electrical and other services that may endanger persons who have access to a building or structure shall be shut off and disconnected before, and shall remain shut off and disconnected during, the demolition, dismantling or moving of the building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 214 (3).
(c) shall indicate the proper positioning of the system in the excavation, including the maximum allowable clearance between the walls of the support system and the walls of the excavation; and
(3) Subject to subsection (4), stilts may be used on a project for work in residential units and residential common areas only if they are used for the following purposes:
(5) If work is being performed in a tunnel, the facilities shall be located not more than 180 metres, measured horizontally, from the entrance to the tunnel. O. Reg. 142/17, s. 6.
“automobile” includes a van or truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds (6,350 kilograms) or less. O. Reg. 190/19, s. 1 (2).
(a) ensure that written measures and procedures for complying with this section are established and implemented, so that workers are adequately protected from electrical shock and burn; and
251. (1) If the diameter of a tunnel will be equal to or greater than 1.5 metres when it is completed, a standpipe, a fire line and a hose shall be provided in the tunnel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 251 (1).
(2) Overhead protection shall consist of material capable of supporting 2.4 kilonewtons per square metre without exceeding the allowable unit stress for the material used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 34 (2).
(2) The full body harness or safety belt shall be attached by a lifeline or lanyard to a fixed support that meets the requirements of section 26.7. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, a support used in a fall restricting system must be capable of supporting a static force of at least 6 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used.
(3) The worker in charge of blasting operations for a project shall personally supervise blasting operations at the project, including the loading, priming and initiating of all charges. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 196 (3).
(c) any operating restrictions imposed by the drill rig manufacturer’s instructions, including the maximum safe ground slope for the drilling operation;
(b) shall be opened at least once each shift for the purpose of ejecting oil, water and other matter from the vessel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 314 (2).
3. The waste is first flushed from the bowl with water or with water containing chemical additives. Then the waste is deposited into a container and chemically treated sufficiently for the container’s maximum capacity. O. Reg. 527/00, s. 2 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a conveyance located in a service shaft if the hoisting area is so remote from the stairway, ladder or ladderway that it is not possible for a load, bucket or device being hoisted or lowered to come into contact with the stairway, ladder or ladderway. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 287 (2).
306. (1) A tunnel shall have enough clear space for the passage of vehicles and the movement of workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 306 (1).
341. (1) An electric buzzer or bell system for work in compressed air shall be provided at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 341 (1).
“work belt” means a belt that has a back support pad and a connecting hook at the front and that is capable of supporting a worker. (“ceinture de travail”) O. Reg. 213/91, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 631/94, s. 1; O. Reg. 145/00, s. 1 (1-13); O. Reg. 85/04, s. 1; O. Reg. 628/05, s. 1; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 1 (1-3); O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 2 (1-4); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 1; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 1, 5; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 1 (1).
(3) The firing circuit shall be short-circuited while the leads from the blasting caps are being connected to each other and to the firing cables. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 202 (3).
(b) the worker is being instructed in the operation of the crane or other hoisting device and is accompanied by a person who meets the requirements of clause (a). O. Reg. 241/23, s. 6 (3).
(2) The employer shall ensure that the inspection, testing and maintenance referred to in subsection (1) is completed by,
(a) the sequence of activities of the drilling operation to be followed including, if applicable, the delivery of concrete, rebar, steel piles and other materials related to the drilling operation;
(e) made in Type 1 or Type 2 soil and whose walls are sloped to 1.2 metres or less from its bottom with a slope having a minimum gradient of one vertical to one horizontal;
(a) shall be tested in accordance with the National Standards of Canada standard set out in the Table to subsection (6); and
(b) the minimum transverse cross-sectional area of a shaft that is not cylindrical shall be 5.7 square metres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 278 (2).
(2) Despite subsection (1), tape fuse may be used to fire explosives and blasting agents if block holing is to be done. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 323 (2).
(b) 3.6 kilonewtons per square metre if the platform is to be used for demolition work or for storage of masonry units or other related material or equipment; or
(vii) is designed, constructed and maintained so that the failure of one means of support or suspension will not cause the collapse of all or part of the platform, and
388. (1) The employer shall provide, free of charge, sugar and hot beverages for workers working in compressed air to consume during their rest periods. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 388 (1).
142.06 (1) A worker who is on or is getting on or off a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair shall wear a full body harness connected to a fall arrest system. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 471/16, s. 1.
2. Before beginning the work, the constructor gives an inspector notice of the information required in the form by telephone or fax. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 4.
35. (1) Waste material and debris shall be removed to a disposal area and reusable material shall be removed to a storage area as often as is necessary to prevent a hazardous condition arising and, in any event, at least once daily. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 35 (1).
(2) All firing cables or wires leading to a face shall be short-circuited while the leads from the blasting caps are being connected to one another and to the firing cables. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 324 (2).
136.0.1 (1) The distance between the platform of an outrigger scaffold and the wall beyond which the scaffold extends shall not exceed 75 millimetres. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 10.
(8) For use in an underground work place that is 150 metres or more long, the minimum rated duration of use for a self-contained breathing apparatus shall be one and one-half hours. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (8).
(c) instructions in, and a hands-on demonstration of, the proper operation of the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 2.
“sewered toilet facilities” means water flush toilets that are connected to a sanitary sewer system and equipped with a trap in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Building Code. (“installations de toilettes raccordées à un réseau d’égouts”) O. Reg. 527/00, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 7.
(a) develop written measures and procedures in accordance with subsection (2) to protect the health and safety of workers engaged in, or in the vicinity of, the drilling operation; and
395. (1) A worker who has been in air pressure greater than atmospheric air pressure for more than five minutes shall be decompressed down to atmospheric pressure in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 395 (1).
(4) For vehicles, machines, tools and equipment rated at greater than 10 horsepower, copies of any operating manuals issued by the manufacturers shall be kept readily available at the project. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 25 (2).
(4) A signal set out in Column 1 of the Table shall be used to communicate the meaning set out opposite to it in Column 2 between a hoist operator, the top or bottom of a shaft and all landings in the shaft:
(d) because of specific site conditions, the location of the cabin on the boom provides greater visibility for the operator than does the manufacturer’s standard cabin location;
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to material in a building or a completely enclosed part of a building that is used solely for storing and distributing materials. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 40 (2).
(d) the words, “compressed air worker – in case of decompression sickness take immediately to a medical lock”. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 339 (2).
“work chamber” means a part of a project that is used for work in compressed air but does not include an air lock or a medical lock. (“chambre de travail”) O. Reg. 213/91, s. 332.
(3) No crane or similar hoisting device shall include nuts, bolts, pins or fastenings that are not the size and quality specified by the manufacturer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 154 (3).
(3) The design of a fixed support shall use the factored loads calculated in accordance with subsection (4). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(7.1) If a guardrail system that is made of wood is constructed and installed so that it is capable of resisting all loads that it may be subjected to by a worker, the following do not apply:
(b) the space between the walls of a prefabricated support system and the walls of the excavation shall be restricted to the minimum clearance required for the forward progression of the support system; and
(b) weekly after each climbing operation to ensure all the installed shoring and bracing components and tie-ins are in place. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(g) shall be adequately secured at vertical intervals not exceeding three times the least lateral dimension of the scaffold, measured at the base, to prevent lateral movement. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 128 (1).
(2) A worker shall be examined by a project physician before the worker enters an air lock in preparation for working in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 390 (2).
(c) the fire hose shall be tested to ensure there is an adequate supply of water and water pressure to extinguish a fire; and
248. Notices describing how to sound a fire alarm shall be posted in conspicuous places on a project to which this Part applies. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 248.
(c) any other loads likely to be applied to it. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 19 (1).
(3) If the upper portion of the walls of an excavation are sloped for the soil types as described in clauses 234 (2) (e), (f) and (g) and the lower portion of the walls are vertical or near vertical, the walls shall be supported by a support system which extends at least 0.5 metres above the vertical walls. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 241 (3).
(b) have a copy of these written measures and procedures provided to, and reviewed with, the workers engaged in the drilling operation. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(2) The controls of a mechanical device used to demolish a building or structure shall be operated from a location that is as remote as is practicable from the building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 215 (2).
(13) After the initial inspection required under subsection (10), the shoring and bracing components and tie-ins installed for the climbing operation shall be inspected by a competent worker,
(d) subject to subsection (4), provides proof that the manufacturer of a suspended work platform or suspended work platform module has been certified to International Standard ISO 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements; and
(5) If single post shores are placed more than one tier high, the junction of each tier shall be braced against a fixed support in at least two directions in order to prevent any lateral movement. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 87 (5).
4. A safety net that meets the requirements of section 26.8. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 12; O. Reg. 85/04, s. 5 (1); O. Reg. 345/15, s. 5 (1).
(5) If a worker who is using the fall restricting system falls or slips more than the distance determined under clause (1) (b) or (2) (b), as the case may be, the system shall be taken out of service immediately and shall not be used again by a worker unless all components of the system have been certified by the manufacturer as being safe for reuse. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 6.
4. If the span of the work platform between adjacent points of suspension is greater than 20 metres but not more than 25 metres, the minimum live load shall be 900 kilograms.
(3) A worker shall enter only the part of a building or structure being demolished that will safely support the worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 213 (3).
(5) A competent worker shall have the written proof described in subsection (4) readily available at a project. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
“suspended work platform system” means an access system comprising one or more overhead fixed supports, one or more suspension lines, hoisting devices, if any, and one or more work platforms that can be moved vertically, but it does not include a boatswain’s chair or a multi-point suspended work platform; (“système de plateformes de travail suspendues”)
1. An adequate number of crash trucks shall be adequately positioned between vehicular traffic and workers in order to adequately protect workers at the project.
7. The vertical distance between the top of a suspension line and the lowest point on the street, ground or other horizontal surface under a work platform will exceed 150 metres. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) A scaffold platform or other work platform made of sawn lumber planks shall have planks of number 1 grade spruce that do not have any defect affecting their load-carrying capacity and,
218. (1) Masonry walls of a building or structure being demolished or dismantled shall be removed in reasonably level courses. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 218 (1).
“fall restricting system” means a type of fall arrest system that has been designed to limit a worker’s fall to a specified distance; (“limiteur de chute”)
(b) by providing the information that would be required to complete the form to the inspector by telephone. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 4.
329. An adequate supply of fresh air shall be provided and circulated throughout an underground work place. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 329.
(b) the drilling procedure is followed by the workers engaged in, and in the vicinity of, the drilling operation. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(2) Design drawings for a scaffold shall set out erection instructions and the rated loads for the scaffold. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 12.
(2) The entrance to a room or other enclosure containing exposed energized electrical parts shall be marked by conspicuous warning signs stating that entry by unauthorized persons is prohibited. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(2) A light bulb used in a temporary lighting system shall be enclosed by a mechanical protection device. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 45 (2).
(a) three and one-half times the maximum load to which it is likely to be subjected if it is used on a device other than a tower crane and it winds on a drum or passes over a sheave;
355. (1) A first aid room shall be provided in close proximity to each medical lock at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 355 (1).
138.1 (1) An employer shall designate a competent worker to be responsible for the installation and inspection of a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair before it is put into service for the first time. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
137.1 (1) In addition to the requirements set out in section 137, a suspended work platform shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
32. (1) During the construction of a building, temporary or permanent flooring shall be installed progressively as the building is erected. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 32 (1).
2. As often as is necessary, but at least every three years, after the worker installs or inspects the installation of a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair for the first time. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
WirelessTrailer lights
(c) has written proof that the worker has completed a training program on the operation of a 0-8 ton mobile crane that included instruction on,
(c) that have been air tested and visually inspected for damage and adequacy immediately before each use. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
5. A support used in a travel restraint system shall be capable of supporting a static force of at least 2 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(k) measures to be taken to protect workers using a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair from weather and other conditions that may endanger them;
143. (1) Subject to subsection (2), every elevating work platform, including elevating rolling work platforms, self-propelled elevating work platforms, boom-type elevating work platforms and vehicle-mounted aerial devices shall comply with section 144. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 143 (1).
(c) make the record available, on request, to a constructor of a project where workers are to use a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and lifelines, if any. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(5) The recording paper used in a gauge shall be changed every seven days and shall be marked to identify the period of time to which it relates. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 373 (5).
(4) A manufactured portable ladder shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
“shaft” means an excavation with a longitudinal axis at an angle greater than 45 degrees from the horizontal that is used to pass people or materials into or out of a tunnel or that leads to a tunnel or that is used as an access to a boring or augering operation; (“puits”)
“wale” means a longitudinal member of the shoring that is placed against the sheathing to directly resist the pressure from the sheathing; (“raidisseur”)
98. The means of access to any operator’s station in a vehicle, machine or equipment shall not endanger the operator and shall have skid-resistant walking, climbing and work surfaces. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 98.
(b) keep at the project and make available to an inspector on request, the report prepared under subsection (2) or (3) and the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly of the work platform. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
2. It shall not be subjected to extreme temperature, flame, abrasive or corrosive materials or other hazards that may damage it.
(2) A designated competent worker who has successfully completed the training program under section 138.1 shall inspect a suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair to determine whether the installed suspended work platform system or installed powered boatswain’s chair complies with the drawing,
389. (1) A lock tender shall supervise the controls of an air lock when a worker is about to be, or is being, subjected to compressed air in the air lock or work chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 389 (1).
(3) The operational tests required under paragraph 6 of subsection (2) do not require the components to be dismantled. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 15.
(v) operating the controls of the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
Wireless boattrailer lights
(2) The fall arrest system shall be attached by a lifeline or by the lanyard to an independent fixed support that meets the requirements of section 26.7. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(4) The employer shall ensure that the project physician instruct workers on the hazards of working in compressed air and the necessary precautions to be taken to avoid decompression sickness. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 351 (4).
337. (1) A superintendent at a project shall designate for each shift at least one competent worker as lock tender who shall attend to the controls of an air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 337 (1).
(3) An owner who has been advised under clause (2) (d) shall ensure that the fixed support in question is not used until the requirements in subsections (4) and (5) are met, as applicable. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(h) a part of the permanent or temporary work is required by this Regulation to be designed by an engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 6 (1); O. Reg. 345/15, s. 2; O. Reg. 190/19, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
316. No internal combustion engine shall be used in a tunnel on a project without the prior written consent of a Director. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 316; O. Reg. 145/00, s. 36.
Note: On January 1, 2025, subsection 29.1 (2.3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “sanitary napkins” and substituting “menstrual products”. (See: O. Reg. 190/24, s. 2)
(2) An engineer shall specify in writing the precautions required under subsection (1). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 229 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) No safety catch is required on a hoisting hook used in placing structural members if the method of placing protects workers to the same standard as a safety catch does. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 173 (2).
(b) shall be pivoted in such a way that it does not automatically invert when the lock is released. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 303 (4).
(a) keep a permanent record, in accordance with clause 13 (Equipment Log) of CSA Standard Z271-10, of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance of the fixed support as long as the fixed support is used;
(b) have a positive stop that prevents the rope grab or other similar device from running off the end of the lifeline. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(2.1) Where the minimum number of toilets required at a project under subsection (5) or (7) is five or more, at least one facility at the project shall be for the use of female workers only, where reasonable in the circumstances. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 3 (2).
(a) the supporting surface and path of travel are regularly inspected in accordance with, and by the person identified by, the report described in subsection (2); and
(6) An engineer shall confirm in a written report that any defects identified have been corrected or repaired and that the corrected or repaired components are in adequate condition. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 15.
(2) When using an explosive actuated fastening tool, the worker shall carry proof of his or her training in its use. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 30.
(b) the procedures to be implemented for the assembly, erection, disassembly, alteration and operation of the drilling equipment;
(2) Despite clause (1) (a), a scaffold with structural components whose capacity can only be determined by testing shall be designed and constructed to support or resist three times the maximum load or force to which it is likely to be subjected without causing the failure of any component. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 126 (2).
(4) Personal protective clothing and equipment that is provided, worn or used shall be a proper fit, having regard to all relevant factors including body types. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 1.
(c) state welding specifications for all welds used on the work platform, including weld length, weld locations and welding fillers to be used; and
(8) All other parts of a suspended work platform not listed in subsection (2) shall be inspected for damage at least once within the 12-month period preceding its use on a project and at least once annually while in use on a project. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
132. (1) An engineer shall inspect and give a written opinion as to the structural adequacy of a centre pole scaffold used in silo construction when required by subsection (2). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 132 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
4. Before beginning the work, the worker has verified that paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 have been complied with. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(a) a load rating chart that the operator can read while at the controls that contains enough information for the operator to determine the load that can be lifted for each configuration of the crane or hoisting device; or
(5) No employer or constructor shall permit a worker to use a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair on a building or structure unless the employer or constructor has received a copy of the roof plan and, if required, the design drawings and written procedures prepared under subsection 141.3 (2). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) shall require the use of a device to ensure the protection of workers if a loss of hydraulic pressure occurs in the system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (4).
“blocker truck” means a truck that weighs at least 6,800 kilograms and has four-way flashers and a mounted flashing arrowboard sign; (“camion-barrière”)
181. (1) Except where otherwise required by this Regulation, electrical work performed on or near electrical transmission or distribution systems shall be performed in accordance with the document entitled “Electrical Utility Safety Rules” published by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association and revised 2019. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 4; O. Reg. 443/09, s. 5; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 22; O. Reg. 327/19, s. 2.
(b) thereafter at least once every 10 years after the date of the last inspection under this section before the tower crane is erected at a project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 15.
(4) The results of the testing in clause (3) (b) shall be verified and certified by an engineer and made available to an inspector upon request. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 87 (4); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
138. (1) An employer shall ensure that a worker successfully completes a training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection (2) at the following times:
(3.1) If an operator is using a remote control device, they shall have access to a load rating chart at all times. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 7 (3).
“traverse”, when used in relation to a multi-point suspended work platform, means to move the platform horizontally, in a controlled manner, along the building or structure to which it is attached; (“déplacement horizontal”)
(2) No worker shall operate a crane or similar hoisting device in such a way that part of its load passes over another worker unless the other worker is receiving the load or is engaged in sinking a shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 103 (2).
(b) ensure that, before the multi-tiered load hoisting operation is begun, a copy of the procedures is provided to and reviewed with each worker engaged in the operation;
(b) plumbed while balanced and then held in the plumbed condition by wedges or other means, initially when it is set up and again after each climb. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
3. A fall arrest system, other than a fall restricting system designed for use in wood pole climbing, that meets the requirements of section 26.6.
216. (1) Demolition and dismantling of a building or structure shall proceed systematically and continuously from the highest to the lowest point unless a worker is endangered by this procedure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 216 (1).
359. (1) The superintendent shall designate at least one competent worker to be in charge of the compressors compressing air for a work chamber and air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 359 (1).
268. (1) A worker’s self-rescue respirator shall be kept in the vicinity of the worker while he or she is in a tunnel or shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 268 (1).
“allowable suspended load” means the combined weight of a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair, the hoisting device or devices, the rated platform capacity and the suspended portion of the suspension line or lines; (charge suspendue admissible”)
(3) Where mechanical track haulage is used in a tunnel, explosives or blasting agents shall not be transported on the locomotive or in the same car as the detonators. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 318 (3).
(b) 150 millimetres or less from another hole or remnant of a hole that has been charged or blasted unless adequate precautions have been taken to ensure that the other hole is free from explosives. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 204 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 23 (1, 2).
(2) If the vertical distance between the tiers of column splices on a building exceeds two storeys, work shall not be carried out higher than three storeys above the temporary or permanent flooring. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 33 (2).
(4) Air pressure shall be increased above thirty-five kilopascals at a uniform rate of not greater than thirty-five kilopascals per minute. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 391 (4).
(4) If a component of the fall restricting system is found to be defective on inspection, the component shall be taken out of service immediately. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 6.
(5) Skeleton steel stairs shall have temporary wooden treads securely fastened in place that are made of suitable planking extending the full width and breadth of the stairs and landings. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 77 (5).
(2) Despite subsection (1), a worker is not required to use a fall arrest system while the multi-point suspended work platform is stationary if guardrails are installed in accordance with section 26.3. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 13.
(vii) safe work practices related to mobile cranes, including crane set-up, load charts, assembly and disassembly of manual boom extensions, basic crane operation and maintenance. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 885/21, s. 1, 2.
154. (1) A crane or similar hoisting device shall be set up, assembled, climbed, erected, extended and dismantled only by a competent worker acting in accordance with the written instructions of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to not endanger any person or property. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 154 (1); O. Reg. 241/23, s. 10 (1).
164. Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer or approved by an engineer that a weight needs to be secured to a load block of an unattended tower crane to balance a crane that cannot slew freely, a load block of an unattended tower crane shall be left empty, at the top position and located at the minimum radius specified by the manufacturer or approved by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(a) are located where a person approaching the hoistway from a tunnel or from the lower end of a stair or ladder can see at least one of them; and
(2) Rubbish, debris and other materials shall not be permitted to fall freely from one level to another but shall be lowered by a chute, in a container or by a crane or hoist. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 35 (2).
(v) types of mobile cranes and their components, including wire and synthetic rope, hydraulics, rigging and rigging hardware,
(5) In the case of a modular suspended work platform system, all connections used to transfer a load from one module to another shall be designed to withstand at least the design loads as specified in this section, and any other external loads or forces. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(a) under the authority of the owner of the electrical conductor, protective devices and equipment are installed, and written measures and procedures are established and implemented, that are adequate to protect workers from electrical shock and burn; and
(d) if the structure is a unitized modular formwork or falsework structure intended to be lifted or moved as a unit, shall show the attachment points for rigging and hoisting; and
14. (1) A constructor shall appoint a supervisor for every project at which five or more workers will work at the same time. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 14 (1).
“trestle ladder” means a self-supporting portable ladder, non-adjustable in length, having two sections and hinged at the top so as to be able to form equal angles with the base. (“escabeau à chevalet”)O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(3) Despite subsection (2), the constructor may put a suspended work platform system into use before providing the approved notification form if the following conditions are met:
285. Every shaft shall have a means of access and egress by stairway, ladder or ladderway for its full depth during its construction and when it is completed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 285.
(a) its limiting and indicating devices are installed and functioning in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications or an engineer’s instructions;
(9) A competent worker shall inspect the crane’s structural elements and the rigging equipment for defects before each use of the crane. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4; O. Reg. 241/23, s. 9 (4).
(d) include a statement that, in the opinion of the engineer who designed the platform, the design meets the requirements of clauses (a), (b) and (c).
(3) When the results of the tests referred to in subsection (2) indicate there is a need for respiratory protective equipment, the employer shall provide respiratory protective equipment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 330 (3).
(3) All vehicles, machines, tools and equipment shall be used in accordance with any operating manuals issued by the manufacturers. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 25 (2).
(c) be kept at the project while the multi-point suspended work platform is there. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 13.
(3) The rated platform capacity for a suspended work platform shall use the relevant minimum live load determined as follows:
(a) a pressure release valve which will automatically blow-off at a pressure not greater than seventy kilopascals more than the operating pressure of the work chamber;
(6) The National Standards of Canada standard applicable to the type of elevating work platform listed in Column 1 of the Table to this subsection are the standards set out opposite it in Column 2:
Note: On January 1, 2025, subsection 151 (4) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (See: O. Reg. 241/23, s. 7 (4))
(b) the equipment, installation or conductor is rated at a nominal voltage of 600 volts or less, and disconnecting the equipment, installation or conductor would create a greater hazard to a worker than proceeding without disconnecting it; or
327. (1) When a charge is fired and after a shot is heard, every worker in a place of refuge from a blast shall remain there and not return to the blast area for at least ten minutes. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 327 (1).
156.3 Sections 156.4 and 156.5 apply when a drilling operation at a project uses a rotary foundation drill rig that can exert a ground pressure of 200 kiloPascals or more under its tires, crawlers or outrigger pads in any configuration, including during its operational activities. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(2) Before a worker is on a multi-point suspended work platform for the first time, the employer shall provide the worker with adequate oral and written instructions for using the multi-point suspended work platform, including,
(7) A worker shall use mats, shields or other protective devices or equipment, including personal protective equipment, adequate to protect the worker from electrical shock and burn. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(8) If more than one worker is involved in work to which this section applies, a means shall be provided to communicate the purpose and status of,
59. If the dissemination of dust is a hazard to a worker, the dust shall be adequately controlled or each worker who may be exposed to the hazard shall be provided with adequate personal protective equipment. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 19.
(3) If a worker is operating a drill rig with an effective torque equal to or greater than 50 kilonewton metres, the worker shall have a certificate of qualification or written proof of training as required by section 156.8 available at the project to an inspector upon request. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(c) by fastening the cable with a wedge-type socket fitted with a wire rope clip at the dead end to prevent the accidental release or loosening of the wedge. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
2. For each type of Group 2 structural component, the representative sample shall be composed of the number set out in Column 3 of the Table to this subsection opposite the total number of that type of component, set out in Column 1, in the supplier’s or employer’s entire inventory or fleet of suspended work platforms.
(b) the project physician indicates that the worker is physically fit to work in compressed air on the form entitled “Record of Compressed Air Worker”, which is Figure 1 in the CSA Standard Z275.3-09 (R2014): Occupational Safety Code for Work in Compressed Air Environments. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (1); O. Reg. 64/18, s. 3 (1).
261. The supervisor in charge of a project shall appoint at least one competent worker to be available to give first aid at a shaft or tunnel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 261.
4.1 The toe board shall extend from the surface to which the guardrail system is attached to a height of at least 89 millimetres.
(b) identify the crane and its rated load-carrying capacity, and identify and specify its limitations and restrictions, if any;
(9) A modified guardrail system described in subsection (8) shall be capable of resisting any load it could be subjected to by a worker on stilts. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(8) The written report required under clause (7) (a) shall be kept at the project while the tower crane is on the project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
271. During the construction of a shaft, an effective means of communicating between the lowest point of the shaft and the surface shall be provided. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 271.
(2) The dead end cable of a wedge socket assembly on a hoisting line shall extend between 100 millimetres and 300 millimetres out of the socket. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
331. (1) Mechanical ventilation shall be provided in a shaft in which an internal combustion engine or other device which emits a noxious gas or fume operates. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 331 (1).
(1.1) For greater certainty, the requirement that a facility be completely enclosed does not apply to a portable urinal. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 3 (1).
299. The path of travel of an object being hoisted from or lowered into a shaft by a crane shall not pass over a manway unless the manway has adequate overhead protection. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 299.
(a) if the source of power is an ungrounded portable generator having a maximum output of 1.8 kilowatts or less, a ground fault circuit interrupter of the Class A type shall be located in the cord feeding the tool, as close to the tool as possible;
(3) Despite the requirements listed in subsection (2), the support capacity of a temporary fixed support used in a fall protection system may be determined by dynamic testing in accordance with good engineering practice to ensure that the temporary fixed support has adequate capacity to arrest a worker’s fall. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
308. A tunnel shall be kept reasonably free of water when a worker is required to be in the tunnel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 308.
(c) it shall not be refilled during repair or alteration if the substance which is to be placed in it may vaporize or ignite. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 48 (1).
(4) A Director who makes an appointment described in subsection (3) shall, in doing so, consider any recommendations of the representatives of labour and of management. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 34 (2).
(2) No detonator shall be transported in a vehicle or conveyance while it is carrying explosives or blasting agents. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 318 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 35.
(2) A worker who is on or under a scaffold, a suspended work platform system or a multi-point suspended work platform while it is being erected, altered or dismantled shall be on a part of the scaffold, suspended work platform system or multi-point suspended work platform that meets the requirements of this Regulation. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 9.
(5) No worker shall be in an area where a multi-tiered load hoisting operation is taking place unless he or she is directly engaged in the operation. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 3.
“freeway” means a controlled-access highway that has a continuous dividing median and a normal posted speed limit of 90 kilometres per hour or more; (“autoroute”)
(2) The owner of an elevating work platform shall keep a permanent record of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance performed on it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 145 (2).
“conduit” means a sewer, a water main, a duct or cable for a telegraphic, telephonic, television or electrical service, a pipe or duct for the transportation of any solid, liquid or gas or any combination of these items and includes a service connection made or intended to be made thereto; (“canalisation”)
1. The top rail and intermediate rail shall be made of wire rope that is at least 10 millimetres in diameter, and the rope shall be kept taut by a turnbuckle or other device.
397. (1) The superintendent shall make a report at least once a week to a Director concerning every case of decompression sickness at a project occurring since the previous report, if any. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 397 (1); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 41 (1).
203. (1) Before blasting begins, the worker in charge of blasting operations shall post workers at the approaches to the affected area in order to prevent access to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 203 (1).
(3) The work above a tier or floor of a building or structure shall be completed before the support of the tier or floor is affected by demolition or dismantling operations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 216 (3).
(b) shall be securely fastened to and supported on girders, beams or other structural members that are capable of supporting any load likely to be applied to the flooring without exceeding the allowable unit stress for the structural members; and
(2) The employer shall maintain a record of the training program described in section 156.9 provided to the worker that includes,
(4) No explosive actuated fastening tool, whether or not it is loaded, shall be pointed at a person. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 120 (4).
“decompression sickness”, in relation to a worker, means a condition of bodily malfunction caused by a change from a higher to a lower air pressure and includes the condition commonly known as “the bends”; (“mal de décompression”)
(5) A suspended work platform shall have hangers located at least 150 millimetres but no more than 450 millimetres from the ends of the platform that are securely attached to it. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(4) While a crane or similar hoisting device is at a project, the operator of the crane or similar hoisting device shall keep an operator’s crane log consisting of a record of all inspections of, tests of, repairs to, modifications to and maintenance of the crane or similar hoisting device. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
(i) if the test required under clause (c) determines that it does not have a breaking strength of at least 10 times the static load that the line is intended to support,
26.6 (1) A fall arrest system shall consist of a full body harness with adequate attachment points and a lanyard equipped with a shock absorber or similar device. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
142.02 (1) All wire rope terminations of the suspension line of a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, including swaged socket and poured socket terminations, spliced eye terminations and turnback eye terminations shall, after installation onto the wire rope and prior to being used for the first time, be tested,
(4) Hot tar or bitumen shall be transferred from a roadtanker to a kettle through enclosed piping. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 211 (4).
(b) a fitting that is controlled by a valve installed on the standpipe on the work chamber side of the bulkhead and by a valve inside the material lock;
(c) 30 metres or less from each work face of a tunnel and of each location where a fire hazard exists. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 249 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 28.
27. (1) Despite subsections 26.1 (1) and (2), if the following conditions are met, a worker shall wear a lifejacket or other personal flotation device that is adequate:
(a) before the tower crane is erected at a project, if 10 years have elapsed since the time the tower crane was manufactured; and
141.7 (1) This section applies if a generic installation drawing is used under clause 141.6 (2) (a). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) A scaffold mounted on pneumatic tires shall not be supported by the pneumatic tires while the scaffold is being erected, used or dismantled. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 128 (3).
(2) Lubricating oil shall be stored in a suitable building or storage tank located in a place from which spilled liquid cannot run toward any shaft or tunnel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 256 (2).
(b) an engineer evaluated the tower crane and the wire rope and determined that a swivel may be used. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
“multi-tiered load hoisting operation” means the moving of one or more multi-tiered loads by one crane at a project; (“opération de levage d’une charge superposée”)
172. (1) A container, sling or similar device for rigging or hoisting an object, including its fittings and attachments,
15. (1) An employer of five or more workers on a project shall appoint a supervisor for the workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 15.
“non-destructive test” means one of the following methods of testing or examining a material, component or part to evaluate its condition without subjecting it to physical distortion, damage or destruction:
(2) If the demolition or dismantling of a building or structure is discontinued, barriers shall be erected to prevent access by people to the remaining part of the building or structure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 213 (2).
(b) the tower crane has been inspected by an engineer and the engineer has prepared a written report of the corrections, repairs and results of the inspection confirming that any defects identified have been corrected or repaired and that the corrected or repaired components are in adequate condition. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
(6) If a defective structural component is rejected from further use, either permanently or pending repair, a representative sample that is composed of four times the number of each type of structural component that composed the original representative sample under subsection (3) shall be subjected to testing described in paragraph 3 of subsection (3). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) No more than one work day’s normal supply of a flammable liquid shall be stored in a building or structure on a project unless it is stored,
(7) No employer or constructor shall permit a worker to use a fixed support unless the employer or constructor has ensured that the fixed support has been inspected, maintained and tested as required by this section, and, if applicable, the requirements in subsections (4) and (5) are met. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
232. (1) The walls of an excavation shall be stripped of loose rock or other material that may slide, roll or fall upon a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 232 (1).
141.6 (1) Only a designated competent worker who has successfully completed the training program under section 138.1 shall install, alter or dismantle a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
21. (1) A worker shall wear such protective clothing and use such personal protective equipment or devices as are necessary to protect the worker against the hazards to which the worker may be exposed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 21 (1).
8. CAN/CSA-Z259.14-01 (R2007): Fall Restrict Equipment for Wood Pole Climbing. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 5 (2); O. Reg. 443/09, s. 1; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 5 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) An engineer shall verify and certify the results of a test and the corresponding rated load of the scaffold. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 127 (2); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
109. Every gear, pulley, belt, chain, shaft, flywheel, saw and other mechanically-operated part of a machine to which a worker has access shall be guarded or fenced so that it will not endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 109.
6. Performance of operational tests on the components listed below in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to confirm that the components are in adequate condition and operating in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications:
4. A Director may designate in writing a part of a project as a project and the designated project is considered to be a project for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 4; O. Reg. 145/00, s. 2.
(b) where practicable, if the air locks are installed in a tunnel and if the air pressure is likely to exceed 100 kilopascals. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 366.
(5) While the suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair is at the project, the employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, the generic installation drawing and every report prepared by a designated competent worker under subsection (3). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
141.3 (1) If the roof plan required under section 141.2 indicates that the fixed supports on the building or structure are not adequate for the purposes of attaching a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and lifelines, if any, the owner shall provide the constructor for a project at the building or structure with any structural drawings for the building or structure that the owner has control over. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(11) Before beginning any hoisting operation under this section for the first time at a project, the constructor shall notify an inspector at the Ministry office located nearest to the project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 9 (5).
(a) shall be designed and constructed to support or resist all loads and forces to which it is likely to be subjected without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used; and
“hydraulic support system” means a system capable of being moved as a unit, designed to resist the pressure from the walls of an excavation by applying a hydraulic counterpressure through the struts; (“système de soutien hydraulique”)
(3) A worker who is to erect, dismantle, traverse or otherwise move a multi-point suspended work platform shall, in addition to the instructions set out in subsection (2), be given instructions in the procedures described in clause 142.2 (15) (e). O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
(3) No sling or similar device for rigging or hoisting made of web-type fabric or nylon shall be used if it may be cut. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 172 (3).
(4) There shall be an additional load allowance for any construction debris or abrasive blasting grit to a depth of at least 25 millimetres and for other materials that may accumulate or be placed on the work platform as a result of the work. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(5) Each smoke line shall extend from inside the work chamber to above ground and shall pass vertically through either the air lock or the bulkhead between the work chamber and air at atmospheric pressure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 381 (5).
(a) indicates whether the fixed support meets the requirements of section 141.1 and is adequate for the purposes of attaching a suspended work platform, boatswain’s chair or lifeline; and
“public way” means a highway or other street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct, or other open space to which the public has access, as of right or by expressed or implied invitation; (“passage public”)
(b) is familiar with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and with the provisions of the regulations that apply to the work, and
(a) establish and implement written measures and procedures adequate to ensure that no part of a vehicle or equipment or its load encroaches on the minimum distance permitted by subsection (2); and
(3) The fall arrest system shall be arranged so that a worker cannot hit the ground or an object or level below the work. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
265. (1) At least four workers at a project or, if fewer than four workers work at the project, all workers shall be trained in and readily available to perform rescues of underground workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 265 (1).
(4) The period between the end of one work period and the beginning of the next for a worker doing manual work under compressed air where the maximum air pressure exceeds 100 kilopascals shall be at least twelve hours. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 386 (4).
(b) a worker on the boatswain’s chair shall not use a corrosive substance, or mechanical grinding or flame-cutting equipment if the suspension line is not made of wire rope. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) be securely attached to a fixed support so that the failure of the suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair will not cause the lifeline to fail;
(3) No scaffold mounted on castors or wheels that has a scaffold platform more than 2.4 metres above the base shall be moved when a worker is on it unless,
(3) Clause (2) (b) does not apply to a ladder lying on an excavation wall that is sloped, as required by section 234. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(a) holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 1, or hoisting engineer – mobile crane operator 2; or
(6) If the suspension height of a suspended work platform is 15 metres or greater, the suspended work platform shall, if practicable, be restrained to the exterior face of the building or structure that it is suspended from unless the suspended work platform is being raised or lowered. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) No metal trench-jack or trench-brace shall be extended beyond the length used to establish its maximum allowable working load. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 242 (3).
142.7 (1) A worker who is on a multi-point suspended work platform while it is being erected, dismantled, traversed or otherwise moved shall use a fall arrest system that is,
“top step” means the first step below the top cap of a step-ladder or, if there is no top cap, the first step below the top of the rails; (“échelon supérieur”)
“extension trestle ladder” means a self-supporting portable ladder that is adjustable in length, consisting of a trestle ladder base, a vertically adjustable extension section and an adequate means of locking the ladder base and extension section together; (“escabeau coulissant à chevalet”)
372. If an automatic compression and decompression device is installed in an air lock used for people, the air lock shall have a manual means of controlling the air pressure in the lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 372.
206. Only a non-sparking tool or rod shall be used in the charging of a drill hole or in a drill hole containing explosives. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 206.
358. (1) A project physician shall control the medical treatment of workers in a medical lock at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 358 (1).
(g) a trench into which a person may enter is to be excavated at the project and the trench is more than 300 metres long or more than 1.2 metres deep and over thirty metres long;
(14) Each major component used for shoring the tower crane shall be marked by a conspicuous label stating that the component shall not be removed or repositioned unless authorized by an engineer. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(o) information about ready access to a two-way communication system, such as radio, telephone or other similar means, to be provided to a worker using a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(a) if the procedure, composition, design, size or arrangement as varied affords protection for the health and safety of workers that is at least equal to the protection that would otherwise be given; and
(2) If it is not practicable to provide natural or mechanical ventilation in the circumstances described in clause (1) (a), respiratory protective equipment suitable for the hazard shall be provided to and used by the workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 46 (2).
379. If practicable, an air lock used for people, other than an ancillary air lock, shall have one seat for each person being decompressed at one time. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 379.
(4) The employer shall ensure that the person who provides the training program referred to in subsection (2) prepares and signs a written record for every competent worker who successfully completes the program and shall provide such written proof to the competent worker. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
301. (1) Every conveyance on a hoist used for transporting workers in a shaft shall have a suitable device that, if the cable breaks or becomes slack,
(2) Every stretcher shall be a wire-basket type and shall be designed and equipped to permit the safe hoisting and transport of a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 263 (2).
168. (1) A cable used by a crane or other hoisting device shall be wire rope or synthetic rope of the type, size, grade and construction recommended by the manufacturer of the crane or other hoisting device. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 22.
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(3) The constructor at a project shall provide workers with the badge required under subsection (1). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 339 (3).
“anchorage connector” means a component or a system of components of a fixed support that secures a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair and its associated suspension lines and lifelines to the fixed support; (“connecteur d’ancrage”)
(6) Showers and washbasins provided in a change room shall be supplied with hot and cold water, soap or hand cleaner and paper towels or individual hand towels. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 260 (6).
362. (1) A compressor for a work chamber or an air lock shall be constructed so as to ensure that lubricating oil is not discharged with the air that the compressor supplies. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 362 (1).
(4) The constructor shall ensure that the structural engineer responsible for the structural integrity of a building or structure reviews and approves in writing the design drawings and specifications for a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device before it is installed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (4).
(3) The emergency procedures shall be practised in preparation for an emergency and shall be followed in an emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 264 (3).
(b) shall be adequately braced to prevent any movement that may affect its stability or cause its failure or collapse. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 31 (1).
“cofferdam” means a structure constructed entirely or partially below water level or below the level of the groundwater table and intended to provide a work place that is free of water; (“batardeau”)
“rotary foundation drill rig” means a drill rig used for boring holes in soil for the placement of foundations or earth retention structures but does not include a drill rig that,
“single ladder” means a non-self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length and having only one section; (“échelle simple”)
2. Before using the suspended work platform system, the constructor gives an inspector at the Ministry office located nearest to the project oral notice, by telephone or in person, that the system will be used. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 4.
(b) a vehicle-mounted aerial device if the non-conductive requirements of the basket prevent the placement of an anchorage attachment inside the basket. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 14 (2).
393. (1) If a worker in an air lock appears to be suffering from decompression sickness, a lock tender shall notify, and follow the instructions of, a project physician, the superintendent or a person designated by the superintendent. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 393 (1).
(b) any other loads likely to be applied to it, including the loads specified in clause 6.1.5 (Design loads from forces imposed on a platform) of CSA Standard Z271-10. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
373. (1) An air lock, other than an ancillary air lock, used for people shall have an automatic recording gauge to permanently record the air pressure in the lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 373 (1).
(b) shall be made of thirty-eight by 140 millimetres lumber securely fastened to vertical supports that are spaced at intervals of not more than 2.4 metres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 282 (2).
(c) the maximum amount or weight of debris, grit and other materials allowed to accumulate on the suspended work platform, and their permissible locations on the work platform; and
324. (1) If a portable direct current battery or a blasting machine is the source of current for blasting, the firing cables or wires,
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(7) The constructor shall keep a copy of the design drawings and specifications for a derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device and the report prepared under subsection (6) at a project while the derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device is on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (7).
142.8 (1) The constructor of a project where a multi-point suspended work platform is used shall keep a written record of all inspections, tests, repairs, modifications and maintenance performed on the multi-point suspended work platform and make copies of the record available to an inspector upon request. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13.
(6) The engineer conducting the inspection shall prepare a written report of the inspection. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (6); O. Reg. 85/04, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
130. (1) A scaffold shall be designed by an engineer and shall be erected in accordance with the design if the scaffold exceeds,
307. (1) Except for a tunnel cut in sound rock, the sides and roof of a tunnel shall be supported by timbers set on ribs or beams or by an equivalent system of lining. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 307 (1).
7.1 (1) This section applies with respect to a project at which a suspended work platform system is to be used. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 4.
280. (1) Shoring and bracing for a shaft that is more than 1.2 metres deep shall be capable of withstanding all loads likely to be applied to them. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 280 (1).
142.04 (1) Before a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair is used for the first time each day, a competent worker shall identify any defects or hazardous conditions and document them in writing. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) A signal set out in Column 1 of the Table shall be used to communicate the meaning set out opposite to it in Column 2 between a work chamber, an air lock and the lock tender’s work position.
(12) A competent person shall inspect every self-contained breathing apparatus at least once a month or as often as is required by the manufacturer to ensure it is in proper condition. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (12).
(6) The facilities may be located not more than 3 kilometres from the work area if transportation to the facilities is provided for workers where reasonably required. O. Reg. 142/17, s. 6.
(13) The employer shall develop adequate emergency rescue procedures and communicate these in writing to all workers involved with the hoisting operation. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(7) A worker, before beginning work to which this section applies, shall verify that subsections (4) and (5) have been complied with. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(b) shall have horizontal members that are adequately secured to prevent lateral movement and that do not have splices between the points of support;
(3) A nylon vest to which this section applies shall also have a side and front tear-away feature. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 23; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 12.
186. Electrical equipment, installations and conductors that are not to be used for the purpose for which they were designed shall be,
(12) A worker using stilts at a project shall inspect the stilts for damage, wear, corrosion and other defects the first time each day that the worker uses the stilts. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(b) an operator’s crane log to be used for the period that the crane or similar hoisting device is at the project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
350. A work chamber shall be provided with a reasonable supply of drinking water and at least one chemical toilet. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 350.
(12) The following measures shall be taken to protect a worker at a project if the project is on a freeway and involves a mobile operation:
“safety net” means a safety net that complies with section 26.8, and is located and supported in such a way that it arrests the fall of a worker who may fall into it without endangering the worker; (“filet de sécurité”)
(4) The person carrying out the inspection shall state in writing whether the formwork and falsework is installed or erected in accordance with the design drawings for it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 89 (4).
(2) No fuel-fired heating device shall be used in a confined or enclosed space unless there is an adequate supply of air for combustion and adequate general ventilation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 49 (2).
(3) The components of any system listed in subsection (2) shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice, and shall meet the requirements of any of the following National Standards of Canada standards that are applicable:
(3) The employer shall keep a copy of each document prepared by a competent worker under subsection (1) and make it available to an inspector on request. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
191. (1) This section applies instead of section 190 if work is to be done on or near energized exposed parts of electrical equipment or of an electrical installation or conductor and,
(5) If the seat or seating area is supported by a sling, the sling shall be constructed of wire rope at least nine millimetres in diameter which crosses under the seat or sitting area. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) conducts a risk assessment of the work to be undertaken to identify hazards that may arise from use of the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair with reference to the nature of the workplace, the type of work and the conditions of work; and
(2) The employer of workers who may be subjected to compressed air at a project shall give a Director written notice of the intended use of compressed air on the project at least fourteen days before beginning work on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 334 (2); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 37 (1).
(b) a test loading of 11.1 kilonewtons without permanent deformation of any component when subjected to the test loading in the direction or directions that generate the most critical effect on the fixed support with respect to stability and strength. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(10) An employer shall ensure that a worker who uses stilts is trained in their use by completing an adequate training program that,
56. No work shall be carried out at a height of 84 metres or more in a building unless the building has temporary or permanent fire pumps that provide a minimum water flow of 1,890 litres per minute at a discharge pressure of at least 450 kilopascals at and above the 84-metre height. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 17.
295. (1) The supervisor in charge of a project shall appoint shaft attendants for a shaft where a hoist is being used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 295 (1).
(4) No storage cylinder for propane shall be placed closer than three metres to a source of ignition or fire. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 42 (4).
(4) A short-circuit shall be replaced immediately after the firing cables or wires are disconnected from the blasting machine or the blasting switch is opened. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 324 (4).
137.3 (1) A work platform shall not be used unless the requirements of this section have been satisfied. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) five times the maximum load to which it is likely to be subjected if it is used on a tower crane and it winds on a drum or passes over a sheave;
(b) it shall be drained, cleaned and ventilated or otherwise rendered free from any explosive, flammable or harmful substance; and
29.2 (1) Subject to subsection (1.0.1), each single-toilet facility shall be provided with its own clean-up facility. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 4 (1).
(a) the worker holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, in the trade of,
(2) No overhauling weight used on the cable of a crane or other hoisting device shall be split. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 175 (2); O. Reg. 241/23, s. 25.
(b) in the case of a suspended work platform system, a site-specific drawing if not all of the requirements in the generic installation drawing can be satisfied or if one of the circumstances set out in subsection (3) applies. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(5) If an act of careless placing or handling of explosives on the project is discovered by, or reported to the worker in charge of blasting operations, the worker shall promptly investigate the circumstances and report the results of the investigation to the supervisor in charge of the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 196 (5).
(ii) the power supply is 300 or more volts but not more than 600 volts, the equipment or installation was not manufactured with provision for a locking device for the circuit breakers or fuses, a written procedure as to how work is to be done has been implemented and the work is supervised by a competent worker to ensure that the circuit is not inadvertently energized. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(b) shall be arranged or secured so as to prevent any part of an explosive or blasting agent from being dislodged. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 319 (2).
315. (1) A project shall have pumping equipment of sufficient capacity to handle the pumping requirements of the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 315 (1).
288. (1) This section applies with respect to a hoistway that is more than six metres deep in which hoisting is carried out by mechanical power. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 288 (1).
161.1 While a tower crane is in use at a project its components shall be inspected by a competent worker in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, but at a minimum the following inspections shall be done:
(3) A supervisor or a competent person appointed by the supervisor shall inspect all machinery and equipment, including fire extinguishing equipment, magazines, electrical installations, communication systems, sanitation and medical facilities, buildings and other structures, temporary supports and means of access and egress at the project to ensure that they do not endanger any worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 14 (3).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a vehicle being drawn or towed in which there is an operator and that has brakes that are able to stop the vehicle with its load, if any. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 100 (2).
3. Every critical weld on each structural component selected as part of the representative sample shall be subjected to non-destructive testing.
136. (1) Cubes of masonry units on a scaffold platform shall be placed directly over the scaffold frame. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 136 (1).
3. On the front, the stripes shall be arranged vertically and centred and shall be approximately 225 millimetres apart, measured from the centre of each stripe. On the back, they shall be arranged in a diagonal “X” pattern.
(4) If the constructor believes that the work at the project will not take more than 14 days, the constructor may provide the relevant information to an inspector at the Ministry office located nearest to the project,
(3) The stringers of prefabricated stairs erected inside a tower formed by scaffold frame sections shall have a maximum slope of 60 degrees from the horizontal. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 77 (3).
(j) the qualifications of the person who conducts the inspections of the supporting surface and path of travel and whether the person needs to be an engineer, a person under the direction of an engineer, a competent worker or another person with specified qualifications. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) No person shall load a conveyance in a hoistway beyond the maximum limits established under clause (1) (b). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 294 (3).
(4) Masonry units to be installed in a building or structure shall be distributed along the scaffold platform before being used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 136 (4).
6. All obstructions that cannot be removed are adequately guarded, placed or secured to prevent a worker on stilts from being injured. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(3) If a shaft is to be cut in sound rock, the constructor shall obtain a written opinion from an engineer as to whether the walls of the shaft need to be supported by rock bolts or wire mesh to prevent the spalling of loose rock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 279 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) Each component of a scaffold platform or other work platform shall be capable of supporting a load of at least 2.2 kilonewtons without exceeding the allowable unit stress for each material used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 134 (2).
(i) shall not be used in an elevator shaft or a similar hoisting area when the shaft or area is being used for hoisting. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 2; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 14 (1, 2).
(2) Every landing and rest platform shall be wide enough to permit at least two workers to pass on it safely. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 286 (2).
(3) The supporting surface and path of travel for the drill rig shall be prepared or constructed in accordance with the engineer’s written report. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 4.
(7) An explosive actuated fastening tool shall not be capable of being fired until the operator performs the two separate actions described in subsection (6). O. Reg. 145/00, s. 31.
(b) shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 1.1 metres or, if it is over a sidewalk that is less than 1.1 metres wide, have a width equal to the width of the sidewalk;
193. (1) A worker who may be exposed to the hazard of electrical shock or burn while performing work shall use rubber gloves,
(2) If the owner’s crane log does not include all the information required under subsection (1), the owner shall ensure that, before a crane is put into service at a project, an inspection of the crane or similar hoisting device is completed pursuant to the inspection requirements for tower cranes in clause 6.4.7 of CSA Standard Z248-17 and the inspection requirements for mobile cranes in clause 5.3.5 of CSA Standard Z150-16, as applicable, and the results of the inspection shall be added to the owner’s crane log. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
(13) An employer shall ensure that a worker does not use stilts that are damaged, worn, corroded or defective and no worker shall use such stilts. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
108. Blocking shall be installed to prevent the collapse or movement of part or all of a piece of equipment that is being dismantled, altered or repaired if its collapse or movement may endanger a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 108.
(10) The employer shall ensure that an adequate means of communication between the worker on the platform and the crane operator is established, maintained and used. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(4) All toxic, flammable or explosive substances shall be removed from a building or structure that is to be demolished, dismantled or moved. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 214 (4).
“prefabricated support system” means a trench box, trench shield or similar structure, composed of members connected to each other and capable of being moved as a unit, and designed to resist the pressure from the walls of an excavation but does not include a hydraulic support system; (“système de soutien préfabriqué”)
(4) Every worker on the platform shall wear a full body harness connected independently to anchor points on the platform and used in conjunction with a lanyard fitted with a shock absorber. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(1.4) In addition, a signaller who may be endangered during night-time hours shall wear retro-reflective silver stripes encircling each arm and leg, or equivalent side visibility-enhancing stripes with a minimum area of 50 square centimetres per side. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 28.
(2) Except in an emergency, a door in an ancillary air lock into air at atmospheric pressure shall be kept open. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 367 (2).
(2) No worker shall be permitted to perform manual work or engage in physical exertion during a rest period. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 387 (2).
(b) designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with this Regulation. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 13.
(2) All workers on a tunnel project shall be instructed in the proper use, care, maintenance and limitations of the self-rescue respirator in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 268 (2).
117. (1) No worker shall use an explosive actuated fastening tool unless he or she has been adequately trained in its use. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 30.
184. (1) No person, other than a person authorized to do so by the supervisor in charge of the project, shall enter or be permitted to enter a room or other enclosure containing exposed energized electrical parts. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
1. The owner of the equipment, installation or conductor has provided the employer and the constructor with a record showing that it has been maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
(2) Flashlights shall be readily available at the top and bottom of every shaft and near the work face of a tunnel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 276 (2).
141.2 (1) Every owner of a building or structure where a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair is to be used shall ensure that there is a roof plan for the building or structure and ensure that the plan,
(5) A suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair shall not be loaded in such a manner as to exceed the rated platform capacity for its work platform or individual platform module, or the rated hoist capacity. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(c) shall include the signature and name of the person who performed the inspection, test, repair, modification or maintenance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 145 (3); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 20.
(3) Every worker working in compressed air at a project shall have a medical examination performed by the project physician before beginning work in compressed air and every two months thereafter while the worker is working in compressed air to determine the worker’s fitness for working in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (3).
195.1 (1) Cord-connected electrical equipment or tools shall have a casing that is adequately grounded. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(9) Portable urinals equipped with clean-up facilities are permitted in addition to the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
207. (1) If a built-up roof is being constructed, repaired or resurfaced, a barrier shall be placed in the immediate work area at least two metres from the perimeter of the roof. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 207 (1).
“service shaft” means a shaft by which people or materials are passed into or out of a tunnel under construction; (“puits de service”)
(2) A pressure gauge, other than a portable pressure gauge, shall have fittings for attaching test gauges to it and shall be tested daily for accuracy. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 374 (2).
(h) the precautions to be taken to ensure that the drilling operation and movement of the drill rig on the path of travel,
26.1 (1) A worker shall be adequately protected by a guardrail system that meets the requirements of subsections 26.3 (2) to (8). O. Reg. 145/00, s. 12.
(b) at the top and bottom of the service shaft or at the opening into the tunnel, if the tunnel is not constructed from a service shaft;
80. (1) A portable ladder at a project shall be manufactured and shall meet the design, performance, test and marking requirements of a Grade 1, Grade 1A or Grade 1AA ladder in the CSA Standard Z11-12, Portable Ladders. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(2) The constructor shall keep a copy of the report mentioned under clause (1) (d) at the project until the drilling operation is completed, and make the report available, upon request, to an inspector and an employer responsible for the drilling operation. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
7. If section 6 does not apply to a project but the project includes work on a trench more than 1.2 metres deep into which a worker may enter, the constructor shall, before any work at the project is begun, give notice in person, by telephone or by fax to the Ministry office located nearest to the project. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 5.
(4) No person shall enter an area in which a sign is posted other than a worker authorized to work in the area. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 44 (4).
(3) The outlet end of a pipe supplying air to a work chamber or an air lock shall have a hinged flap valve. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 368 (3).
(3) This section does not apply to a constructor at a project at which work is expected to last less than three months. O. Reg. 190/24, s. 1.
(v) the components, functions and limitations of a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, tiebacks and operational controls,
(9) In addition to the requirements of subsection (8), there shall be a connection to which there is clear access at all times, located between 30 and 90 centimetres above ground level on a side of the building that faces the street. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 18 (2).
(7) If a suspended work platform is stationary and its guardrail adjacent to the face of the building or structure has been removed or lowered, the suspended work platform shall be restrained to the building or structure. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(1.1) In a multiple-toilet facility at a project, one clean-up facility shall be provided for every two toilets. O. Reg. 527/00, s. 3.
26.5 (1) A fall restricting system that is not designed for use in wood pole climbing shall consist of an assembly of components that is,
(2.2) If the facility is intended for use by males only or females only, it shall have a sign indicating that. O. Reg. 61/23, s. 3 (2).
ii. thereafter at intervals not greater than 12 months while the crane is in use at a project, after every 12 erections of the crane or as often as is recommended by the crane manufacturer, whichever occurs first. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
330. (1) An underground work place shall be tested regularly for noxious or toxic gases, fumes or dust. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 330 (1).
157.3 (1) Each component of a tower crane manufactured on or after January 1, 2025, must be designed to meet the standards set out in the Table to this section. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 13.
(4) No drill hole permitted under subsection (3) shall be drilled one metre or less from another hole containing explosives. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 204 (4); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 23 (3).
204. (1) Before a drill hole for loading explosives is drilled, the exposed surface shall be examined for drill holes or remnants of drill holes that may contain explosives and any explosive found shall be removed if practicable. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 204 (1).
195. All electrical extension cords used at a project shall have a grounding conductor and at least two other conductors. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(5) The engineer who gives an opinion described in clause (2) (h), or a competent worker designated by him or her, shall inspect the excavation to which the opinion relates as frequently as the opinion specifies. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 234 (5); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A fire suppression system shall include a dry chemical fire extinguisher with an Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada rating of at least 4A40BC. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 26.
(2) A compressed gas storage cylinder to which gas welding or flame-cutting equipment is attached may be brought underground. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 255 (2).
(b) an intermediate rail that is located midway between the additional top rail and the existing top rail. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(3) The hoist operator shall test all safety devices on a hoisting apparatus to ensure that they function and shall perform the tests,
(6) If subsection (3) applies to the project and it is not possible to carry out the project without some operation of vehicles and equipment in reverse, signs shall be posted at the project in conspicuous places warning workers of the danger. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 27.
142.03 (1) The suspension line of a boatswain’s chair shall be made of wire rope unless the boatswain’s chair is equipped with a descent control device. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
291. (1) No person other than a competent worker appointed by the supervisor in charge of a project shall operate a hoist in a hoistway or shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 291 (1).
(3) A project physician shall be reasonably available to render medical treatment or advice on the treatment of decompression sickness while a worker is working in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 351 (3).
(d) particulars of the loads and forces on the building or structure imposed by the derrick, stiff-leg derrick or similar hoisting device. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 166 (3).
233. (1) A level area extending at least one metre from the upper edge of each wall of an excavation shall be kept clear of equipment, excavated soil, rock and construction material. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 233 (1).
(2) Air pressure shall be increased uniformly and to no more than thirty-five kilopascals in the first two minutes of application of compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 391 (2).
(d) be visually inspected by a competent worker as frequently as recommended by its manufacturer and, in any case, at least once a week when the chain is in service. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 20.
234. (1) The walls of an excavation shall be supported by a support system that complies with sections 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 and 241. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 234 (1).
“vehicle” means a vehicle propelled by mechanical power and includes a trailer, a traction engine and a road-building machine; (“véhicule”)
(3) In addition to the measures listed in subsection (2) but subject to section 68, a worker may be used to direct traffic. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 21.
(2) No modification to, extension to, repair to or replacement of a part of a vehicle, machine, tool or equipment shall result in a reduction of the safety factor of the vehicle, machine, tool or equipment. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 95 (2).
(2) The means of extinguishing fire shall be inspected at least once a week to ensure that it is in working order. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 249 (2).
(v) has, on its hoist line, hooks equipped with self-closing safety catches at the point where the platform is suspended, and
(f) the fall protection measures, in addition to those required under sections 26.1 to 26.9, to be implemented to prevent workers from falling into a drill hole or being engulfed by collapsing soil around a drill hole, while or after the hole is drilled; and
“air lock” means a chamber designed for the passage of persons or materials from one place to another place that has a different air pressure from the first; (“sas”)
(f) how all suspension lines and lifelines are to be attached to the fixed supports shown in any roof plan required under section 141.2;
(iii) is equipped with a secondary means of suspension or support that is secured above the hook and does not impede the hoist line.
(2) The engineer conducting the inspection or under whose direction an inspection is done shall prepare a written report of the inspection in accordance with the performance standards for inspecting a tower crane as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 260/08, including confirmation that all components are in adequate condition. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 14.
303. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a bucket or similar conveyance shall not be used to transport a worker in a shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 303 (1).
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(5) If workers are employed underground, a change room shall be provided with one shower and one washbasin for each group of ten or fewer workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 260 (5).
(a) a mast climbing work platform or a mast climbing transport platform if the platform has guardrails protecting all open sides of the platform where a worker is exposed to a hazard of falling 2.4 metres or more; and
58. No flammable liquid shall be transferred from one container to another by the direct application of air under pressure. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 58.
300. (1) A service shaft that will be over thirty metres deep when completed shall have a hoist with a conveyance consisting of a cage or car suitable for transporting workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 300 (1).
157. (1) A tower crane, other than a tower crane mounted on a travelling base using a travelling undercarriage or a self-erecting tower crane that does not require foundations, shall be erected at a project in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
(2) An employer shall keep containers and cups for beverages in a sanitary condition and shall store them in a closed container. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 388 (2).
(6) If the toilets are located in a multiple water flush toilet facility and are intended to be used by male workers, water flush urinals may be substituted for a maximum of two-thirds of the number of toilets required by subsection (5). O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(a) shall specify the vehicular traffic hazards and the measures described in subsection (2) to be used to protect workers; and
(5) A fixed support that has been identified in the report of the engineer as having a defect or hazardous condition shall not be used until the owner of the building or structure ensures that,
(6) Stilts may be used to a maximum height of 76 centimetres as measured from the work surface that the user of the stilts would otherwise stand on to the top of the foot plate. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 4.
(8) The time the worker spends to undergo medical examinations and tests, including travel time, shall be deemed to be work time for which the worker shall be paid by the employer at the worker’s regular or premium rate, as may be proper. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (8).
183. Every reasonable precaution shall be taken to prevent hazards to workers from energized electrical equipment, installations and conductors. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 6.
(b) the lines connecting the storage cylinder for propane to the heating device shall be located so that they do not come into contact with the hot tar or bitumen in the case of a spill or a failure of a component of the system; and
392. (1) A lock tender shall decrease the air pressure on a worker in an air lock in accordance with this section and section 395. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 392 (1).
“full body harness” means a device that can arrest an accidental vertical or near vertical fall of a worker and which can guide and distribute the impact forces of the fall by means of leg and shoulder strap supports and an upper dorsal suspension assembly which, after the arrest, will not by itself permit the release or further lowering of the worker; (“harnais de sécurité”)
(3) A device shall be installed to warn the hoist operator when a conveyance transporting workers in a shaft has reached the normal limit of its travel. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 301 (3).
(2) Subsection (10) applies, in addition to subsections (3) to (9), if the equipment, installation or conductor is nominally rated at,
87. (1) Formwork, falsework and re-shoring shall be designed, constructed, supported and braced so that they are capable of withstanding all loads and forces likely to be applied to them,
(f) provide the municipal address of the work or include a description of its location relative to the nearest highway such that the Director is able to locate the work;
“maximum air pressure”, in relation to a worker, means the greatest level of air pressure to which a worker is subjected for a period of more than five minutes; (“pression d’air maximale”)
122. (1) Cylinders, piping and fittings used in welding and cutting shall be protected against damage. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 122 (1).
(2) The air intake for a compressor shall be located so as to prevent the entry of exhaust gases from internal combustion engines or other contaminants. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 362 (2).
(b) compliance with subsections (7), (8), (9) and (10) is maintained in all fixed and moving conditions. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1), 12 (4); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(c) all workers on the project shall be advised of the rescue procedures to be followed and their role, if any, in carrying out a rescue. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 27 (2).
384. (1) Subject to subsection (2), no worker shall work or be permitted to work in a work chamber in which the temperature exceeds the greater of,
(4) The project physician shall complete the form described in clause (1) (b) for the worker, stating whether the worker is physically fit to work in compressed air and ensure that the superintendent receives a copy. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 352 (4); O. Reg. 64/18, s. 3 (2).
(2) A first aid room shall contain all equipment necessary for first aid for workers working in compressed air and facilities adequate for conducting medical examinations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 355 (2).
(2) A worker who is working in compressed air and who does not feel well for any reason shall report the fact as soon as practicable to the superintendent or a project physician. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 353 (2).
142.2 (1) A multi-point suspended work platform and all its components shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and with this section. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) A worker required to wear protective clothing or use personal protective equipment or devices shall be adequately instructed and trained in the care and use of the clothing, equipment or device before wearing or using it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 21 (3).
(2) The walls of an excavation cut in rock shall be supported by rock anchors or wire mesh if support is necessary to prevent the spalling of loose rock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 232 (2).
(b) the skip is protected by an overwind device to prevent the skip from being hoisted to the dump position. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 305.
142.3 (1) Before erecting or dismantling a multi-point suspended work platform, the constructor shall give notice, in person, by telephone, by fax or by electronic means, to the Ministry office located nearest the project. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1).
(3) A lock tender shall ensure that any worker who enters the air lock in preparation for working in compressed air has been examined by a physician in accordance with subsection (2). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 390 (3).
(3) No scaffold platform or other work platform shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 134 (3).
263. (1) At least one stretcher for each group of twenty-five or fewer workers who are underground shall be kept at every tunnel, shaft or cofferdam. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 263 (1).
(b) within a horizontal distance from each wall equal to the depth of the excavation measured away from the excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 227 (1).
(2) Every rescue worker shall be provided with a self-contained breathing apparatus that meets the requirements of subsection (5) and subsection (6), (7) or (8), as is appropriate to the length of the underground work place. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (2).
142.01 (1) A suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and the suspension lines of the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair shall be attached to a fixed support in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
96. (1) No worker shall operate a vehicle or powered machine, tool or equipment at a project unless he or she is competent to do so. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 26; O. Reg. 345/15, s. 15 (1).
(2) In the case of a work platform designed before January 1, 2017, an engineer shall prepare a report that confirms that the structural integrity of the work platform is at least equal to the structural integrity of a work platform designed in accordance with sections 137 and 137.1. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) ensure that the signaller has received adequate oral training in his or her duties and has received adequate oral and written instructions in a language that he or she understands; and
Trailer lights bluetoothnot working
(4) The person carrying out an inspection shall state in writing whether the scaffold is erected in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 130 (4).
236. (1) Every prefabricated, hydraulic or engineered support system shall be designed by an engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 236 (1); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(7) For use in an underground work place that is 100 metres or more but less than 150 metres long, the minimum rated duration of use for a self-contained breathing apparatus shall be one hour. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (7).
(2) Each of the pipes shall have a valve installed in the vicinity of the compressors to enable one pipe to be disconnected while another pipe remains in service at the work chamber or air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 368 (2).
(e) includes, if required under subsection (4), the quality assurance report described in clause (4) (c). O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the noxious gas or fume is discharged outside the shaft in such a way that its return to the shaft is prevented. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 331 (2).
(i) confirms that every critical weld and every structural component referred to in subsection 139.1 (2) is correctly manufactured and has no defects, and
(a) create a document that identifies the workers engaged in the multi-tiered load hoisting operation by name and job title and states their respective duties;
(9) Subsection (8) does not apply if the work consists only of diagnostic testing of the equipment, installation or conductors. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(2) Electric light bulbs used in an air lock shall be enclosed in a glass and metal protective screen cover. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 347 (2).
(3) An emergency electrical lighting system shall be tested at intervals that are at least as frequent as recommended by the manufacturer and that are adequate to ensure that it will function in an emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 349 (3).
(3) The signaller shall communicate with the operator by means of a telecommunication system or, where visual signals are clearly visible to the operator, by means of prearranged visual signals. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 106 (3).
(d) shall have all fittings and gear, including base plates or wheels, installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
(v) manufacturers’ instructions for assembling, installing and disassembling suspended work platform systems or boatswain’s chairs,
(3) The constructor shall complete an approved notification form and file it at the Ministry office located nearest to the project or submit it electronically on a website of the government of Ontario. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 4; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 3.
(5) A fuel-fired heating device that generates noxious products of combustion shall discharge the products of combustion outside the building or structure in which it is located. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 49 (5).
(2) A haulage locomotive shall be designed so that power for its driving mechanism is cut off unless the control regulating the power is continuously operated by a worker at the driver’s station. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 310 (2).
278. (1) Every shaft shall be large enough that its walls can be adequately shored and shall have enough clear space for work to be done. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 278 (1).
(3) A superintendent at a project shall ensure that at least one competent worker in addition to the lock tender is available in an emergency to perform the duties of the lock tender while a worker is working in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 337 (3).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a bucket or a skip operated in accordance with sections 303 and 305. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 301 (2).
(a) the exhaust gases and fumes from the engine are adequately discharged directly outside the excavation, building or other enclosed structure to a point sufficiently remote to prevent the return of the gases and fumes; or
5. (1) Before beginning work at a project, each constructor and employer engaged in construction shall complete an approved registration form. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 3.
(3) In addition to the loads specified in subsection (2), a multi-point suspended work platform shall be able to support or resist,
371. (1) Separate valves controlling the air supply to and discharge from an air lock shall be provided inside and outside the lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 371 (1).
(a) work for more than two working periods in any consecutive twenty-four hour period where the maximum air pressure is not greater than 100 kilopascals; or
(7) Subject to subsection (8), in designing a multi-point suspended work platform and its structural members, the following values of load factors, as described in the applicable provisions of the Building Code related to Limit States Design, shall be applied to the load requirements referred to in subsections (2) to (6):
(4) A luffing boom crane, other than a tower crane, shall have affixed to it a boom angle indicator that the operator can read while at the controls. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 151 (4).
(2) Separate toilet facilities shall be provided for male and female workers, unless the facilities are intended to be used by only one worker at a time. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(4) The employer shall keep at the project, and make available to an inspector on request, the site-specific work plan. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(d) shall show evidence of waviness, strand extrusion, wire extrusion, kinks, tightened loops, crushing, bird-caging, bends or other damage resulting in distortion of the rope structure;
(4) The constructor shall send to a Director before construction of an air lock begins a copy of the design drawings for the air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 365 (4); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 40; O. Reg. 85/04, s. 24.
361. (1) The energy required to furnish compressed air to a work chamber or an air lock shall be readily available at a project from at least two independent sources. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 361 (1).
(a) if an engineer prepares a specification showing the location of the drill hole and the adjacent hole and describing the precautions to be taken to prevent the accidental detonation by the drilling operation of the explosives in the adjacent hole; and
(b) the suspended work platform is designed, assembled and maintained such that the failure of one means of suspension will not result in the complete or partial collapse of the suspended work platform. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
282. (1) An adequate barrier that is at least 1.1 metres high shall be provided around the top of an uncovered shaft. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 282 (1).
(12) The employer shall ensure that every worker involved with the hoisting operation receives adequate instructions about the requirements, restrictions and hazards associated with the hoisting operation. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(5) A tower crane mounted on a travelling base using a travelling undercarriage shall be locked in position on the rails when not in use. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(6) The voice communication circuits used in a telephone system shall be independent from the circuits used to signal from one telephone to another. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 270 (6).
(3) Pipes, conduits and cables for gas, electrical and other services in an excavation shall be supported to prevent their failure or breakage. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 6.
(5) A component of a fixed support that may be subject to overturning shall be designed and constructed to support at least four times its allowable suspended load or force. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
26.3 (1) Despite paragraph 1 of section 26, a guardrail system that meets the requirements of this section shall be used if a worker has access to the perimeter or an open side of any of the following work surfaces and may be exposed to a fall of 2.4 metres or more:
348. An auxiliary source of supply of electricity that is not a portable emergency source of supply shall be provided for the lighting system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 348.
(2) The control valve of a storage cylinder for compressed gas, other than a cylinder connected to a regulator, supply line or hose, shall be covered by a protective cap that is secured in its proper position. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 42 (2).
(6) Before a worker begins work that includes an activity described in subsection (3), the employer shall provide a copy of the written measures and procedures to the worker and explain them to him or her. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(d) shall have a brake on the hoisting machine that automatically stops and holds the conveyance if the hoist fails or the power to the hoist is interrupted. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 300 (3); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 33; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) Drinking water shall be supplied from a piping system or from a clean, covered container with a drain faucet. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 28 (2).
(b) confirms that the suspended work platform’s design and configuration have been tested to and meet the performance requirements set out in sections 7 to 11 of the ANSI/UL 1322-2004 Standard, “Fabricated Scaffold Planks and Stages”, for the rated platform capacity and worst-case configurations;
205. (1) If cartridges of explosives are to be used in a drill hole, the hole shall be made large enough that a cartridge can be inserted easily to the bottom of the hole. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 205 (1).
(6) The owner of a crane or similar hoisting device shall retain the owner’s crane log and make a copy of it available to the constructor, employer and any persons designated by the constructor or the employer, on request. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
266. (1) This section applies if, on a project, there is a tunnel and shaft whose combined length exceeds forty-five metres. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 266 (1).
3. It is not reasonably possible to protect the worker adequately by means of a fall protection method as subsection 26.1 (2) requires. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 3 (1).
354. A worker who is absent for a period of ten or more days from working in compressed air shall not resume work in compressed air until a project physician indicates on the form described in clause 352 (1) (b) that the worker is physically fit to resume work in compressed air. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 354; O. Reg. 64/18, s. 4.
(4) An explosive actuated fastening tool that is designed to require dismantling into separate parts for loading shall be inoperable unless the separate parts are locked together. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 31.
65. If work on a project may endanger a person using a public way, a sturdy fence at least 1.8 metres in height shall be constructed between the public way and the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 65.
179. (1) If a worker may be endangered by the rotation or uncontrolled motion of a load being hoisted by a crane or other hoisting device, one or more guide ropes or tag lines shall be used to prevent the rotation or uncontrolled motion. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 179 (1); O. Reg. 241/23, s. 25.
26.2 (1) An employer shall ensure that a worker who may use a fall protection system is adequately trained in its use and given adequate oral and written instructions by a competent person. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 13.
(4) If tubular metal frames are used to support masonry units on a scaffold platform, each frame leg shall have a minimum working load of,
(d) the pressure and temperature in the air lock before and after each compression or decompression to which the worker is subjected; and
(3) Formwork and falsework shall, before the placement of concrete, be inspected by an engineer or by a competent worker designated in writing by the engineer. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 89 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(c) shall have a diameter which is not less than 100 millimetres less than the diameter of the excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 247 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 27 (2).
(f) be capable, along with its attachment components, of supporting at least 10 times the maximum load to which it may be subjected; and
(a) shall extend sixty centimetres above ground level and to a point that is 1.2 metres or closer to the point in the well or caisson where work is being done;
(e) a description of any unusual occurrence respecting the worker, the air lock or any related matter. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 394 (3).
69. (1) This section applies with respect to directing vehicular traffic that may be a hazard to workers on a public way. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 23.
(iii) selecting, putting on, using and inspecting personal protective equipment, and its components, that the worker is required to wear,
(d) have adequate legible instructions, provided by the manufacturer or an engineer, for the use of the counterweights affixed to the outrigger beam. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(2) A multi-point suspended work platform shall be designed to support, in addition to its dead load, live loads uniformly distributed over the platform surface of at least,
4. Paragraph 3 does not apply to a support that is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and is adequate to protect a worker.
(b) if a project consists of or includes a tunnel, at each panel board for electricity, on each electric-powered locomotive and at each battery charging station; and
(b) if the employer, owner or constructor gives written notice of the varied procedure, composition, design, size or arrangement to the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative, if any, for the work place. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 3.
(2) The project physician shall conduct such medical examinations of workers as in his or her opinion are necessary and shall establish a medical treatment program for the workers. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 351 (2).
(3) A worker shall carry the worker’s written proof of training while operating a crane or other hoisting device. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 6 (3).
131. Only a competent worker shall supervise the erection, alteration and dismantling of a scaffold. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 131.
(3) A fitting described in clause (2) (b) shall be such that a fire hose of the local fire department can be connected to it. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 345 (3).
(6) A worker who is required to set up or remove measures described in subsection (2) on a roadway or a shoulder of a roadway,
(3) Overload limit devices for a tower crane shall be tested using test blocks designed for the purpose that have their weight clearly marked on them. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 161 (3).
(2) The constructor shall keep the design drawings on the project while the formwork, falsework or re-shoring is in use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 92 (2).
(b) transferred to the owner for addition to the owner’s crane log after the crane has been dismantled or removed from the project. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 8.
(6) Before the platform is used, a competent worker shall inspect it and verify in writing that it has been constructed in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(2) The constructor shall ensure that an engineer prepares, using any structural drawings provided by the owner under subsection (1), design drawings and written procedures that indicate the manner in which the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair and lifelines, if any, must be supported from the building or structure during the relevant project. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) The guardrail system or protective covering required under subsection (1) or (2) may be removed temporarily to perform work in or around the opening if a worker is adequately protected and signs are posted in accordance with subsections 44 (1) and (2). O. Reg. 145/00, s. 14.
(a) it is not reasonably possible to disconnect the equipment, installation or conductor from the power supply before working on or near the energized exposed parts;
Best wirelesstrailer lights
(5) The red lights referred to in subsection (3) shall be continuously flashed off and on during a hoisting operation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 288 (5).
(2) A sling or similar device made of web-type fabric or nylon shall be labelled to indicate its load rating capacity. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 172 (2).
(2) Subject to subsection (3), decompression shall be done in accordance with Table A.1 and Table A.2 as set out in the CSA Standard Z275.3-09 (R2014): Occupational Safety Code for Work in Compressed Air Environments. O. Reg. 64/18, s. 5 (1).
(2) If a functional test performed under subsection (1) reveals defects or hazardous conditions, the work platform or powered boatswain’s chair shall not be used until the defects or hazardous conditions have been corrected or removed. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) No worker shall be in an area where piles or sheet-piling are being hoisted, placed, removed or withdrawn unless the worker is directly engaged in the operation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 180 (2).
(7) If the project is the construction of a building, the facility shall be located not more than 9 metres, measured vertically, from the level at which work is being performed, in addition to meeting the requirement set out in subsection (4). O. Reg. 142/17, s. 6.
(a) the crane load restrictions, reductions or modifications resulting from the effect of the cabin weight and its offset from the boom centreline;
(b) whose certification described in clause (a) is valid at the time the test is carried out and interpreted. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 1 (2).
(b) safeguards appropriate in the circumstances shall be provided to prevent injury to a worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 212 (1).
(a) consist of adequate oral and written instruction for using a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair, including instruction on,
(6) The distance between any two adjacent posts of the guardrail system may be greater than 2.4 metres only if the system is capable of resisting the loads specified in subsection (5) increased in proportion to the greater distance between the posts. O. Reg. 443/09, s. 2 (2).
(4) No drill hole that is charged with explosives shall be left unfired for any longer than is required in a continuing operation to complete the charging and blasting of adjacent holes. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 205 (4).
318. (1) No vehicle or conveyance being used to transport explosives or blasting agents shall carry any other cargo or any person other than the vehicle operator. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 318 (1).
(b) designed and arranged in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and so that a worker’s free fall distance does not exceed 0.6 metres. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 6.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the walls of a shaft that is less than 1.2 metres deep or is cut in sound rock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 279 (2).
(2) A fixed support shall be designed and constructed to support all loads to which it may be subjected. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(2) The supplier of or employer who owns a suspended work platform system shall ensure that each of the following structural components of every work platform is marked with a unique identifier:
(5) The constructor shall keep a copy of design drawings for the shoring and bracing at the project while the shoring and bracing are in use. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 280 (5).
(3) An engineer or a competent worker designated by the supervisor of the project shall inspect the scaffold before it is used to ensure that it is erected in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 130 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
“boom” means the projecting part of a backhoe, shovel, crane or similar lifting device from which a load is likely to be supported; (“flèche”)
(b) the fixed support has been inspected and tested by an engineer in accordance with clause 11.3.3 (Anchorage connectors) of CSA Standard Z271-10 and the engineer has determined the fixed support to be adequate to support a suspended work platform, boatswain’s chair or lifeline. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) shall be connected to the electrical supply so that in the event of the failure of the electrical supply, the system will automatically turn on;
(h) that is not a trench and is not made in Type 4 soil and with respect to which an engineer has given a written opinion that the walls of the excavation are sufficiently stable that no worker will be endangered if no support system is used. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 234 (2); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 26; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) shall be placed against the wales in such a way that the load from the wales is applied axially to the trench-jack or trench-brace; and
(2) An area where electric welding is carried on shall be kept free of electrode stubs and metal scrap. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 124 (2).
(4) Before any use of a fall arrest system or a safety net by a worker at a project, the worker’s employer shall develop written procedures for rescuing the worker after his or her fall has been arrested. O. Reg. 145/00, s. 12.
(2) The barrier shall consist of portable weighted posts supporting a taut chain, cable or rope that is located 1.1 metres above the roof level. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 207 (2).
(a) have completed a training program that meets the requirements of section 156.9 and have written proof of training available at the project to an inspector upon request; or
(2) One of the following precautions shall be used to prevent a worker from falling through an opening on a work surface:
345. (1) A standpipe connected to a source of water or connected to other pipes above ground shall be installed in every air lock and work chamber at a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 345 (1).
(2) The wet clothes of workers employed underground shall be dried using sanitary means in a change room on the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 260 (2).
(2) No guide rope or tag line shall be removed from a load referred to in subsection (1) until the load is landed and there is no danger of it tipping, collapsing or rolling. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 179 (2).
(b) has completed a training program that meets the requirements of section 156.9, or is participating in a training program that meets such requirements and is being instructed on the operation of the drill rig;
(8) In the case of an inspection under subclause 6 (a) (ii), the engineer shall provide a written report of the inspection indicating whether the installed suspended work platform system complies with the drawing and approved deviations. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(3) The work platform or powered boatswain’s chair shall not be raised more than 30 centimetres during the functional test unless it has a hoisting device equipped with a remote operating device. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(3) A portable ladder or ladder section shall not be tied or fastened to another ladder or ladder section to increase its length unless the manufacturer’s instructions allow for this. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
(5) The constructor shall keep at a project a copy of the design drawings for an air lock while the air lock is at the project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 365 (5).
(a) unless otherwise specified by the engineer in the written report required under subsection (11), before and after each climbing operation of the crane, to ensure the shoring and bracing components and tie-ins have been installed in accordance with the design drawings; and
(3) Sewered toilet facilities or non-sewered flush toilet facilities shall be provided at a project, subject to subsection (4). O. Reg. 145/00, s. 15.
(3) If practicable, a worker who is receiving a load or is engaged in sinking a shaft shall be positioned so that no load or part of a load carried by a crane or similar hoisting device passes over the worker. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 103 (3).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a partial bulkhead in a sub-aqueous tunnel if the bulkhead is designed and placed to trap air so that workers can escape from the tunnel if it is flooded. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 382 (2).
(b) shall have a label stating the use for which the container is approved and the name of the testing laboratory which gave the approval required by clause (a). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 43 (3).
(2) No cylinder of compressed gas used in welding and cutting shall be dropped, hoisted by slings or magnets or transported or stored in a horizontal position. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 122 (2).
(4) A competent person shall supervise the removal of a support system for the walls of an excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 239 (4).
(2) Signs indicating the specified live loads shall be posted in conspicuous places on the multi-point suspended work platform. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 13.
(b) be participating in a training program that meets the requirements of section 156.9 and is being instructed on the operation of the drill rig. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(a) consists of a shell and suspension that is adequate to protect a person’s head against impact and against flying or falling small objects; and
“travel restraint system” means an assembly of components capable of restricting a worker’s movement on a work surface and preventing the worker from reaching a location from which he or she could fall; (“limiteur de déplacement”)
(b) if the drilling is done as described in the specification referred to in clause (a). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 204 (3); O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
349. (1) An emergency electrical lighting system shall be provided and maintained in each air lock and work chamber. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 349 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 37.
147. (1) A worker who operates an elevating work platform shall, before using it for the first time, be given oral and written instruction on the operation and be trained to operate that class of elevating work platform. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 147 (1).
(5) An engineer shall sign the design drawings for the foundation, shoring and bracing for a tower crane upon approving them. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 12.
“self-erecting tower crane” means a tower crane that is capable of being erected without the use of ancillary equipment; (“grue à tour à montage autonome”)
156.7 (1) No worker shall operate a rotary foundation drill rig except in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
275. All electrical pumps and electrical tools shall be either adequately grounded or double-insulated. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 275.
215. (1) Sections 216, 217, 218 and 220 do not apply with respect to a building or structure that is being demolished by,
“platform ladder” means a self-supporting portable ladder that is not adjustable in length, where the highest standing level is a platform; (“escabeau à plateforme”)
“engineered support system” means an excavation or trench shoring system, designed for a specific project or location, assembled in place and which cannot be moved as a unit; (“système de soutien calculé”)
(a) to meet the requirements of the applicable National Standards of Canada standard, set out in the Table to subsection (6); and
(g) the proposed location and attachment method provide a structural and mechanical safety factor equal to or greater than that of a cabin located on the crane mast or attached to the slewing ring. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 163 (2).
(g.1) the work is the construction, over frozen water, slush or wetlands, of an ice road for vehicles, machinery or equipment; or
(b) with a sole or insole that is adequate to protect the wearer’s feet against injury due to puncture and is capable of resisting a penetration load of 1.2 kilonewtons when tested with a Deutsche Industrie Norm standard pin. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 23 (2); O. Reg. 345/15, s. 3.
(8) The constructor and employer responsible for the drilling operation shall keep at the project a copy of all reports described in this section and make them available to an inspector upon request until the drilling operation is completed. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 19.
(ii) if the installation at the new location was in accordance with the site-specific installation drawing and a deviation from it was approved by an engineer, by an engineer; and
(2) No internal combustion engine shall be operated in an excavation or in a building or other enclosed structure unless there is an adequate supply of air for combustion and,
141.5 (1) Before a suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair is put into service for the first time on a project, the employer shall ensure that a competent person,
“site-specific installation drawing” means a drawing and related documentation, if any, that identifies components, configurations and load limitations of a suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair for use at a specific site; (“dessin d’installation propre au site”)
90. Re-shoring shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with good engineering practice and be erected in accordance with the design drawings. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 90; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
394. (1) A lock tender shall record information about the compression and decompression of a worker in an air lock. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 394 (1).
(4) If any defect is found as a result of the testing conducted under subsection (3), an engineer shall review the interpretation of the test results to determine,
(2) The stability of a wall of an excavation shall be maintained where it may be affected by stockpiling excavated soil or rock or construction materials. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 233 (2).
(5) A competent person shall perform tests and observations necessary for the detection of hazardous conditions on a project. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 14 (5).
241. (1) A support system for the walls of an excavation shall extend at least 0.3 metres above the top of the excavation unless otherwise permitted or required by this section. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 241 (1).
(e) the means of access to the cabin or other locations on the boom is by a catwalk constructed of skid resistant expanded metal or similar material and fitted with solidly constructed guardrails and devices which provide fall protection for the operator;
(b) prompt direct telephone communication is possible with the police or fire department or ambulance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 269 (3).
(3) No support system for the walls of an excavation shall be removed until immediately before the excavation is backfilled. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 239 (3).
187. Tools, ladders, scaffolding and other equipment or materials capable of conducting electricity shall not be stored or used so close to energized electrical equipment, installations or conductors that they can make electrical contact. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
150. (1) Subject to subsection (2), no worker shall operate a crane or similar hoisting device unless the worker holds a certificate of qualification or a provisional certificate of qualification issued under the Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021, that is not suspended, or the worker is an apprentice and is working pursuant to a training agreement registered under that Act, that is not suspended, in the trade of,
313. (1) Track for haulage equipment shall be securely fastened to the ties on which it is laid. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 313 (1).
(a) shall be constructed to prevent spilling over when rubbish, debris and other materials are being deposited into the chute;
(2) No hoist operator shall converse with another person while the hoist is in motion or signals are being given. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 293 (2).
(3) If an excavation contains more than one type of soil, the soil shall be classified as the type with the highest number as described in section 226 among the types present. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 227 (3).
(2) No person other than the operator shall ride on a vehicle unless a seat is provided for the use of, and is used by, the person. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 97 (2).
Trailer lights bluetoothnearby
(8) If stilts are used in a work area for which sections 26.1 and 26.3 require a guardrail system, the guardrail system shall be modified by adding,
141.1 (1) Every fixed support shall be designed by an engineer in accordance with the requirements of this section. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 5.
(a) the failure of one means of support or suspension will not cause any part of the platform to collapse or fail, under the most adverse loading condition as determined by the engineer who designs the multi-point suspended work platform; and¶
(c) the value of the wind load factor shall be 2.0. O. Reg. 85/04, s. 15; O. Reg. 242/16, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 142/17, s. 19 (3).
(2) A worker appointed under subsection (1) shall control and direct the movement of materials to and from a conveyance. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 297 (2).
(a) a casing below ground or water level whether or not it is designed to contain air at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure,
(2) A worker who does not meet the requirements of clause (1) (a) or (b) may insert an attachment plug cap on the cord of electrical equipment or an electrical tool into, or remove it from, a convenience receptacle. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 4.
(b) its brakes shall be set or other measures, such as blocking, shall be taken to prevent its moving. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 309.
3. On the front, the stripes shall be arranged vertically and centred and shall be approximately 225 millimetres apart, measured from the centre of each stripe. On the back, they shall be arranged in a diagonal “X” pattern.
(a) the minimum inside dimension of the shaft, measured between the wales or other wall supports, shall be 2.4 metres for a cylindrical shaft and 1.5 metres for a shaft that is not cylindrical; and
(5) A telephone system shall be installed in such a way that a conversation can be carried on between any two telephones in the system. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 270 (5).
(6) A tower crane mounted on a travelling base using a travelling undercarriage shall have rail stops or bumpers that extend at least as high as the centre of the undercarriage wheels and that are securely attached to the rail at both ends. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 21.
(a) measures and procedures to protect the health and safety of workers using the suspended work platform system or boatswain’s chair;
(4) A suspended work platform system shall not be put into service unless the engineer’s report indicates it has been installed in accordance with the drawing. O. Reg. 64/18, s. 1; O. Reg. 375/22, s. 4.
(4) A gate required by subsection (2) shall be kept closed unless a conveyance is stopped at the landing. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 288 (4).
(a) identifies components, configurations and load limitations of a suspended work platform system or powered boatswain’s chair,
(e) state the name of the supervisor in charge of the work and the supervisor’s mailing address, address for service and telephone number;
(14) The constructor shall keep all design drawings, test reports, written statements and certification documents required under this section with the crane at all times during the hoisting operation. O. Reg. 631/94, s. 4.
(8) A competent worker, designated as a signaller, shall be stationed so that he or she is in full view of the operator and has a clear view of the electrical conductor and of the vehicle or equipment, and shall warn the operator each time any part of the vehicle or equipment or its load may approach the minimum distance. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(2) The cause of a ground fault or the tripping of a ground fault circuit interrupter shall be immediately investigated to determine the hazard and corrective action shall be taken immediately. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
“highway” means a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles; (“voie publique”)
(7) If any defect is found as a result of the testing conducted under subsection (6), subsections (4) to (6) apply, with necessary modifications. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11; O. Reg. 142/17, s. 17 (2).
(c) while it is being repaired or serviced, unless the repair or servicing requires that it be operated. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 93 (2); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 25 (1).
(c) the work is the demolition of a building at least four metres high with a floor area of at least thirty square metres;
(3) No person shall operate a vehicle or other machine and no vehicle or other machine shall be located in such a way as to affect the stability of a wall of an excavation. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 233 (3).
(2) The soil in which an excavation is made shall be classified as the type described in section 226 that the soil most closely resembles. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 227 (2).
(c) shall be tested at least as frequently as is recommended by its manufacturer to ensure that the system will function in an emergency. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 276 (4).
(4) The constructor shall take precautions against hazards caused by helicopter rotor downwash. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 167 (4).
(2) No object shall be brought closer to an energized overhead electrical conductor with a nominal phase-to-phase voltage rating set out in Column 1 of the Table to this subsection than the distance specified opposite to it in Column 2.
36. If a formwork tie, reinforcing steel, a nail or another object protruding from concrete or another surface may endanger a worker, the protrusion shall be removed, cut off at the surface or otherwise protected as soon as practicable. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 36.
(2) No materials in a masonry wall of a building or structure being demolished or dismantled shall be loosened or permitted to fall in masses that are likely to endanger,
(4) A hoist operator shall operate a hoist in accordance with the notice posted under subsection (2). O. Reg. 213/91, s. 294 (4).
(b) a plate with the crane model and serial number or other traceable method that can be used in conjunction with crane-specific load charts that the operator can read while at the controls of the crane while it is in use. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 7 (3).
(b) in all other cases, the tool shall be plugged into a receptacle protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter of the Class A type. O. Reg. 627/05, s. 7.
(2) No formwork, falsework or re-shoring shall be loaded in excess of the load that it is designed and constructed to bear. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 87 (2).
(f) all circuits, interlocks, and sequences of operation are operating in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications;
(b) shall be inspected each day before use, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions by a worker trained in accordance with section 147. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 144 (3).
13. (1) A constructor shall post in a conspicuous place at a project and keep posted while work is done at the project a notice setting out,
(4) Despite subsection (3), wire rope terminations installed onto the wire rope used on a tower crane that is in service on the date section 24 of Ontario Regulation 241/23 comes into force shall be proof tested before the wire rope is put into subsequent service. O. Reg. 241/23, s. 24.
(b) shall extend the full width of the opening and from 50 millimetres or less from the floor of the cage or car to a height of at least 1.8 metres; and
317. Before blasting begins in a shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam that is located within the greater of 4.5 metres and twice the length of the longest drill rod used away from another shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam, the worker in charge of the blasting operations shall determine whether work in the adjacent shaft, tunnel, caisson or cofferdam can safely continue during blasting operations. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 317.
(2) Every worker on a suspended work platform or boatswain’s chair shall have an effective means of summoning assistance in case of emergency. O. Reg. 242/16, s. 11.
(b) shall not allow pole slippage in excess of the distances set out in the applicable National Standards of Canada standard referred to in subsection 26.1 (3). O. Reg. 85/04, s. 6.
115. No barrel, box or other loose object shall be used as a work place or as a support for a ladder, scaffold or work platform. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 115.
(b) designate and design a path of travel for the drill rig to use on the project to ensure the path of travel safely supports the drill rig; and
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a building or structure if the work being done is enclosed. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 64 (2).
(a) subject to subsection (6), shall contain six randomly-distributed wires that are broken in one rope lay or three or more wires that are broken in one strand in a rope lay;
(3) Rescue workers shall be trained by a competent person appointed by a Director. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 265 (3); O. Reg. 145/00, s. 34 (1).
(2) The two sources of energy shall be arranged so that, should the principal energy source fail, an auxiliary source automatically energizes the compressor. O. Reg. 213/91, s. 361 (2).